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National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration User Group Presentation – Release 2.20 August 19, 2008.

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1 National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration User Group Presentation – Release 2.20 August 19, 2008

2 Page 2 Added feature in this PPT Presentation NOTE: Hyperlinks have been added to this Power Point presentation for easier navigation between the Overview section at the beginning and the rest of the slides. You must view this presentation as a “Slide Show” in order to utilize the hyperlinks.

3 Page 3 Overview – Release 2.20 Highlights Black font – Click on Ticket Number to see Screen Shot in Presentation Brown font – No Screen Shot in Presentation  GLOBAL CHANGES Grants Online can now handle MS Office 2007 documents. (Ticket 28439) The organization profile screen has been redesigned for better clarity (Ticket 27639)  INBOX Tab Task Management Function — When searching for Financial Reports under the Task Management feature, the Award Numbers are now displayed. (Ticket 27183) — Recipient Business/Finance Rep and Selecting Official have been added to the list of roles under the Task Management tab for Help Desk staff. Requests for reassignment of tasks for these roles no longer need to be escalated. (Ticket 28722)(Ticket 28722)  APPLICATION Tab The Minimum Requirements Checklist has been made mandatory with the use of radio buttons instead of checkboxes. The “Approve” and “Reject” options will not be made available until the checklist has been completed. (Ticket 26469)(Ticket 26469) The choices for “NEPA Official” will be based on the Program Office of the application, not the primary affiliation of the Federal Program Officer. (Ticket 27452) The note regarding a Special Award Condition for the waiver for Expanded Authorities on the PO Checklist has been changed into a link. (Ticket 29953)(Ticket 29953) NEXT PAGE

4 Page 4 Overview – Release 2.20 Highlights (cont.) Black font – Click on Ticket Number to see Screen Shot in Presentation Brown font – No Screen Shot in Presentation  APPLICATION Tab When the “Reassign” option is chosen from a task on the Application, the only Federal Program Officers that will be available for reassignment will be those that are affiliated with the Program Office that owns the application. (Ticket 30209) The workflow has been repaired when applications which have been returned from GMD are renegotiated and changed from a new award to being associated with a current award. (Ticket 30505) Problem with extraneous attachments on GMD Checklist has been fixed. (Ticket 28765) New search parameters have been added to “Search for Applications” screen. (Ticket 4622)(Ticket 4622)  AWARD Tab New search parameters have been added to “Search for Awards” screen. (Ticket 4622) Also, search results now include Principal Investigator names. (Ticket 12677)(Ticket 4622)(Ticket 12677) A minor modification was made to the Progress Report details screen to clarify non- editable data fields. (Ticket 26535)(Ticket 26535) The word “Final” has been added to the search results of the “Search Reports” page when the Progress or Financial report is a final report. (Ticket 27393)(Ticket 27393) Display of the Special Award Conditions button on award documents (CD-450 and Amendments) will be dependent upon the actual existence of a SAC. The button will not be displayed if there are no SACs on the document. (Ticket 28729)(Ticket 28729) NEXT PAGENEXT PAGE PREVIOUS PAGEPREVIOUS PAGE

5 Page 5 Overview – Release 2.20 Highlights (cont.) Black font – Click on Ticket Number to see Screen Shot in Presentation Brown font – No Screen Shot in Presentation  AWARD Tab (continued) For Recipients — On the “Manager Award Personnel” screen, notes have been added to warn users that if an Authorized Representative, Recipient Administrator, or Business/Finance Representative is removed from an award, they are also removed from all other awards associated with that organization. (Ticket 5096)(Ticket 5096) — A “Reassign” option has been added to the Action drop down box for tasks belonging to an Authorized Representative when no other Authorized Representatives in the organization has a duplicate task in their inbox for that activity. (Ticket 8269) — System now detects when tasks are owned by an Authorized Representative and removes the additional step needed to forward a document to NOAA. (Ticket 23236) — A new notification will be sent to recipients on the 4 th day of the month, four months (approximately 120 days) after an award has expired if there is still a balance that has not been drawn down. If there has been an extension to the closeout period, the notification will be sent 30 days after that extension date has passed. (Ticket 25393)(Ticket 25393) — Final SF-272 reports can no longer be included in a SF-272A for multiple awards. (Ticket 29054) For GMD — Additional Updates were made to Enforcement tasks (Ticket 29468): –New Termination for Cause workflow was implemented –New workflow was implemented for reactivation of payments or awards which have been suspended — All Final SF-269 reports will be routed to GMD for review before being routed to the Finance Office whether or not there are any comments on the report. (Ticket 25756) NEXT PAGENEXT PAGE PREVIOUS PAGEPREVIOUS PAGE

