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Stepping Hill and Victoria CCG Neighbourhood Meeting Find and Treat.

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Presentation on theme: "Stepping Hill and Victoria CCG Neighbourhood Meeting Find and Treat."— Presentation transcript:

1 Stepping Hill and Victoria CCG Neighbourhood Meeting Find and Treat

2 Hazel Grove & Offerton and Victoria Neighbourhood Headline Profile 2

3 Summary Slide 2 shows geographical site Slide 3 complexity between resident and registered HG and O: 37,384 residents (HSCIC) 32,906 registered with GPs in area Victoria: 57,121 residents (HSCIC) 46,672 registered with GPs in area (HSCIC)

4 Most deprived quintile Second most deprived quintile Mid deprived quintile Second least deprived quintile Least deprived quintile Hazel Grove & Offerton4.8%9.0%33.1%17.7%35.4% Victoria23.1%35.4%24.9%13.8%2.7% Stockport12.3%18.1%20.0%21.7%27.8% Deprivation profile of residents:

5 Summary Offerton and Hazel GroveVictoria Disease register – above Stockport average CHD/ COPD/ Diabetes/ CKD/ Mental Health Virtually all Screening and Imm Cancer Under 2 Imm 5 years Flu 65+ Close to Stockport Average Slightly lower than S.A. Slightly higher than S.A. Slightly lower than S.A. V.Close to Skport average Slightly lower/close to SA V.Close to Skport average

6 6 Average life expectancy of residents O andHG : Lifestyles of adult residents: NeighbourhoodStockport Smokers14.6%16.9% Unhealthy drinkers25.1%26.1% Low mental wellbeing11.3%12.2% Obesity (underestimate as self reported) 17.4%16.2% Not physically active enough 73.6% Eat 5 a day14.4%17.9% NeighbourhoodStockport At birthAt 65At birthAt 65 Males81.4 years20.5 years79.9 years19.4 years Females85.2 years22.5 years83.0 years21.1 years

7 7 Average life expectancy of residents: Vitorai Lifestyles of adult residents: NeighbourhoodStockport Smokers23.2%16.9% Unhealthy drinkers24.3%26.1% Low mental wellbeing16.2%12.2% Obesity (underestimate as self reported) 19.7%16.2% Not physically active enough 71.1%73.6% Eat 5 a day16.3%17.9% NeighbourhoodStockport At birthAt 65At birthAt 65 Males77.5 years18.0 years79.9 years19.4 years Females80.4 years19.0 years83.0 years21.1 years

8 How are Public Health proposing to re model our services to fit practices/neighbourhood needs

9 What did you say you wanted from Public Health previously Services Increased funding for Health Checks Supporting patients with lifestyle changes / Health education for patients, families Modifying health behaviour/using appropriate services Drug and alcohol services Identify isolated vulnerable/complex patients Support of the formal and informal care in community of the complex patient Patient contracts/agreement of own responsibility of care Promotion of prevention services e.g. falls prevention etc. Staffing Direct visibility with practices Information Feedback outcome data Advertising campaign

10 Prevention & Empowerment in the MCP Early intervention & prevention Healt hier Lifest yles Improved populatio n health & wellbeing Health Protection Behaviour Change Support Healthier living Infection Control Immunisa tion Workforce development for prevention L1: Self Help resources L5: Intensive support L3: Extended BI L2: Brief advice L4: Lifestyle coaching Healthier Communities Champion s for health Healthy Workplac es Communit y Developm ent Healthy Hospital TPA & WIN Soc Prescribing & well- being Healthy Living Pharmacies Specialist Dietary & WM Physical activity Services New Healthy Stockport Service Drug & Alcohol Services Voluntary & Mutual support Sexual Health Services Public Health Care Assistants Screenin g Services Social Marketing Stop before the Op Know your Numbers GP PHES Find & treat Prevention in Every pathway Drug & Alcohol Early Intervention Pharmaci es Proact ive Care Planne d Care Red text indicates key P&E areas for developme nt / review Clinical needs GP/ professional referral by single number/ referral template giving access to all services Social needs Condition management Self-care support App/web info & support Expert Patient Programme

11 How are Public health and the Neighbourhood going to work together ? Workforce development of practice HCAs around screening and immunisation ? Or neighbourhood Public Health HCA’s, health trainers, behavioural coaches etc Health intelligence, support around identification, templates and call / recall – grant access to your data New Healthy Stockport offer – where should it be delivered/ one access point Community identification of new hypertensives / diabetes awareness/ risk

12 What do we mean by Find and Treat Models are emerging of Find and Treat 1. Focus health checks on potentially high risk as well as never screened. Model this to identify your priority patients (eg. using qdiabetes, qrisk, deprivation postcodes, mental illness, men of working age) 2. Actively following up people with CVD and known risk e.g. smokers/ obese patients? 3. Embedding prevention in all pathways - MDT, medication reviews etc

13 Which of these models do you like? How can you see these working in your practice? reminder flags/ templates etc ? What is the value of doing these at neighbourhood rather than practice levels Are there any other models? What is your Neighbourhood Clinical Priority?

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