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Aerosol_cci ECV. Aerosol_cci > Thomas Holzer-Popp > ESA Living Planet Symposium, Bergen, 1 July 2010 slide 2 Major improvements over precursor AOD datasets.

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Presentation on theme: "Aerosol_cci ECV. Aerosol_cci > Thomas Holzer-Popp > ESA Living Planet Symposium, Bergen, 1 July 2010 slide 2 Major improvements over precursor AOD datasets."— Presentation transcript:

1 Aerosol_cci ECV

2 Aerosol_cci > Thomas Holzer-Popp > ESA Living Planet Symposium, Bergen, 1 July 2010 slide 2 Major improvements over precursor AOD datasets Regional scoring differences between both versions (scoring grows with increased spatial + temporal correlations and decreased bias; based on daily data) Precursor dataset 2008 Aerosol Optical Depth maps Aerosol_cci final dataset

3 Aerosol_cci > Thomas Holzer-Popp > ESA Living Planet Symposium, Bergen, 1 July 2010 slide 3 First ever high level AOD time series from AATSR ENVISAT-AATSR (CCI) Terra-MODIS (NASA) equivalent evaluation no significant global trend (agrees with other datasets) (~150 stations)

4 Aerosol_cci > Thomas Holzer-Popp > ESA Living Planet Symposium, Bergen, 1 July 2010 slide 4 Stability: RMS

5 Aerosol_cci > Thomas Holzer-Popp > ESA Living Planet Symposium, Bergen, 1 July 2010 slide 5 Pixel level uncertainties

6 Aerosol_cci > Thomas Holzer-Popp > ESA Living Planet Symposium, Bergen, 1 July 2010 slide 6 12,4 % 21,1 % 0,5 % 66,0 % Cloud mask consistency Aerosol_cci / Cloud_cci 5 selected days Sep 2008 – safety zone included by Aerosol_cci

7 Aerosol_cci > Thomas Holzer-Popp > ESA Living Planet Symposium, Bergen, 1 July 2010 slide 7 Science-driven system

8 Aerosol_cci > Thomas Holzer-Popp > ESA Living Planet Symposium, Bergen, 1 July 2010 slide 8 A test to assimilate Aerosol CCI products into the ECMWF IFS model was already conducted; 1 month No assim R=0.623 AATSR assim Only R=0.741 Modis assim Only R=0.755 AATSR & MODIS assim Both bias corrected R=0.769 MACC-II assimilation test

9 Aerosol_cci > Thomas Holzer-Popp > ESA Living Planet Symposium, Bergen, 1 July 2010 slide 9 Significant algorithm improvement towards GCOS requirements Aerosol optical depth (AATSR; over ocean also: MERIS) AOD uncertainty improved from 0.18 (GlobAerosol) to 0.09 Stratospheric extinction (GOMOS) Extinction uncertainty improved from 25% (AERGOM) to 10-25% Several pathfinder products demonstrated for phase 2 AATSR time series 7/2002 – 4/2012 consistent with AERONET Improved product content and auxiliary information Individual pixel-level uncertainties in products Consistency with Cloud_cci Model simulator for absorbing aerosol index International Satellite Aerosol Science Network initiated Major improvements

10 Aerosol_cci > Thomas Holzer-Popp > ESA Living Planet Symposium, Bergen, 1 July 2010 slide 10 User assessment phase 1 achievements basic algorithm development (for AOD & Angstrom) review a-priori assumptions aerosol type (help from global modeling) surface albedo cloud-screening round robin among competing teams long-term processing with best ATSR retrieval supplementary products stratospheric aerosol (minor contribution, less variable) aerosol absorbing index (only qualitative)

11 Aerosol_cci > Thomas Holzer-Popp > ESA Living Planet Symposium, Bergen, 1 July 2010 slide 11 ATSR vs MODIS … ATSR has still catching up to MODIS overall score bias sub-score spatial sub-score temp. sub-score