6 Page 6 Overview – Release 2.20 Highlights (cont.) Black font – Click on Ticket Number to see Screen Shot in Presentation Brown font – No Screen Shot in Presentation  AWARD Tab (continued) For GMD (continued) — The system can now handle more than one extension to the closeout date. (Ticket 29385) — Guidance on the SF-272 for “Cash on Hand” comment has been changed from “Cash on Hand of $5K for 5 days” to “Cash on hand of $5K for 3 days.”  REPORT Tab A new Unexpended Balance report is now available for internal Grants Online users. The report is also available from the Organization profile page which is accessible via the “Search Award” function. (Ticket 26536)(Ticket 26536) PREVIOUS PAGEPREVIOUS PAGE ADDITIONAL RESOURCESADDITIONAL RESOURCES

7 Page 7 Ticket 28722 – Task Management Options for Help Desk Personnel BACK TO OVERVIEW

8 Page 8 Ticket 26469 – New Minimum Requirements Checklist Old New BACK TO OVERVIEW

9 Page 9 Ticket 29953 – New SAC link on PO Checklist NOTE: The SAC is not required for the three automatic waivers but is needed for the other five discretionary waivers. (See the corresponding guidance link.) There have been recent changes to the requirements for research grants that will be incorporated into a future release. BACK TO OVERVIEW

10 Page 10 Ticket 4622 – New “Search Applications” Screen NOTE: Award Number, Proposal Number, and Project Title were the only parameters available on the old “Search Applications” screen. All of rest of the search parameters were added in this release. BACK TO OVERVIEW

11 Page 11 Ticket 4622 – New “Search Awards” Screen NOTE: Award Number and Recipient Name were the only parameters available on the old “Search Awards” screen. Project Title and Principal Investigator Last Name were added in this release, along with a filter on Award Status. BACK TO OVERVIEW

12 Page 12 Ticket 12677 – PI Names in Award Search Results NOTE: Display of PI name(s) is dependent upon recipient action to add them on the award during or after the “Manage Award Users” task that they receive after accepting an award. It cannot be done by the Federal Program Officer. BACK TO OVERVIEW

13 Page 13 Ticket 26535 – Gray boxes on Progress Report details screen indicate “display only” fields BACK TO OVERVIEW

14 Page 14 Ticket 27393 – FINAL Reports are indicated in “Search Report” results BACK TO OVERVIEW

15 Page 15 Ticket 28729 – SAC button removed when no SAC exists Amendment WITH Special Award Conditions Amendment WITHOUT Special Award Conditions BACK TO OVERVIEW

16 Page 16 Ticket 5096 – “UnAssign” Warning on Manage Award Personnel screen NOTE: The warning message has been added for Authorized Representatives, Business/Finance Representatives, and Recipient Administrators. It is not needed for PI/Co-PI users because they are assigned to individual awards. Removing a PI from one award does not affect their assignment on other awards. BACK TO OVERVIEW

17 Page 17 Ticket 25393 – New Notification of Unexpended Funds during Closeout BACK TO OVERVIEW

18 Page 18 Ticket 26536 – New Unexpended Balances Report (Single Award) Step 1: Search for an Award and click on corresponding “Org_ID” next to the Award Number. This will bring you to the organization’s Grants Online profile page. NEXT PAGE

19 Page 19 Ticket 26536 – New Unexpended Balances Report (Single Award) Step 2: Scroll to the bottom of the profile page and click on the button to run the report. NEXT PAGE

20 Page 20 Ticket 26536 – New Unexpended Balances Report (Multiple Awards) NOTE: To run an Unexpended Balance Report on multiple awards use the new report available under the “Reports” tab. NEXT PAGE

21 Page 21 Ticket 26536 – New Unexpended Balances Report (Multiple Awards) NOTE: Using the Reports Tab, several parameters are available to run the Unexpended Balances Report for a group of awards. BACK TO OVERVIEW

22 Page 22 Additional Resources   (301) 444-2112 (877) 662-2478 (1-877-NOAAGRT)  Grants Online PMO Website at to Access: Grants Online Training/Support Resources Frequently Asked Questions What’s New page RETURN TO OVERVIEW

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