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Advanced Accounting Information Systems

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1 Advanced Accounting Information Systems
Day 5 Systems Documentation

2 Objectives Understand why systems documentation is important in today’s environment READ and DRAW Document flowchart Systems flowchart Process maps Data flow diagrams End user computing documentation Understand and use Program flowcharts Decision tables Understand importance of end user computing documentation

3 Questions for today What is the purpose of a process map?

4 Question for today How does a process map differ from a flowchart?

5 Question for today What are the critical components to end user computing documentation? (i.e., what must be included in end user computing documentation?)

6 Flowchart Review Document flowcharts Systems flowcharts Used by?
Steps to develop? Systems flowcharts

7 Process Maps Business process – natural group of business activities that create value for an organization Process maps – document business processes in easy-to-follow diagrams Newer technology Easy to use and easy for novices to follow

8 Process Maps Used by auditors to
Learn how a department or division operates Assist in documenting what they have learned Identify internal control weaknesses Used by consultants As training tool Used by accountants and auditors Describe current processes to others Hierarchical process maps

9 Process Map - Example Problem 3-15
The data-entry department of Ron Mitchell Manufacturing Company is responsible for converting all the company’s shipping and receiving information to computer records. Because accuracy in this conversion is essential, the firm employs a strict verification process. Shipping department sends a copy of all shipping orders to the data- entry department A data-entry operator keys the information from a shipping order onto a diskette A supervisor checks every record with the original shipping order. If no errors are detected, the diskette is sent to the computer operations staff and the original shipping order is filed.

10 Data Flow Diagrams Used primarily in systems development process
analyze existing system create new system Four symbols External entity Data flow Internal entity or transformation process Data store (file) Leveled system Context DFD Decomposition levels Physical Logical

11 Data Flow Diagrams - Physical
Physical dfd Focus on physical entities such as employees involved in system; tangible documents, reports Bubbles – identify employee who performs process Rules Each bubble contains number as well as title Physical dfd includes same inputs and outputs as it predecessor context diagram (i.e. context dfd and physical dfd are BALANCED) All bubbles contain names of system entities (titles of employees) that correspond to official organizational chart

12 Data Flow Diagram - Example
Problem 3-16

13 Data Flow Diagrams - Logical
Logical dfd Focus on what participants do in system (processes) Bubbles – identify employee who performs process Rules Each bubble contains number as well as process name Physical dfd includes same inputs and outputs as it predecessor context diagram (i.e. context dfd and logical dfd are BALANCED)

14 Data Flow Diagram - Example

15 Questions for Friday Describe the term decomposition and how it relates to data flow diagram development. Describe the purpose of CASE tools Why is systems documentation important for Sarbanes Oxley compliance? Identify at least one systems documentation tool that did not get much (if any) coverage in Chapter 3

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