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Having bacteria in your mouth is a normal thing. While some of the bacteria can be harmful, most are not and some are even helpful. However, certain.

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Presentation on theme: "Having bacteria in your mouth is a normal thing. While some of the bacteria can be harmful, most are not and some are even helpful. However, certain."— Presentation transcript:





5 Having bacteria in your mouth is a normal thing. While some of the bacteria can be harmful, most are not and some are even helpful. However, certain types of bacteria can attach themselves to hard surfaces like the °enamel° that covers your teeth. If they don’t get removed they grow until a number of °colony° forms. When a colony forms, different types of bacteria’s join to the colony and grows Enamel- the metal/gold part of your tooth Colony- a group of family e.g.. If they don’t get removed they create a number of family’s Proteins that are present in your °saliva° also mix in and the bacteria colony becomes a whitish film on the tooth. This film is called plaque, and it's what causes cavities. Salvia- Spit (your mouth water)



8 Having straight teeth is very important. Having teeth’s that are °misaligned°, affects the persons way of smiling, talking, chewing and etc… Misaligned- not straight and are in order If you have misaligned teeth they are very hard to clean and also more likely to have cavity’s To keep a straight tooth we need to have “Braces” on our teeth. As you see on the picture there Is a teeth with braces on. They are also kept straight Braces



11 Each time you eat a snack containing sugar or starch (°carbohydrates°), Carbohydrates-any of a large group of organic compounds occurring in foods and living tissues and including sugars, starch, How much sugar? A single can of pop contains up to 10 teaspoons of sugar, and if you think that natural sugar (like the sugar in raisins or other fruit) is better for your teeth, just kidding its not better its actually worst


13 tooth brushing is important, and you should brush twice a day. Did you know that if you don’t floss, you miss cleaning up to 35% of each tooth? If you’re not sure how to floss, just ask your dentist.



16 Do you smoke? If you don't, you probably know some friends or see other students at school who do. Too many young people today are getting addicted to tobacco, and the results are showing up in their mouths. Smoking or using smokeless "chewing" tobacco can make you four times more likely of developing oral cancer (especially on the rise in women as more younger girls take up smoking) - and it's not just something that older adults get anymore.



19 Fluoride is a natural element that can be found in many things, like the water we drink and the food we eat. Fluoride that is absorbed by your body is used by the cells that build your teeth to make stronger enamel.

20 - Always brush your teeth in the Morning, Afternoon, and the Evening…Don’t Forget -Always Floss your teeth after eating if you don’t the cavity’s are waiting for you -Last but not Least go to the dentist every three months for a Check up

21 Images: Got help from: My Family tening.htm


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