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Presentation on theme: "JOINT INSTITUTE FOR NUCLEAR RESEARCH FRANK LABORATORY OF NEUTRON PHYSICS V. Shvetsov Summer practice. JINR, Dubna, July 14 2011."— Presentation transcript:


2 JINR VietnamPolandRomaniaUSSR AlbaniaBulgaria Hungary China Mongolia Czechoslovakia GDRD.P.R.Korea The agreement on the establishment of JINR was signed on 26 March 1956 in Moscow

3 Summer practice. JINR, Dubna, July 14 2011

4 JINR basic facilities Upgraded Nuclotron-M (2009) + NICA (2013-2014) second phase 2009 New reactor IBR-2M 2010 IREN-I 2008 DRIBs JINR networks, including GRID technology Participating in LHC, RHIC, TEVATRON… In future: FAIR, ILC … FAIR II. Telecommunication channels: 10 Gbps – July 2008, 40 Gbps – 2010, 100 Gbps by the year 2015

5 Summer practice. JINR, Dubna, July 14 2011 EDUCATIONAL PROGRAMME More than 300 students and postgraduates from Member States are trained at the UC A vitally important task is attracting of young people from all the Member States to science JINR is a school of excellence for the Member States! MSU MIPT MEPI Chairs: MIREA others JINR UNIVERSITY CENTRE “ Dubna” International University The UC offers graduate programmes in the fields of:  Elementary Particle Physics  Nuclear Physics  Theoretical Physics  Condensed Matter Physics  Technical Physics  Radiobiology DIAS - TH Dubna International Advanced School on Theoretical Physics

6 Summer practice. JINR, Dubna, July 14 2011FLNP И.М.Франк Ф.Л.Шапиро Д.И.Блохинцев

7 IBR idea Idea (1955) – D.I.Blokhintsev Theory (1956) – I.I.Bondarenko, Yu.Ya.Stavisski IBR theory was further developed by Shabalin, Govorkov, Asaoka, Larrimore, Blaeser, Schwalm, Kozik. Summer practice. JINR, Dubna, July 14 2011

8 IBR-30: Reactivity modulator But “Dragon” type of reactors could work only in a regime of single neutron pulses (1 pulse in several minutes or even hours). To increase the efficiency of the source for scientific research the possibility to produce many short pulses per second was required. And this option was realised in IBR type reactors. Summer practice. JINR, Dubna, July 14 2011 1 – main modulator ( 235 U disk), 2 – auxiliary modulator ( 235 U disk), 3 – auxiliary modulator (tungsten rod), 4 – two stationary parts of the active core with reflectors, 5 – motor drive, 1а, 2а, 3а – schematic representation of gear machine (in reality gears are used, not belts as shown in the figure)

9 Instead of “tickling the dragon's tail”, Blokhintsev characterised the principle of IBR operation as - «teasing tiger in a cage 50 times per second».

10 IBR-30 1969-2001 However, the neutron pulse width of about 50 μs appeared to be too long for many nuclear physics experiments. Could this fact become an advantage for experiments in other fields rather than nuclear physics? The first IBR was then upgraded into IBR-30 having the average power of about 25 kW Summer practice. JINR, Dubna, July 14 2011

11 Pulsed booster IBR + electron cyclotron (I.M.Matora and S.P.Kapitsa, 1965) 1. 1.Electron energy, MeV– 30 2. 2.Peak current, mA – 60  80 3. 3.Electron pulse width, μs – 1  3 4. 4.Repetition rate, 1/s– 50 5. 5.Mean reactor power (ε = -5  10 3 ), W– 1000 Neutron pulse width was reduced considerably!

12 Summer practice. JINR, Dubna, July 14 2011 IBR-2M

13 IBR-2M on the world scene

14 Summer practice. JINR, Dubna, July 14 2011 Neutron properties

15 Atom 10 -8 cm 10 -13 cm Summer practice. JINR, Dubna, July 14 2011

16 fast 10 -12 10 -7 -1 7 Neutron energy, eV 10 -3 Temperature, K 10 1 3 -3 UCN thermal cold resonance

17 Summer practice. JINR, Dubna, July 14 2011

18 Time of Flight (TOF) technique Detector Flight path L, m Source Collimator Sample dt

19 Summer practice. JINR, Dubna, July 14 2011 FLNP Science Two directions:Two directions: –Neutron nuclear physics; –Condensed matter physics; Basic facilities:Basic facilities: –IBR-2M; –IREN;

20 Summer practice. JINR, Dubna, July 14 2011 IBR-2M modernization Reactor vessel assembling 2009 г.

21 Summer practice. JINR, Dubna, July 14 2011 IBR-2M modernization Fuel cassettes imitators at the reactor vessel 2009 г.

