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Introducing ILRI Standard slides 26 September 2012 Nairobi Kenya.

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1 Introducing ILRI Standard slides 26 September 2012 Nairobi Kenya

2 ILRI Mission and Strategy ILRI envisions... A world made better for poor people in developing countries by improving agricultural systems in which livestock are important. ILRI’s mission is... To work at the crossroads of livestock and poverty, bringing high-quality science and capacity-building to bear on poverty reduction and sustainable development for poor livestock keepers and their communities. ILRI works in partnerships and alliances with other organizations, national and international, in livestock research, training and information. ILRI works in all tropical developing regions of Africa and Asia. ILRI is a member of the CGIAR Consortium that conducts food and environmental research to help alleviate poverty and increase food security while protecting the natural resource base.

3 “ILRI is creating and integrating knowledge to enable diverse partners to find innovative solutions to make livestock a sustainable pathway out of poverty” ILRI’s Value Proposition

4 ILRI’s Programmatic Focus Biotechnology Theme Improves animal health through diagnostic tests and novel vaccines. Identifies livestock genes controlling useful traits. Develops genetic markers for delivering genes and breeds to farmers. Markets, Gender and Livelihoods Theme Provides options for smallholders to remain competitive and access livestock markets to meet consumer needs. Examines processes by which ILRI's research outputs lead to development outcomes that benefit the poor. Hosts a regional information and knowledge management program that supports agricultural development in Africa. Mainstreams gender in ILRI research to promote gender equality and equity in programs and projects. People, Livestock and the Environment Theme Develops climate change adaptation and mitigation strategies. Develops efficient livestock feeding systems that both increase productivity and reduce greenhouse gases. Enhances pastoral livelihoods and resilience. Manages a genebank conserving native African forages. Biosciences eastern and central Africa (BecA) Provides a common regional biosciences research platform, research-related services and capacity building and training opportunities. Employs network of regional nodes and laboratories in eastern and central Africa.

5 ILRI’s Resources 2012 annual budget of USD60 million Total staff: 700 Research groups representing more than 30 scientific disciplines. 100 scientists and researchers coming from 39 countries. 56% of internationally recruited staff originate from 22 developing countries. 34% of internationally recruited staff are women. Two large campuses are located in Nairobi, Kenya, and Addis Ababa, Ethiopia. 70% of ILRI’s research activities are in sub-Saharan Africa. List of all current ILRI staff available on ILRI’s website:

6 ILRI’s Offices Mali Nigeria Mozambique Kenya Ethiopia India Sri Lanka China Laos Vietnam Thailand

7 Partnership strategy ILRI developed an institutional partnership strategy through a task force and stakeholder surveys developed in 2008. Principles Based on an innovation systems framework and owned by all staff. ENABLERS Policy/decision-makers at all levels ENABLERS Policy/decision-makers at all levels DEVELOPMENT IMPLEMENTERS Gov’t, UN, NGOs, civil society, farmers groups VALUE CHAIN ACTORS Private sector, public- private initiatives, community groups RESEARCH PARTNERS International and national academic, research institutions ILRI Partnerships Based original figure by IFPR/John McDermott 2012.

8 Biosciences eastern and central Africa BecA is a strategic partnership between ILRI and NEPAD. a biosciences platform that makes the best lab facilities available to the African scientific community. building African scientific capacity. identifying agricultural solutions based on modern biotechnology. hosted at ILRI’s headquarters, Nairobi, Kenya.

9 CIMMYT Mexico City Mexico IFPRI Wash. DC USA CIP Lima Peru CIAT Cali Colombia Bioversity International Rome Italy AfricaRice Cotonou Benin IITA Ibadan Nigeria ILRI Nairobi Kenya World Agroforestry Nairobi Kenya ICARDA Aleppo Syrian Arab Rep. ICRISAT Patancheru India IWMI Colombo Sri Lanka IRRI Los Banos Phillippines World Fish Penang Malaysia CIFOR Bogor Indonesia CGIAR Research Centres

10 ILRI in the CGIAR Research Programs ILRI leads one CGIAR Research Program– ‘Livestock and Fish’. ILRI leads a component of one CGIAR Research Program– ‘Agriculture for Improved Nutrition and Health’ This component works to prevent and control agriculture-associated diseases, including food-borne diseases, zoonoses and emerging infectious diseases. ILRI participates in five other CGIAR Research Programs Drylands Humid Tropics Policies, Institutions and Markets Water, Land and Ecosystems Climate Change, Agriculture and Food Security

11 The presentation has a Creative Commons licence. You are free to re-use or distribute this work, provided credit is given to ILRI. Better lives through livestock

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