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Turn It In User Information. Features Originality Report Peer Mark (peer editing option) Grade Mark (online rubric grading)

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1 Turn It In User Information

2 Features Originality Report Peer Mark (peer editing option) Grade Mark (online rubric grading)

3 Purpose To develop writing voice To improve writing skills To peer edit To increase self-confidence in writing To reinforce the writing process To hold students accountable for their writing (surveys show that 70% of all college students admit to plagiarizing in high school)

4 Disclaimer This is not a perfect software (its goal is “matching”) Will locate and identify phrases and words used in students’ papers with a database of journal articles, web sources, other student papers, or any uploaded media. It is not intended to be used to “catch” students plagiarizing. Students should be given multiple opportunities to submit writing pieces before final draft to correct any originality or other issues.

5 Tutorial Videos Click on HELP on the top tab Click on TRAINING Click on STUDENT training A list of brief videos will appear to help you get started or answer questions. Allow students to watch “submission” video to see how to upload papers.

6 Key Points to Remember When students submit papers, DO remind them NOT to cut and paste. Instead, students MUST choose UPLOAD asks for a 24 hour turn around time for originality reports. Students MUST plan accordingly for revisions (turn in at least 2 days before final due date).

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