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From women to gender Structure in ACV-CSC. ACV-CSC as a whole  Branches: Building, Teachers, Transport..  Regions: Flemish and French speaking  Confederation:

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Presentation on theme: "From women to gender Structure in ACV-CSC. ACV-CSC as a whole  Branches: Building, Teachers, Transport..  Regions: Flemish and French speaking  Confederation:"— Presentation transcript:

1 From women to gender Structure in ACV-CSC

2 ACV-CSC as a whole  Branches: Building, Teachers, Transport..  Regions: Flemish and French speaking  Confederation: national level  Each branch and region has their own autonomy. Financially they are connected. Conference every 4 years with framework for confederation.

3 Important aspects – conference 2002  From women’s structure to gender  Gender action plan  Gender mainstreaming  Equality body

4 From women’s structure to gender – the old days  Each branch and each region a person partly responsable for women. (with women groups)  Idea: include more women and women issues in the trade union.  Confederation level: 2 coordinators (French&Flemish) + budget

5 From women’s structure to gender - problem  Groups excisted out of older people, not much young people. The women groups were nog very active anymore.  Women groups were seperate groups who could give their opinions on certain topics.  Society developed into the idea of ‘gender’, also non-macho men face problems, men should also fight for equality issues m/f

6 From women’s structure to gender – new system  Conference 2002: approval of gender- concept (more on Flemish side than French)  Gendermainstreaming  Gender groups (men also included) on regional and branch level  Gender-topics: for example: parental leave for men!

7 From women’s structure to gender – new system  Equality body:  Goal: more equality m/f in our own trade union  Anual report with numbers of each branch and region  Quota 33%  Equality officers in every region/branch  Equality in our national comité (50/50)

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