22 Summer practice. JINR, Dubna, July 14 2011 IBR-2M modernization New equipment for the automation and safety control system 2010 г.

23 Summer practice. JINR, Dubna, July 14 2011 IBR-2M modernization Operator workplace 2010 г.

24 Summer practice. JINR, Dubna, July 14 2011 IBR-2M modernization IBR-2M building, October 2010

25 Summer practice. JINR, Dubna, July 14 2011 First power stage

26 Summer practice. JINR, Dubna, July 14 2011

27 Physics of Nanosystems Structure and Dynamics of Functional Materials Complex Liquids and Polymers Molecular Biology and Pharmacology Structure of rocks and minerals Engineering Diagnostics

28 Summer practice. JINR, Dubna, July 14 2011 Nanosystem GeO 2 -Eu 2 O 3 -Ag: Luminescence control by nanoclusters formation Decrease of the nanoclusters size in about 2 times Ag doping An increase in the intensity of luminescence excitation lines 7 F 0  5 L 6 ( ~395 nm) and 7 F 0  5 H 6 ( ~318 nm ) of Eu 3+ Spectra of luminescence excitation of Eu 3+ ions in 95,0GeO 2 -5Eu 2 O 3 (1) and 94,9GeO 2 -5Eu 2 O 3 -0,1Ag (2) SANS curves at different annealing temperatures Cluster size distribution functions A.V.Belushkin et al., Adv. Nat. Sci.: Nanosci. Nanotechnol. (2010)

29 Summer practice. JINR, Dubna, July 14 2011 d(3z 2 -r 2 ) d(3x 2 -r 2 ) d(3y 2 -r 2 ) Structure and magnetic properties of multiferroic BiMnO 3 in wide range of thermodynamic parameters (temperature, pressure) Crystal structure of BiMnO 3 at ambient conditions Neutron diffraction patterns of BiMnO 3 at elevated pressures Magnetic and orbital order in high pressure phase of BiMnO 3 D.P.Kozlenko et al., Phys. Rev. B (2010)

30 Summer practice. JINR, Dubna, July 14 2011 Analysis on magnetic properties, morphology and structure of ferrihydrite particles produced in vivo by Klebsiella oxytoca bacteria. Structural and magnetic investigations of biogenic ferrihydrite nanoparticles SEM images of two samples containing ferrihydrite nanoparticles obtained by means of two different methods; sample Fe12 (a) and sample Fe34 (b). b)a) SAXS data from biogenic ferrihydrite (F12) dispersion sample. The parameters obtained from this fit are the cylinder radius R; and height L M. Balasoiu, et al., Romanian Journal of Physics Vol.55, Issues 7-8, 2010 Magnetization curves of Fe12 and Fe34 powders at different temperature experimental values T= 4.2K (1); 12K (2); 22K (3) and 33K (4). Lines represent the results of the calculations The micrograph of a Klebsiella oxytoca bacterium in a 15th day culture. Ǻ Ǻ Rod particle model Ǻ SANS data from biogenic ferrihydrite (F12) dispersion sample.

31 Summer practice. JINR, Dubna, July 14 2011 Localization of End Groups in Dendrimers by SANS and SAXS Theoretical investigation of density distribution Experimental results by SANS and SAXS By SANS By SAXS

32 Summer practice. JINR, Dubna, July 14 2011 Steel 40Х4G18F (Fe 0.748 Mn 0.179 V 0.013 Cr 0.042 C 0.018 ) Heat treatmentReinforced nanoparticls VC, nm Hardness HB, Kgf/mm 2 Microstrain, 10 -4 Quenching-2214.08 Quenching+ aging 600 o C, 12h 3535 3135.44 Quenching+ aging 700 o C, 12h 9  10 28214.45 The lattice parameter dependence for 40Х4G18F steel vs. annealing time at two temperatures: 600 о С и 700 о С. Comparison of neutron diffraction patterns for 40Х4G18F steel samples aged at 600 о С и 700 о С. Formation of nanoparticles on quenching

