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Published byJonas Robinson Modified over 9 years ago
Numbers 13:17-33
Girl, her dad & a diving board Often we stand in the same place. At the end of our line, looking into the great unknown, wanting to go forward, wanting to jump in faith, but fear grips and doubts cloud. And that is when we must trust God, the One who is worthy of our trust in every situation. Finally, she takes the leap of faith...
She learned to trust and to seize the opportunity that was before her. If she had never taken that leap off the board, she would’ve never learned how much fun it was. Likewise, God gives us open doors of opportunity, and we have to trust Him to walk through them. Have you noticed that God usually offers opportunities that are a little over our head? Why does He do that? So we will have to trust Him in order to make it.
Most of the time, we have to move out of our comfort zone in order to grow. When a mother eagle realizes it time for her eaglets to fly, she removes the soft lining of their nest. She replaces it with thorns and briars. We too have to be forced out of our comfort zone, so we can grow to the next level.
Before modern harbors, ships had to wait for the tide to come in before they could enter port. The Latin term for this is op portu. opportunity = op portu The captain and his crew waited for the right moment. Or, they had to wait until the next high tide. They had to be ready to seize the opportunity or they would miss it.
We as a church have been presented with a wonderful opportunity— Move our Sunday morning services to the American Mountain Theater. We have been waiting like a ship out in the harbor for the right moment. We’ve known for some time we needed a larger facility, but we didn’t know how it was going to happen.
I just knew God promised me when I came here: If you will go to Elkins, I will bless it and bless it significantly. And, the second word I received during our 21 day fast at the beginning of the year: Keep moving forward in faith. 3 different people with the same dream... Out of the mouth of 2 or 3 witnesses...
As we have been waiting, this opportunity presented itself, and we’re seizing it! We don’t want it to pass us. We may not have the luxury of waiting for another tide to roll in. Another way of saying this is like a surfer catching the big one. Both the surfer and the ship’s captain have to be alert and watching. When the right opportunity presents itself, seize it!
This is an important lesson we all have to learn. We must seize the opportunities. 1.Unfortunately, many are like a ship that sits out in the harbor waiting but too afraid of venture in. 2.Though not afraid, others foolishly push ahead to get to the port even though the timing is not right. –They may get there but with a lot of damage. 3.The wise have learned to patiently wait for the right time, and they successfully make it to port. Trusting God is not always easy, but it’s always the best and most fulfilling path to take.
Numbers 13:17-33 – Moses gave the men these instructions as he sent them out to explore the land: "Go north through the Negev into the hill country. 18 See what the land is like, and find out whether the people living there are strong or weak, few or many. 19 See what kind of land they live in. Is it good or bad? Do their towns have walls, or are they unprotected like open camps? 20 Is the soil fertile or poor? Are there many trees? Do your best to bring back samples of the crops you see." (It happened to be the season for harvesting the first ripe grapes.)
21 So they went up and explored the land from the wilderness of Zin as far as Rehob, near Lebo-hamath. 22 Going north, they passed through the Negev and arrived at Hebron, where Ahiman, Sheshai, and Talmai—all descendants of Anak [giants]—lived. (The ancient town of Hebron was founded seven years before the Egyptian city of Zoan.) In other words, they went from top to bottom, right to left exploring the Promised Land. Notice how many giants they saw. Just 3!
23 When they came to the valley of Eshcol, they cut down a branch with a single cluster of grapes so large that it took two of them to carry it on a pole between them! They also brought back samples of the pomegranates and figs. 24 That place was called the valley of Eshcol (which means "cluster"), because of the cluster of grapes the Israelite men cut there. Southern Oklahoma – town called Big Cedar. Must have been a big cedar tree there. This valley was called Big Grapes!
25 After exploring the land for forty days, the men returned 26 to Moses, Aaron, and the whole community of Israel at Kadesh in the wilderness of Paran. They reported to the whole community what they had seen and showed them the fruit they had taken from the land. After traveling throughout the Promised Land, the 12 spies returned with fruits & gave a report. Notice that they gave an accurate report, but their conclusions were incorrect.
27 This was their report to Moses: "We entered the land you sent us to explore, and it is indeed a bountiful country—a land flowing with milk and honey. Here is the kind of fruit it produces. They showed the huge grapes and the other fruit they had brought back. The people of Israel were awed! They even said that it truly was a land that flows with milk and honey. That doesn’t mean that milk and honey literally flowed in the fountains and in the streams.
Milk – the ground was so fertile and the grass so thick that it could easily sustain goats grazing from which they got their milk. Honey – the flowers were in abundance and the right trees were everywhere for bees to produce honey. In other words, it was an amazingly beautiful and fertile land just as the Lord had promised. God was telling the truth when He said it was a land that flows with milk and honey.
What a great opportunity God had made available to them. He had set them up with everything they needed for success! They had a fertile land, big cities, vineyards, pasture land and homes which they didn’t even build. And, just to boot, the land is beautiful! BUT... here comes the Big But...
28 But the people living there are powerful, and their towns are large and fortified. We even saw giants there, the descendants of Anak! 29 The Amalekites live in the Negev, and the Hittites, Jebusites, and Amorites live in the hill country. The Canaanites live along the coast of the Mediterranean Sea and along the Jordan Valley." Yikes! There are giants and the –ites in the land! 10 of the 12 spies were paralyzed with fear and did not see all the abundance through the eyes of faith.
