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Greek City-States.

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1 Greek City-States

2 Do Now: 9/18 Describe your community. How does your community provide for the needs of their citizens?

3 POLIS *Independent City-State *Intense loyalty of citizens
*Develop autonomous traditions -Own form of government -Artistic styles Acropolis – fortified high ground Agora – marketplace, built below the Acropolis where people could assemble. ACROPOLIS



6 “We must regard every citizen as belonging to the state”- Aristotle
POLIS -A community of people that shared a common identity and common goals. -Citizens had rights, but also had responsibilities. -Loyalty to city-state had a negative side. - city-states distrusted one another - divided Greece -Eventually led to its decline

7 Military Hoplite- heavily armed foot soldier
Round shield Short sword Thrusting spear (9ft.) Phalanx: rectangular formation, soldiers created a wall of shields to protect each other.

8 Phalanx

9 The ACROPOLIS For purposes of defense, Athenians naturally chose elevated ground to build. The Acropolis was used for not only defensive purposes such as a look out, but also for religious purposes.

10 The view of the Acropolis at NIGHT!




14 Greek Expansion Between BC, Greeks leave their homelands to settle in new territories. Desire for good farmland Overpopulation Growth of trade Each new Greek colony became a new polis

15 Greek Colonies Colonies established along coastlines (Med. Sea)
Southern Italy Southern France Eastern Spain Northern Africa Black Sea Byzantium Colonization = increased trade + industry + influence

16 Tyranny Seized power by force from the wealthy aristocrats.
Help the poor Built new marketplaces, temples and walls Fell out of favor by 6th century B.C.E End of tyranny allowed many new people to participate in gov’t. (democracy/oligarchy)

17 Exit Ticket Explain the difference between an Acropolis and Polis.

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