33 Summer practice. JINR, Dubna, July 14 2011 IREN source Electron accelerator driven neutron source

34 Summer practice. JINR, Dubna, July 14 2011 Electron linac as neutron source Electron linac as gamma source e-e-e-e- Heavy metal target Gamma quanta distribution in case of 3 mm W converter First stage: Bremsstrahlung gamma production within heavy target

35 Summer practice. JINR, Dubna, July 14 2011 Electron linac as gamma source

36 Summer practice. JINR, Dubna, July 14 2011 Electron linac as neutron source Second stage: gamma interaction with target nuclei and neutrons production n nn n n n 

37 Summer practice. JINR, Dubna, July 14 2011 IREN arrangement

38 Summer practice. JINR, Dubna, July 14 2011


40 Nuclear Physics with Neutrons - Fundamental and Applied Investigations (theme 03-4-1036-2001/2010) Experiments at IREN;Experiments at IREN; Neutron properties;Neutron properties; Experiments with ultracold neutrons in ILL;Experiments with ultracold neutrons in ILL; Violations of fundamental symmetries in in neutron-nucleus interactions;Violations of fundamental symmetries in in neutron-nucleus interactions; Investigations of properties of atomic nuclei;Investigations of properties of atomic nuclei; Applied research;Applied research;

41 Summer practice. JINR, Dubna, July 14 2011 Experiments at IREN Element \SampleS-1S-2 Os 21.0  6.519.5  5.5 Ir 13.7  3.913.0  3.9 Pt 13.0  3.914.3  3.9 Au 0.059  0.0180.017  0.006 Ru 4.3  1.33.9  1.3 Analysis of the boron content in ceramics by neutron transmission at IREN Analysis of the Platinum group elements content in the geological sample by Neutron Resonance Capture Analysis IREN operation time 470 hours

42 Summer practice. JINR, Dubna, July 14 2011 Experiments with ultracold neutrons in ILL 2007 -2009. UCN Scheduled beam time for the test of new spectrometer 27 October – 17 December 2010 Estimated precision 10 -4 will be reached probably during 2011

43 Summer practice. JINR, Dubna, July 14 2011 Neutron and gamma detectors for spacecrafts

44 Summer practice. JINR, Dubna, July 14 2011 Neutron and gamma detectors for spacecrafts Resonance Thermal Albedo neutron spectra at a height of 400 km normalized to 1 n/cm 2 neutron flux from Mars surface covered with CO 2 layer 15 g/cm 2 (calculated by MCNP4C)

45 Summer practice. JINR, Dubna, July 14 2011 NS HEND CO 2 SEASONAL VARIATIONS (3 earth year ~ 1.5 martian year)

46 Summer practice. JINR, Dubna, July 14 2011 Neutron and gamma detectors for spacecrafts Calibration of the Lunar Exploration Neutron Detector (LEND)

47 Summer practice. JINR, Dubna, July 14 2011 Sector of NAA is involved in biotechnological studied in collaboration with the Institute of Physics, Tbilisi, Georgia, providing analytical investigations. In 2010 a paper “MICROBIAL SYNTHESIS OF SILVER NANOPARTICLES” has been prepared to be submitted to international journal NANO RESEARCH ( Visualization of nanoparticles of silver produced by bacteria Streptomyces glaucus 71 MD was performed by Scanning Electron Microscope (SEM) in the Institute of Crystallography in Moscow. Quantitative assessment of nanoparticles is planned for the beginning of 2011 at the reactor IBR-2M.

48 Summer practice. JINR, Dubna, July 14 2011 Methodic Neutron spectrometers;Neutron spectrometers; –Detectors; –Sample environment; –Hardware & software; Cryogenics;Cryogenics; Network and computing;Network and computing;

49 Summer practice. JINR, Dubna, July 14 2011 Schematical layout of the PSD 3 He gas detector of DN-6 Development of 32-section “Ring” 3He detector of thermal neutrons The technical documentation for fabrication of the 3He detector system was prepared and one separate module of the detector section has been tested

50 Summer practice. JINR, Dubna, July 14 2011 Test module Test module in assembly Amplitude spectrum In order to estimate influence of border effects and to measure parameters of the detector signals a test module have been created. Module imitates a section of the 32-sections detector. It separated on 6 independent elements. Signals received from each element separately. Development of 32-section “Ring” 3He detector of thermal neutrons

51 Summer practice. JINR, Dubna, July 14 2011 Electronics & computing The development of new unified electronic blocks for acquisition and accumulation of raw data on the REFLEX, EPSILON, HRFD and DN-6 diffractometers has been started. These diffractometers will employ different detector systems with unified hardware electronic blocks: -helium neutron counters, -scintillate plates, -ring-shaped multisection MWPC-based detector. -In 2010 the first version of multicounter DAQ block (for 16 detector elements) was developed.

