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Noah Toma Miss Crawford Computers 7G 25 March 2014.

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1 Noah Toma Miss Crawford Computers 7G 25 March 2014

2 Cabrini 2014 Cabrini Church Father Joe Gymnasium Mr. Crupi Mr. Harning Mr. Kerr TABLE OF CONTENTS Miss Surma Art Room Computer Lab Library

3 CABRINI CHURCH This is Saint Frances Cabrini Church. The Elementary and Middle School goes to mass as a class on every Thursday. The High School however sometimes goes on Thursday with us and if not they go on Wednesday. Our church is also open everyday and everyone is welcome.

4 FATHER JOE Father Joe is the priest at our school. He is at every mass unless he is sick. When Father Joe is sick usually Father John fills in his spot.

5 GYMNASIUM This is the elementary and middle school gym at Cabrini. Besides the basketball nets, volleyball nets and the floor you can probably see the wood. That’s because the gymnasium use to be a church. Well in here is where we have gym class. The elementary students have gym once a week. The middle students have it every day for either first or second semester.

6 MR. CRUPI Mr. Crupi is the middle school math teacher. He teaches 6 th grade honors, 7 th grade honors, 8 th grade honors, and regular 7 th. He is a really good math teacher! He teaches us a lot.

7 MR. HARNING Mr. Harning is the dean at Cabrini. He replaced Mr. Cambell who was the dean two years ago. Mr. Harning also teaches chess club. He teaches chess to elementary and middle school students who sign up.

8 MR. KERR Mr. Kerr is a 6 th grade geography teacher, 7 th grade science teacher, 8 th grade science teacher and 7 th grade homeroom teacher. He also is a huge Michigan fan for basketball and football. He's also a DJ and likes rock music.

9 MISS SURMA Miss Surma is a geography and history teacher. She teaches Geography to 6 th and 7 th graders. She is a 8 th grade homeroom teacher. Miss Surma also loves Michigan state. She likes Michigan State football and basketball. She likes to drink Diet Pepsi. If you took her pop you wouldn’t be very lucky. Miss Surma also has traveled to a lot of places around the world which is really cool. She even has a bulletin board on the wall in her room with strings pointing to where she has been with pictures.

10 ART ROOM Mrs. Ackly teaches all grades for art class. Kindergarten, 1 st grade, 2 nd grade, 3 rd grade, 4 th grade, 5 th grade, 6 th grade 7 th grade, and 8 th grade. She is an amazing drawer and amazing at everything that is arts and crafts. I've been here since 4 th grade and since then I learned a lot.

11 COMPUTER LAB Miss Crawford is the computer lab teacher. She teaches 4 th through 8 th graders. She has taught everyone so much. I can type so much faster than how I used to be able to type. Sometimes I don’t even have to look down at the keyboard. She even taught us all how to make this PowerPoint.

12 LIBRARY Mrs. Williams is the librarian. She teaches all grades here at Cabrini. She used to teach fifth grade. This is her first year being a library teacher. When I was in fifth grade two years ago she was my homeroom teacher. She taught reading, English, social studies and religion class.

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