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Celtic Europe 1000-50 B.C.E..

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Presentation on theme: "Celtic Europe 1000-50 B.C.E.."— Presentation transcript:

1 Celtic Europe B.C.E.

2 Spread of the Celts Celtic civilization originated in Central Europe in the first millennium B.C.E. Around 500 B.C.E., the Celtic groups began a rapid expansion in several directions. The Celts shared cultural traits, but there was no Celtic state.


4 Celtic Society Celtic society was divided into an elite class of warrior, professional groups of priests and bards, and the common people.

5 Warriors Celtic warriors owned land and livestock.
They had a monopoly on wealth and power.

6 Priests The Celtic priests were called Druids.
These people were teachers and judges. Religious leaders. Exempt from Taxes Cast people out of society. Carried out rituals in caves or forests.

7 Wicker Man Statue of a human that was filled with people (usually criminals but sometimes innocent) and then set on fire to celebrate good over evil or appease a god or goddess. Julius Caesar claims to have seen this in his writings.

8 Farmers Celts were very successful at farming. Engaged in trade.
Shipbuilding Metallurgy

9 Women Celtic women were involved primarily in child rearing, food production and some crafts. Elite women enjoyed much more freedom than those we have learned about.

10 Belief and Knowledge Celts worshipped a large number of gods and goddesses. These gods and goddesses usually represented a relationship between people and the environment. The barrier between the natural and the supernatural world was permeable.

11 Roman Invasion In the first 3 Centuries C.E. the Romans will control most of the Celtic territories. The Germanic invasion around the same time will also halt Celtic society.

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