52 Summer practice. JINR, Dubna, July 14 2011 Electronics & computing Work is underway on enhancement of the software package Sonix+ to automate adjusting/positioning processes of the spectrometer. Modernization and repair of electronic equipment and preparation of spectrometers to the reactor start-up is performing in according with plan. In the summer 2010 one intellectual multilevel network router of WS-3560 series was purchased. This router can operate in different configurations of Fast Ethernet and Gigabit Ethernet and provide high level of accessibility, scalability, safety and control. A limited set of communication modules for this router was purchased as well. Now all equipment prepared for testing and installation in one of the IBR-2M experimental halls.

53 Summer practice. JINR, Dubna, July 14 2011 Current state of beam 7, IBR-2M New head part for neutron guides of beam 7 - neutron splitter has been assembled Concrete pillar has been reconstructed

54 AC drives 22 kW for the background chopper 2.2 kW for the λ-choppers Background chopper and λ-chopper Background- and λ-chopper system for beam 7

55 Summer practice. JINR, Dubna, July 14 2011 Development of software for Monte Carlo Simulations (VITESS) of neutron spectrometers and simulations VITESS Graphical user interface The main goal to achieve when upgrading or building a new neutron scattering instruments at the IBR-2M pulsed reactor is to increase the neutron flux and the resolution of the spectrometer (or to achieve Qmin = 0.003 - 0.0007 Å-1 for wavelength range and l = 3 - 15 Å respectively) and to give possibilities to use the significant sample sizes up to 4x4 cm if necessary. The value Qmax considers to be 0.5-1 Å-1: but it depends from the outer sizes of PSD detector or additionally installed detectors. The realized and developing projects are: 1) Instruments of IBR-2M reactor and European Spallation Source 2) Neutron transport: conventional, convergent, parabolic and elliptic neutron guides 3) High Resolution Crystal Spectrometers (incl. Backscattering) 4) Small Angle Neutron Scattering Diffractometers 5) Neutron Spin Echo (incl. NRSE – resonance spin echo) 6) TOF Spectrometers 7) Powder Diffractometers 8) Reflectometers (GRAINS reflectomreter) 9) Neutron Spin Echo spectrometers with rotating or gradient magnetic fields 10) Neutron refraction lenses and focusing SANS diffractometers 11) Drabkin resonator Current activity: a concept for the modernization of a SANS instrument at the IBR-2M reactor:

56 Summer practice. JINR, Dubna, July 14 2011 GRAINS spectrometer (10th beam of the IBR-2M) All VITESS modules for GRAINS simulations were successfully developed and tested. First results (including analytical approach) are obtained and now is in press

57 Complex of moderators of the IBR-2M reactor 1.Main moveable reflector, 2. Auxiliary moveable reflector, 3. Fuel assembly, 4. Stationary reflector, 5. Cold moderators, 6. Emergency system, 7.Water moderators, 8.Control rods; Roman characters mark numbers of extracted neutron beams)

58 Solid mesitylene as a material for cold moderators T m = 227 K mesitylene m-xylene T m = 225 K Mixture with m-xylene or pseudocumene is of glassy structure, and has good neutron thermalization property. Solid beads of the frozen mixture of mesitylene and m-xylene

59 Principal scheme of the IBR-2M moderator system

60 The full scaled model of the conveying path and technological system of the IBR-2M cryogenic moderator 1 2 3 5 4 1 – camera-imitator of cryogenic moderator, 2 –heat exchanger with helium blower, 3 - cryogenic pipelines from\to refrigerator, 4 – charging device, 5 – transport cryogenic pipeline 5 1 2 4 3

