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INVERTABRATE PHYLUM ∞Anna and Marley∞. PORIFERA/SPONGES EXAMPLE: VENUS FLOWER-BASKET  Definition- A type of animal that filters water it lives in to.

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Presentation on theme: "INVERTABRATE PHYLUM ∞Anna and Marley∞. PORIFERA/SPONGES EXAMPLE: VENUS FLOWER-BASKET  Definition- A type of animal that filters water it lives in to."— Presentation transcript:


2 PORIFERA/SPONGES EXAMPLE: VENUS FLOWER-BASKET  Definition- A type of animal that filters water it lives in to get food.  Body system-Sponges do not have any organs of nervous system.  Reproduce- They reproduce asexually. Buds and branches grow from a parent sponge. These buds break off and grow into new sponges.  Food- They filter the water they live in to get their food. The food in the water is what sponges eats.  Habitat- In the water usually growing on or near coral (in the ocean).  Predators and Problems- Nothing eats these animals, but people drop oil into the water were they live. And fisher man catch them with there nets. But they do not have animal predators!  Adaptations and problems- Their cells help them survive. Also their kind of skeleton, they are all different shapes and sizes. AH

3 CNIDARIA EXAMPLE: JELLYFISH  Definition-An animal with tentacles that have the ability to sting its prey or predators.  Body systems-shaped as a vase/bowl. Diffusion from seawater into their tissues. Cells obtain their oxygen of water. They do not have lungs or gills,breath through gas exchange over their body.  Reproduction- cnidarians reproduce both sexually and asexually.  Food-they eat their prey or their predators they sting the prey and then shove it in their mouth. Small crustaceans- lobsters,crabs,shrimp,barnicals. Once the food is digested waste leaves through the mouth.  habitat-There's water and other fish and a lot of other things they mostly live in the water  Predators and Problems-spadefish, sunfish, loggerhead turtles. Getting caught in fisher nets on accident.  Adaptions and fun facts -they don’t have to have blood flow, they use diffusion. They do not have lungs or gills. MB

4 PLATYHELMINTHES/FLATWORMS EXAMPLE: PLANARIANS  Definition- A flatworm has a flattened body, a digestive system with only opening, and a simple nervous system.  Body system- They have a simple nervous system.  Reproduction- They reproduce with sex organs and can reproduce by mating and laying eggs.  Food- They take in food and push out their waste. They eat small particles and liquids in the water.  Habitat- Planarian live in fresh water streams, lakes, and pounds. Any thing in water.  Predators and problems- Aquatic insects,such as dragon fly's naiads plus diving beetles, tadpoles, small fish, and crustaceans eat them too.  Adaptions and fun facts-They live in animals stay out of daylight has a mouth at the end of a long and in the middle of the backside of the worm. AH

5 NEMATODES FLUKES  Definition: An animal with a round tube like body that has a digestive system with two openings.  Body System: Two openings one is a mouth and the other is where its waste comes out.  Reproductions: Nematodes are sexual. It also has sex organs, that enable it to produce sexually.  Food: Two openings. They feed on the animal they live in.  Habitat: They live in other animals and sometimes humans or sometimes soil.  Predators & Problems: People who eat under cooked meat.  Adaptations & Fun Facts: Life cycle: Freshwater snail, Second Humans Hosts then mature in humans bodies. MB

6 ANNELIDS/ WORMS EXAMPLE: EARTH WORMS Definition- There body is made up of connected sections or segments. Body system- Circulatory system- Five enlarged tubes act as hearts. Reproduction- Sexual- they mate, both partners lay eggs and worms hatch from them. Food- Their food is stored in a sac called a crop. They get their food mostly from soil. Habitat- They live in soil or under rocks. They burrow through the soil. Problems and predators- Farmers drive over them and over the crops. Also snakes, fisherman, and flat worms eat them. Adaptation and fun facts- An earth worm has a nerve center or a brain to know were to live and survive. AH

7 MOLLUSKS EXAMPLE: CLAM  Definition: An animal with soft body and no bones (Shell, soft body, gills).  Body Systems: Filter Feeders, Kidneys, muscles, nerve cord, intestants, gills.  Reproduction: Sexually. Release eggs and sperm into the water, where the eggs fertilize. Then they develop into larvae. Each larvae can be an adult.  Food: They eat particles. Take in and push out water through organs called siphons.  Habitat: Southern Pacific Ocean, Coarl Reef Oceans.  Predators & Problems: People who eat clams. Lobsters.  Adaptations & Fun Facts: Latin word ‘Mollus’ Means soft. MB

8 ARTHROPODS EXAMPLE: SPIDERS  Definition- Is an animal that has a jointed exoskeleton.  Body System- Digestive system with 2 openings, a circulatory system and a brain.  Reproduction- They reproduce sexually. Females often lay fertilized eggs.  Food- They eat many insects. Also plants and crops.  Habitat- They can survive almost everywhere in the world.  Predators and problems- People catch them and make them into sea food.  Adaptations and fun facts- They are found in every environment that supports life. AH

9 ECHINODERMS EXAMPLE: STAR-FISH  Definition: An invertebrate has an internal skeleton and spines that is part of its skin (suction cups, tubed feet).  Body system -Radial symmetry, No brain, nerve system.  Reproduction -Sexually. Arms have sex organs. Females release millions of egg cells,and a sexual and males release millions of sperms. Egg hatch into Larvae.  Food-They wrap their hand around its prey using their suction cups (mussels).  Habitat: They only live in the ocean.  Predators & problems -People who eat starfish.  Adaptions & and fun facts- Ectoderm means “spiny” and “skin” in Latin. MB

10 RESOURCES  Harcourt science book.  Google pictures.  MB


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