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Marco Cattaneo, 15-Sep-19981 OO software plans  Major milestone (presented last June) Fully functional SICB replacement by mid-2000  How to get there?

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Presentation on theme: "Marco Cattaneo, 15-Sep-19981 OO software plans  Major milestone (presented last June) Fully functional SICB replacement by mid-2000  How to get there?"— Presentation transcript:

1 Marco Cattaneo, 15-Sep-19981 OO software plans  Major milestone (presented last June) Fully functional SICB replacement by mid-2000  How to get there? Design team Regular incremental releases Training

2 Marco Cattaneo, 15-Sep-19982 Design team  Identify a global software project engineer (“mentor”) Develop an overall architectural design  Assemble and train a small (~5 people) team of software specialists Design and implement the different components of the software architecture  Identify a list of sub-detector contacts Liaise with design team, provide user requirements, set priorities

3 Marco Cattaneo, 15-Sep-19983 Domain decomposition Persistent Event Data Persistent Detector Data Transient Event Data Transient Detector Data Application Manager Algorithms Services Main class collections Visualisation

4 Marco Cattaneo, 15-Sep-19984 Software release  Series of software releases with increasing functionality  For each release Functionality to be added is agreed with sub-detector contacts Software is released according to agreed procedures Conformance to standards, Documentation, etc. Review of functionality by sub-detector contacts Release is followed by consultancy Help sub-detector teams to deploy the new software and identify new requirements New release approximately every two months Not cast in stone: release when agreed functionality is implemented and tested

5 5 Proposal for release 1.0  Functionality: Object Oriented environment that allows user to: Define input and output data, job parameters (c.f. SICB.dat) Loop over events For each event, access MonteCarlo truth and digitised raw data Output results in the form of HBOOK histograms and/or ntuples Provide placeholders user initialisation and analysis code (c.f. suinit, suanal) Does NOT allow user to: Store back into ZEBRA store (can be discussed…) Access SICB reconstruction output Use an analysis library (c.f. AXLIB) Input is from ZEBRA files produced by SICB  Typical “client”: Sub-detector expert developing a pattern recognition algorithm. Release includes example of user code  Timescale: before the end of the year.

6 Marco Cattaneo, 15-Sep-19986 Examples of later releases  Functionality of each release DRIVEN by user requirements. For example:  Release 1.1 Add reconstructed and analysis data to input data types Typical client is physicist developing an analysis toolkit Store back into ZEBRA store  Release 1.2 Add access to object oriented detector description Typical clients are reconstruction or digitisation algorithms  Release 1.3 Add access to other types of data store Possible clients are test beam teams

7 Marco Cattaneo, 15-Sep-19987 Training  Need for training is recognised Arrange an Object Oriented design course open to anyone interested (design team, sub-detector contacts, physicists) Course has been identified, date will be proposed around end October (What are bad dates?)  Additional training material to be identified and documented on the Web List of courses Online tutorials for getting started with recommended tools Examples of use of software components

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