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© NCSR, Frascati, July 18-19, 2002 WP1: Plan for the remainder (1) Ontology Ontology  Use of PROTÉGÉ to generate ontology and lexicons for the 1 st domain.

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Presentation on theme: "© NCSR, Frascati, July 18-19, 2002 WP1: Plan for the remainder (1) Ontology Ontology  Use of PROTÉGÉ to generate ontology and lexicons for the 1 st domain."— Presentation transcript:

1 © NCSR, Frascati, July 18-19, 2002 WP1: Plan for the remainder (1) Ontology Ontology  Use of PROTÉGÉ to generate ontology and lexicons for the 1 st domain compatible to the current ones (RTV) (end of August)  Enrich the lexicons with all the necessary lexical information (partners give the lexicons to RTV) (end of July)  Use of PROTÉGÉ to generate ontology and lexicons for the 2 nd domain, taking into account the existing draft ontology (RTV) (end of August)  Report on ontologies (related research, use of PROTÉGÉ in CROSSMARC, ontology maintenance task) (RTV, NCSR) (draft mid September, final end September) Corpus formation for the needs of page filtering Corpus formation for the needs of page filtering  Corpus formation for the 1 st domain according to the methodology agreed (partners send to NCSR) (end of August)  Corpus formation for the 2 nd domain according to the methodology agreed (partners send to NCSR) (end of September)  Report on corpus formation task (NCSR) (early October) Web spidering (NCSR) Web spidering (NCSR)  Finalise page filtering experiments for the 1 st domain (mid-September)  Finalise link scoring experiments for the 1 st domain (end September)  Finalise site navigator (end September)  Documentation (end September)

2 © NCSR, Frascati, July 18-19, 2002 WP1: Plan for the remainder (2) Focused Crawling Tool Focused Crawling Tool  Use of existing search engines (EDIN) (end of August)  Language identification module (EDIN) (end of August)  Use of the page filtering module (NCSR) (mid September)  Evaluation methodology (EDIN) (early September)  Evaluation results (EDIN) (end September)  Report on the Methodology for focused crawling (EDIN) (end of September) Other tools for web pages collection Other tools for web pages collection  Meta-TIDY (NCSR, RTV, LingWay)  Documentation (RTV) (end of August)  Final version of the pre-demarcation tool  Evaluation for the 1 st domain (NCSR) (mid-September)  Documentation (NCSR) (end September) Integration of all the tools involved in the collection process (NCSR) (end September) Integration of all the tools involved in the collection process (NCSR) (end September)

3 © NCSR, Frascati, July 18-19, 2002 WP1: Plan for the remainder (3) Corpus collection for the needs of NERC and FE Corpus collection for the needs of NERC and FE  URL collection for the 2 nd domain (partners send to NCSR) (end of July)  Collection of web pages for the 2 nd domain according to the methodology (NCSR) (early September)  Report on the corpus collection task (NCSR) (mid September) Web Annotator final version for both domains Web Annotator final version for both domains  Documentation (NCSR) (end September) Other Tools Other Tools  Cross-merge final version, documentation (NCSR) (early September) Deliverable D1.3 (NCSR) Deliverable D1.3 (NCSR)  Integration of the various reports and documentation (mid October)

4 © NCSR, Frascati, July 18-19, 2002 WP2: Plan for the remainder (1) NERC DTD NERC DTD  Report on NERC DTD for both domains (EDIN) (mid September) Corpus annotation for the needs of NERC Corpus annotation for the needs of NERC  Corpus annotation for the 1 st domain according to the annotation methodology agreed (Velti-EL, RTV-I, NCSR-F, EDIN-EN) (mid September for RTV, end August for the others)  Final NERC annotation guidelines for the 1 st domain (NCSR) (mid September)  Report on corpus annotation task (NCSR) (end September)  Corpus annotation for the 2 nd domain according to the annotation methodology agreed (Velti-EL, RTV-I, Lingway-F, EDIN-EN) (mid November) NERC v.2 NERC v.2  Finalise NERC v.2 development (name normalisation and matching) (ENERC, INERC, HNERC) (end September)  Finalise NERC v.2 development (name normalisation and matching) (FNERC) (end October )  Evaluation results for the 1 st domain using the final corpus (end September, end October for French)  Documentation (EDIN) (end October)

5 © NCSR, Frascati, July 18-19, 2002 WP2: Plan for the remainder (2) NERC-based demarcator (NCSR) NERC-based demarcator (NCSR)  New version for 1 st domain (end September)  Evaluation results for the 1 st domain (mid October)  Documentation (end October) Deliverable D2.3 (EDIN) Deliverable D2.3 (EDIN)  Integration of the various reports and documentation (end October)

