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Knowing ourselves, Knowing God - Judges 10:1-12:15.

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Presentation on theme: "Knowing ourselves, Knowing God - Judges 10:1-12:15."— Presentation transcript:

1 Knowing ourselves, Knowing God - Judges 10:1-12:15

2 1. Ourselves – the idols of our heart a. Culture stronger than faith -10:6-9 b. Idolatry enslaves Our hearts are idol factories Our hearts captured for Jesus – Rom.12:2 2 Cor.10:4,5; Col.3:1-4

3 2. The God we need a. God of justice – 10:7,8 b. God of relationship – 10:11-14 - true repentance is needed – 10:15,16 c. God of incredible compassion -10:16 Cf. Is.63:7-9; Hos.11:8,9 d. God who saves 1. A surprising/unsurprising saviour

4 1.Surprising/unsurprising saviour - 11:1-3 Jephthah Jesus 1. Parentage-scandal v.1 John 8:41 2. Rejection-family/leaders John7:5:8:48 3. Leads outsiders –v.3 Disciples 4. Perfectly prepared Heb.2:14-18; 4:15; 5:8,9

5 2. Flawed saviour Jesus was perfect – 1Pet.3:22,23; Jephthah had a dark/sad, flawed side:- a. Thinking – 11:30-40 - value of human life - religious belief - earning God’s favour b. Behaviour – contrast dealing with outsiders & dealing with God’s people – 11:12-27; 12:1-6 cf.1 Cor.3:16,17

6 3. Lessons from Judges a. God is the real Saviour – “God can write straight with crooked pencils” b. Jesus is the Saviour who lives forever c. What are you learning about yourself? What are the idols of your heart? What influences you more? – Bible or Culture d. What do you trust in? - your achievements - God’s grace

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