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AIDS in the workplace AH Mehrparvar,MD Occupational Medicine department Yazd University of Medical Sciences.

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Presentation on theme: "AIDS in the workplace AH Mehrparvar,MD Occupational Medicine department Yazd University of Medical Sciences."— Presentation transcript:

1 AIDS in the workplace AH Mehrparvar,MD Occupational Medicine department Yazd University of Medical Sciences

2 Introduction  Human Immunodeficiency Virus  A retrovirus  HIV-1 and HIV-2  RNA and reverse transcriptase  Enters cells expressing CD4 (a group of T lymphocytes)

3 Transmission of HIV  HIV isolated from: Blood Semen Vaginal secretion Breast milk and:  Saliva  Tear  urine

4  75% of all HIV infections are due to sexual intercourse  Blood and blood products  Maternal-infant

5 Diagnostic tests  Screening Ab against HIV (4-12 weeks later) False positive: multiple pregnancies, transfusion, autoimmune diseases  Confirmatory Western blot: negative, indeterminate, positive Virologic markers

6 Pathogenesis  Acute or primary infection Fever, fatigue, pharyngitis, LAP, myalgia, rash  Asymptomatic phase 7-10 years  Symptomatic phase CD4<200/mm 3 Opportunistic infections:  Fungal infections  Herpes simplex  TB

7 Occupational risk of HIV  Directly proportional to the risk of exposure to HIV-infected blood  Jobs:  HCWs  Military personnel  Safety/rescue personnel  sporstmen

8 HCWs  Most common: needlestick  RR of percutaneous infection: 1 in 300  Influencing factors: Quantity and depth of infection Visible blood on needle Terminal AIDS  Other exposures: Intact skin with large quantities of blood Mucous membrane exposure

9 Primary prevention  Minimizing contact with moist body substances and surfaces, by:  Handwashing With warm water and plain soap Antimicrobila agents are not necessary  Gloves  Gowns  Face shields

10 Primary prevention  Do not recap needles  Put disposable syringe, needle and other sharp devices in puncture-resistant containers  Put containers as close as possible to use areas  Clean-up spills of blood or other body fluids with suitable germicide  Dispose of gloves last  Wash the hand after disposing gloves

11 Secondary prevention  After needlestick:  Cleanse wounds  If source seronegative: Baseline test and follow-up 12 weeks later  If source unknown or positive: Chemoprophylaxis  Zidovudine during 72 hours after exposure Baseline test ant follow-up at 6, 12, and 26 weeks

12 Sportsmen  Do not recommend routine testing  Do not restrict HIV-positive athletes from playing

13 Military personnel  They may not serve in combat units  They may not be assigned remote from medical centers

14 Mortuary workers  HIV in blood up to 21 hours after death  HIV in bone, brain and viscera after 2 weeks

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