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LHCb T2D sites A.Tsaregorodtsev, CPPM. Why T2D sites for LHCb  The T2D concept introduced in 2013  to allow non-T1 country sites to controbute storage.

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Presentation on theme: "LHCb T2D sites A.Tsaregorodtsev, CPPM. Why T2D sites for LHCb  The T2D concept introduced in 2013  to allow non-T1 country sites to controbute storage."— Presentation transcript:

1 LHCb T2D sites A.Tsaregorodtsev, CPPM

2 Why T2D sites for LHCb  The T2D concept introduced in 2013  to allow non-T1 country sites to controbute storage to LHCb  To allow well established T2 sites to contribute to the LHCb analysis activities  The project is in a prototype state yet  5 sites being tested  Incorporation into the LHCb production system  Monitoring, performance evaluation  Contacts  Based on initial testing a ( final ) draft of the LHCb T2D document is prepared  T2D site qualification criteria  Monitoring and performance  Support structures 2

3 T2D qualification  Successful T2 sites with availability >95% in the last quarter  Storage system configured and tested as part of the LHCb data management procedure  Contact person is nominated  Not necessarily LHCb member  In contact with the national NCB representative  Adhere to the WLCG MoU requirement to respond to analysis problems ( 2 hours ).  Storage requirement  Minimum 100 TB to start with  Increase to 300 TB in the next year  LHCb-Disk space token  Connected to the LHCb FTS3 service  Support for xrootd with a fixed xrootd endpoint, SRM configured to return xrootd TURL 3

4 T2D qualification  CPU requirement  5 HEPSPEC’06 per TB of storage available to LHCb  1.5 kHEPSPEC’06 for 300TB  Network connectivity  At least 1 Gbit/s to the national NREN  The T2D sites are available for analysis to all the LHCb users 4

5 T2D sites monitoring  LHCb TWiKi T2D Comissioning page will be set up to monitor the site performance   Sites will be requires to achieve 95% availability according to the WLCG T2 MoU criteria  If not achieved for a quarter in a row, site should provide a work plan to fix the issues or its T2D status can be revoked  The T2D sites will participate in the LHCb perfSonar monitoring  The site monitoring results will be published in the LHCb Site Status Board dashboard 5

6 Support  LHCb will nominate T2 coordinator  Connection between T2D sites and the operations team  Monitoring pages to show sites their performance  LHCb Internal log book for T2D site operations  Dedicated mailing list for T2D sites and candidates  Monthly video/audio conferences for T2 sites 6

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