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© 2015 Punctuation For Children Punctuation Punctuations.

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1 © 2015 Punctuation For Children Punctuation Punctuations

2 © 2015 Punctuation For Children Capitalization: Capitalization is the writing of a word with its first letter in uppercase and the remaining letters in lowercase. The first letter of every sentence is capitalised, as are all proper nouns. Comma (,): It is used to separate parts of a sentence such as clauses and lists of three or more things. In general, the comma shows that the words immediately before the comma are less closely or exclusively linked grammatically to those immediately after the comma than they might be otherwise. Full Stops: Full stops are used to indicate the end of sentences. It is usual to use full stops after initials; A. A. Milne, George W. Bush. A full stop is also used after some abbreviations. Question Mark (?): The question mark (?; also known as an interrogation point, interrogation mark, question point, query), is a punctuation mark that indicates an interrogative sentence, clause, or phrase in written English and many other languages. The question mark is not used for indirect questions.

3 © 2015 Punctuation For Children Write out the sentences adding capital letters, commas, full stops and question marks: 1) the cat ran home Ans: The cat ran home. 2) my mom sat on the mat Ans: 3) dad is not home Ans: 4) i cant fly Ans: 5) mom and I are glad Ans:

4 © 2015 Punctuation For Children 6) i forgot to save my work Ans: 7) i finished my paper its on my computer at home. Ans: 8) my printer is broken Ans: 9) i cant open my file Ans: 10) Oh shoot this is an older version of my paper Ans:

5 © 2015 Punctuation For Children 11) I PROMISE TO LISTEN to my best friend. Ans: 12) The cat is on the mat the dog is on the chair Ans: 13) I wont go home today Ans: 14) she is my friend we aren’t best friends Ans:

6 © 2015 Punctuation For Children Do the following as per the instructions: Which words are correctly capitalized? 1. monday,tuesday,Wednesday,thursday. 2. Monday,tuesday,wednesday,Thursday. 3. Monday,Tuesday,Wednesday,Thursday. 4. monNDAY,TUESday,WednESday,Thursday. 1. India,France,China,United Kingdom. 2. india,france,China,United kingdom. 3. India,FRAnce,CHINA,united kingdom. 4. india,france,china,UNITED kingdom

7 © 2015 Punctuation For Children Reviewed By Reviewed On Comments / Changes Made Vidyesh21.09.2015N.A.

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