61 Chamber-imitator of cold moderator with triple glass window

62 Fulfillment of the chamber-imitator of cold moderator by mesitylene beads (views through the windows)

63 Complete loading of the chamber (18 cm x 18 cm x 4 cm) by beads. Temperature inside is ~50K (1 l of volume of cryogenic moderator is ~ 27 000 of beads ) View through the windows into the chamber

64 Summer practice. JINR, Dubna, July 14 2011 Neutron detectors Neutron monitor with Li coated cathode 2D PSD with delay line readout

65 Summer practice. JINR, Dubna, July 14 2011 2D monitor PSD 100x100 mm2 Direct neutron beam monitor Designed and constructed for FRM-2 (Germany)

66 Summer practice. JINR, Dubna, July 14 2011 IBR-2 measurements Spectra of the 2D monitor, measured at IBR-2 reactor Profile of the channel №10 Mask (Cd) Profile of the channel №6b Profile of the channel №10 with mask

67 Summer practice. JINR, Dubna, July 14 2011 IBR-2 measurements Profile of the IBR-2 channel №7a Profile of the channel №7a Size of the beam 50x160 мм 2 ± 4 mm 2 Average intensity ≈ 1,8 * 10 6 n/sm 2 *sec. Sum on Y-axis

68 Summer practice. JINR, Dubna, July 14 2011 1D PSD 200x80 mm 2 Multi-purpose instrument for neutron scattering measurements

69 Summer practice. JINR, Dubna, July 14 2011 IBR-2 measurements Diffraction spectra of the (La 0.1 Pr 0.9 ) 0.7 Ca 0.3 Mn 0.3 sample, measured at the channel №5. At low temperatures it separated at FM-metallic and AFM-CO-insulating mesoscopic phases. Spectrum of the MgO/(4.7nm)Fe/(4.7nm)V]10/[(1ML)Fe/(1ML)V]17/(36.5nm)V/(2nm)Pd multilayer sample measured at the refletometer REFLEX (channel №9) T=10˚K T=290˚K

70 Summer practice. JINR, Dubna, July 14 2011 2D PSD 225x225 mm 2 Developed in frame of MinPromNauk grant №02.452.11.7044 from 12.04.06 Testing are started

71 Summer practice. JINR, Dubna, July 14 2011 Electronics Scheme of the electronics Crate NIM with analog electronics Pre-amplifiers

72 Summer practice. JINR, Dubna, July 14 2011 PCI-DAQ board PCI DAQ board Two main operating modes are provided: histogram (on-line sorting of data and building of spectra) and "list" (accumulation of raw data with subsequent off-line processing). In the regime of the accumulation of histograms the effectiveness of the DAQ system is 10 5 event/s, and in the raw data mode effectiveness is up to 810 5 event/s. Created in cooperation with HMI, Berlin. It comprises 8-channel TDC of F1 type (Acam), FIFOs of different types, CPLD, FPGA, 256 Mbyte histogram memory and DSP TMS 320C6711. The DAQ board has a PCI- interface and is installed directly in the case of PC.

73 Summer practice. JINR, Dubna, July 14 2011 New PCI-DAQ board Projected PCI-DAQ board A new DAQ board has been designed for 1D and 2D MWPC detectors with delay line data readout. This board contains the NIM-TTL signal level converter; 8-channel integrated time-digital converter (TDC- GPX); programmed logic matrix (FPGA) comprising about 6К of logic elements; 1Gbyte histogram memory, which makes it possible to accumulate three- dimensional spectra of size of up to 512×512×1024 of 32-digit words, and high-speed interface with an optical communication link to a personal computer. Logic and time simulation of work of the board has been performed using the Quartus II package. As a result, it has been demonstrated that the rate of data reception, filtration and accumulation in the board runs as high as 2 million events/s. Real registration rate (taking into account data transfer and recording into a computer) is no less than 1 million events/s. Now a new board is in the pilot production stage.

74 Summer practice. JINR, Dubna, July 14 2011 Software Software complex based on SONIX+ integrated in SONIX+ system integrated in SONIX+ system allows fully automates experiment allows fully automates experiment based on the Python script language based on the Python script language Software complex based on ROOT real-time data observation real-time data observation currently used for detectors testing and in BER-II reactor (together with CAERESS) currently used for detectors testing and in BER-II reactor (together with CAERESS) based on the ROOT library based on the ROOT library

75 Summer practice. JINR, Dubna, July 14 2011 Thank you for your attention


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