12 Aerosol_cci > Thomas Holzer-Popp > ESA Living Planet Symposium, Bergen, 1 July 2010 slide 12 … but does not even get close to MODIS overall score bias sub-score spatial sub-score temp. sub-score AOD > 0.2 ATSR vs MODIS

13 Aerosol_cci > Thomas Holzer-Popp > ESA Living Planet Symposium, Bergen, 1 July 2010 slide 13 major advancements in the first three years in improving ATSR aerosol retrievals of AOD significant improvements were achieved in terms of bias, spatial correlation and temporal correlation … yielding in a better overall score the most recent ATSR retrieval version has still to catch up to MODIS in most regions / high AOD pixel uncertainty detail (CCI aerosol requirem.) is unique … but still needs refinement aside from accuracy also spatial coverage matters... with MERIS more competitive here. total AOD is not enough separate AOD in coarse and fine-mode contribution quantitative info on absorption (AAOD) would be nice produce long-term data records for all products User assessment summary

14 Aerosol_cci > Thomas Holzer-Popp > ESA Living Planet Symposium, Bergen, 1 July 2010 slide 14 Phase 1 products 1985 19952005 2015 tropospheric -AOD (amount) -Angstrom (size) … with local errors stratospheric -extinction/AOD -effective radius -absorbing aerosol index (qualitative) 2008 ATSR-2 SU 3* MERIS AATSR SU GOMOS OMI 3* ATSR focus on the best ATSR product

15 Aerosol_cci > Thomas Holzer-Popp > ESA Living Planet Symposium, Bergen, 1 July 2010 slide 15 1985 19952005 2015 AOD Angstrom fine-mode AOD aerosol „type“ stratospheric ext (  AOD) absorbing aerosol index (use in case study) 2008 ATSR-2AATSR (3 algorithms) TOMS / GOME / SCIAMACHY / GOME-2 / OMI SCIAMACHY/AATSR GOMOS dust AOD IASI more reference AOD (3 selected. regions) POLDER Phase 2 plans

16 Aerosol_cci > Thomas Holzer-Popp > ESA Living Planet Symposium, Bergen, 1 July 2010 slide 16 Continued from P1 Extend Climate Research group (stratosphere, aerosol cloud interaction; data assimialtion through CMUG; GoeMIP indirect) Valdiation tools and concepts (add assessing stability and aerosol type) Round robin exercises where appropriate (IASI, several options) Consistency analysis (extended, with other ECV projects) Uncertainties (harmonized, with metrologists, new WG) WGs: clouds (extend with international inter-comparison exercise, surface, components

17 Aerosol_cci > Thomas Holzer-Popp > ESA Living Planet Symposium, Bergen, 1 July 2010 slide 17 New in P2 Long time series production Fill mission time series for all datasets Add IASI POLDER reference sites User case studies Sustainable but distributed system System engineering working group Common standards and tools (e.g. Versioning) Obs4MIPS More Sentinel perparation Joint aerosol-cloud retrieval

18 Aerosol_cci > Thomas Holzer-Popp > ESA Living Planet Symposium, Bergen, 1 July 2010 slide 18 New in P2: case studies AAI record for West-Africa (Tilstra et al., 2011). Red GOME-1, Brown SCIAMACHY blue GOME-2A EMAC moldel radiative forcing of stratospheric aerosol (Brühl et al., 2012/3 simulated regional aerosol direct radiative forcing (Kinne et al., 2013) Changes in liquid water path due to anthropogenic aerosol (ECHAM6- HAM2; Lohmann, et al. 2010)

19 Aerosol_cci > Thomas Holzer-Popp > ESA Living Planet Symposium, Bergen, 1 July 2010 slide 19 Consistency analysis

20 Aerosol_cci > Thomas Holzer-Popp > ESA Living Planet Symposium, Bergen, 1 July 2010 slide 20 WP plan

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