Let’s consider what they said. 1.There are giants in the land! The idea is that everyone is a giant and powerful. How many giants did this passage mention? 3!! Just 3 giants! But, what did fear see? It saw powerful giants everywhere! Fear always magnifies the negative. If everyone was a giant, do you not think these 12 spies would have stood out like a sore thumb?
The 4 year olds would’ve been bigger. When they walked around, the people would have easily spotted them and said something like: Watch out! Here come the little people! They’re all spies! If there were only 3 giants don’t you think it would have been easy for the Israelites. 1,000’s Israeli soldiers vs. 3 giants. Just 50 diverting their attention in front & 50 shooting arrows from behind should’ve done it!
Only 3 giants? Faith sees this as a set-up for success and victory not defeat. It’s all in how you see it. Did they not remember all He had done for them up to this point? –Plagues of Egypt –Red Sea parts –Water from a Rock –Manna –Pillar of fire & cloud & etc.
2.The 10 said, The Amalekites, the Hittites, Jebusites, Amorites, Canaanites and the mosquito bites live there! Fear distorts reality. The fact that so many different people lived there was a plus and not a negative. If they had said something like, There were Jebusites in the hill country and Jebusites on the plains, Jebusites on the coast—the Jebusites are everywhere, then that would have been a problem.
Fight me and you’ll fight the whole trailer park! That’s the idea here. If they had all been Jebusites, then when Israel attacked one city, every other city in the land would have come to their aid. Fight one, you fight us all! But, since Canaan was filled with different peoples, and they hated each other and attacked and killed each other regularly, it was to Israel’s advantage. They were able to conquer each city without the concern of another one coming to their aid.
Here comes faith talking. Caleb gives an entirely different take on all this. 30 But Caleb tried to quiet the people as they stood before Moses. "Let's go at once to take the land," he said. "We can certainly conquer it!" Caleb didn’t see all the problems or obstacles. What did he see? He saw God everywhere! Fear sees giants; faith see God. David: If God be for me, who can be against me?
It was like Caleb was saying: Don’t you see it? It’s just as God said it would be! Let’s go up and take it! God has presented us with an incredible opportunity. Let’s seize it! Let’s roll! Faith is dynamic; never stagnate. It never makes excuses. It just acts, moves ahead and trusts God! Fear, on the other hand, paralyzes or immobilizes. It keeps you living in a wilderness for 40 years.
Meanwhile, back to fear: 31 But the other men who had explored the land with him disagreed. "We can't go up against them! They are stronger than we are!" 32 So they spread this bad [evil] report about the land among the Israelites: "The land we traveled through and explored will devour anyone who goes to live there. All the people we saw were huge. 33 We even saw giants there, the descendants of Anak. Next to them we felt like grasshoppers, and that's what they thought, too!"
The 10 saw the giants and obstacles and felt like grasshoppers in their eyes. But Caleb felt like a Giant in Faith! With God, we cannot fail! 3.The 3 rd Incorrect Observation: The land devours its inhabitants. Oral Tradition: the spies saw many funerals while they were there because of a plague. If we go in, we will all die of a plague or war.
Many have the incorrect idea that if God is in it, there will not be any problems. It will be smooth sailing. Let me be frank—that’s a lie from the devil. For example, you may be questioning your marriage. Since you don’t have a conflict-free marriage, you may feel that it was not of God. Nearly everything in life that is worth anything costs you something & comes as a result of hard work.
If you are the type who does not like conflict or stress, then you are going to miss many of the wonderful opportunities God offers you. The devil also lies: if you were where you were supposed to be, you wouldn’t have any problems. Problems are just an opportunity to learn and grow. It’s all in how you look at it: faith or fear.
Why was Caleb so willing to take this risk? Caleb believed they had a word from God to go up and take the land. That was enough for him. Years earlier God had Abraham walk the Land. He told Abe that this land was for him and his descendants. Caleb knew that God would give them that land. He didn’t know how, but he just knew that God would do it.
I don’t know how we are going to do it. How we’re going to build the new church building that will touch many lives for Jesus. I just have the word that God will bless this work significantly & that we’re to keep moving ahead in faith. I see the giants & the fortified cities ahead of us. But, looming large over them, I also see the all- powerful God who has given me a promise. And, He never breaks His promises.
You may be fearful of stepping out or believing God for something in your life. Get a promise from His Word & stand on it. That is the difference between Caleb and the 10 Negative Spies. David Daniel Shadrach, Meshach & Abednego Noah
The difference is the God Factor. They had a promise from God, so they were able to look fear in the face and move at the right time. Because they had God promise, they were willing to take the risks. Faith produces risk takers.
Unfortunately, the landscape of the Church is littered with people who reach the end of their days with regrets. They have regrets because of the missed opportunities. Don’t be one of them! Because Caleb & Joshua were men of faith, they were the only 2 from their generation who were able to enter the Promised Land and enjoy its fruits.
Conclusion The Cliff Have you ever felt like Jack? We often say that we want to know the will of God, but when we find out what it is, we can’t handle it. It sounds too scary or too difficult. We like it where we are and we look elsewhere. But, when we learn to trust God and let go, we find freedom and safety in His hands.
Let’s seize the opportunity before us! We need your help in order to take advantage of what God has given us!
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Numbers 13:17-33
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