6 © NCSR, Frascati, July 18-19, 2002 WP3: Plan for the remainder (1) FE schema FE schema  FE schema for the 2 nd domain (RTV) (end August)  Report on FE schema for both domains (RTV) (mid September) Corpus annotation for the needs of FE Corpus annotation for the needs of FE  Corpus annotation for the 1 st domain according to the annotation methodology agreed (Velti-EL, RTV-I, NCSR-F, EDIN-EN) (early October)  Final FE annotation guidelines for the 1 st domain (NCSR) (mid October)  Report on corpus annotation task (NCSR) (mid October)  Corpus annotation for the 2 nd domain according to the annotation methodology agreed (Velti-EL, RTV-I, Lingway-F, EDIN-EN) (mid December)

7 © NCSR, Frascati, July 18-19, 2002 WP3: Plan for the remainder (2) Wrapper Induction Wrapper Induction  STALKER-based wrapper induction (NCSR)  Evaluation results for the 1 st domain and 4 languages (EL, F end of August, En mid September, I early October)  Provide the trained monolingual modules to the partners (same dates)  Documentation (mid October)  Boosted Wrapper Induction (EDIN)  Evaluation results for the 1 st domain and 4 languages (mid September for 3 languages, early October for Italian)  Provide the trained monolingual modules to the partners (same dates)  Documentation (mid October)  WHISK (RTV)  Evaluation results for the 1 st domain and 4 languages (check Greek, system end September, mid October)  Provide the trained monolingual modules to the partners (end October)  Documentation (end October)

8 © NCSR, Frascati, July 18-19, 2002 WP3: Plan for the remainder (3) Handling of images Handling of images  Report on the techniques that can be used (NCSR, Lingway) (draft end September, final end October)  version 0.x of the techniques (Lingway, NCSR)  Evaluation for the 1 st domain (Lingway, NCSR) Deliverable D3.1 (NCSR) Deliverable D3.1 (NCSR)  Integration of the various reports and documentation (end October)

9 © NCSR, Frascati, July 18-19, 2002 WP4: Plan for the remainder (1) System Architecture System Architecture  Specify the multi-agent aspects of the architecture (Velti, NCSR, EDIN, RTV, Lingway) (end July draft for discussion)  Report on the refined architecture (Velti) (end September) End-User Interface End-User Interface  Help texts, localisation, End-user interface for the 1 st prototype (Velti) (end September)  Link to the web page from which information was extracted (NCSR sends draft for discussion by end of July)  Enrichment of the products database (Velti) (early October)  Separate the UI (data server, XML server) (Velti) (end September)  Documentation (Velti) (early October)

10 © NCSR, Frascati, July 18-19, 2002 WP4: Plan for the remainder (2) System Integration System Integration  IE Remote Invocation (NCSR) (end August)  DB Inserter (EDIN) (conversion to Java) (end September)  Integrate Web pages collection with IE remote invocation, DB insertion (NCSR) (end September)  Documentation for the 1 st integrated prototype (Velti) (mid October) Evaluation Evaluation  Evaluation report from SCIE event (Velti) (end July)  Other evaluation tasks – reports (by EDIN students and RTV students, during October)  Final report for the evaluation of the 1 st prototype (Velti) (end October)

11 © NCSR, Frascati, July 18-19, 2002 WP4: Plan for the remainder (3) Deliverable D4.2 (Velti) Deliverable D4.2 (Velti)  Integration of the various reports and documentation (end October)

12 © NCSR, Frascati, July 18-19, 2002 WP5: Plan for the remainder (1) Contract amendment sign Contract amendment sign Consortium agreement sign Consortium agreement sign Management reports Management reports  5 th Quarterly report (missing data send by partners to NCSR after the meeting, NCSR sends final to EC end of July)  3 rd Cost statement (March-August 2002) (partners send input to NCSR mid September, NCSR sends the final to EC end September)  3 rd Semestrial Report (partners send input to NCSR mid September, NCSR sends the final to EC end September)  6 th Quarterly report (partners send input to NCSR mid September, NCSR sends the final to EC end September)

13 © NCSR, Frascati, July 18-19, 2002 WP5: Plan for the remainder (2) Formation of a user group. Final decisions will be taken during next meeting. NCSR will initiate a discussion. Formation of a user group. Final decisions will be taken during next meeting. NCSR will initiate a discussion. Publication in Conferences, Journals … Publication in Conferences, Journals …  2003 Intern. Conference on "Intelligent Agents, Web Technologies and Internet Commerce",  WWW, IJCAI, ACL, ??????? Participation in events Participation in events  LangTech 2002  IST-2002  ………

14 © NCSR, Frascati, July 18-19, 2002 WP5: Plan for the remainder (3) Updated Deliverable 5.2 “Exploitation and Use Plan” (end October) Updated Deliverable 5.2 “Exploitation and Use Plan” (end October) Date and place of next meeting (Paris, 5-6 December 2002) Date and place of next meeting (Paris, 5-6 December 2002)

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