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Egyptian Civilization

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1 Egyptian Civilization
“Egypt, is wholly the gift of the Nile” – Greek historian Herodotus Looking at these pictures, what do you think Herodotus meant by his statement?

2 A. The Nile Valley Human settlement almost entirely along Nile River. Nile floods spread fertile silt, good for agriculture (“Black Land”). Beyond river valley was dry, sun-baked desert (“Red Land”). Two Main Regions: Upper Egypt = Southern area (plateau) Lower Egypt = Northern area (delta) Pharaoh Menes unites these separate regions into one kingdom ~ 3100 B.C.E.

3 B. Egypt’s Old Kingdom B.C.E. – 2200 B.C.E. 2. Monarchy: pharaohs and royal family held all power. 3. Achievements: Pyramids (tombs for rulers & royal families) 4. Problems: power struggles, crop failures, and the expense of pyramid-building.

4 C. Egypt’s Middle Kingdom
B.C.E. to 1800 B.C.E. 2. Achievements: large river drainage project to create more farmable land, conquest & settlement of gold-rich Nubia 3. Problems: Corrupt government led to political rebellions, Nile River didn’t flood regularly, invasions by the Hyksos.

5 D. Egypt’s New Kingdom 1. 1550 B.C.E. to 1100 B.C.E.
2. Powerful rulers: Queen Hatshepsut (trade) and Ramses II (conquest). 3. Achievements: building of long-distance trade networks and military conquests. 4. Problems: invasions by Hittites, Assyrians, Persians, Greeks and Romans.

6 Egyptian Civilization: Part II


8 Rulers Tutankhamen, 18-yr. old king of the New Kingdom.
Ramses II, powerful king who expanded Egyptian rule. Akhenaton, rebelled against Amon-Re worship.

9 Gods & Goddesses Anubis Horus Isis & Osiris

10 Entrance to a burial tomb.
Architecture Abu Simbel Temple entrance. Entrance to a burial tomb.

11 Pyramids of Giza, built during the Old Kingdom.
Temple for Queen Hatshepsut, female pharaoh.

12 Food & Drink The large amount of grains produced in Egyptian field led to the making of bread. Early Egyptians regularly made & drank beer. Egyptians also cultivated grapes to make wine.


14 Job Specialization: Artisans

15 List of hieroglyphic symbols.
Language List of hieroglyphic symbols. The Rosetta Stone – a tablet with a phrase written in hieroglyphics, demotic, and Greek. Hieroglyphic Carvings

16 Leisure Hunting along the Nile.
Senet was a very popular game in Egypt. Music & dancing were appreciated in all levels of Egyptian society.

17 Death A mummy was stored in a sarcophagus, which was richly decorated with prayers & tools for the afterlife. ←←←←← Canopic jars held the stomach, intestines, lungs, & liver. The heart was left in the body for the afterlife. It was believed that Anubis had a specific process that must be followed for mummification. →→→→→→→

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