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MUSIC FROM AROUND THE WORLD! Unit 1 - AFRICA. Where are we going?  You are here!

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2 Where are we going?  You are here!

3 Sub-Saharan Africa Islamic Africa (North East Africa) is influenced by Middle Eastern culture *Hundreds (if not thousands) of cultural groups *Dozens of musical styles within EACH cultural group!

4 General Characteristics of Music  Oral/Aural tradition (“rote” learning of history)  Use of a “Leader” or soloist in all styles  DANCE is used to communicate: Improvisation, patterns.  Music can be: Sacred, Functional, or Entertainment  Art maintains balance of humans and nature - ceremony  Drums represent power and connection to supernatural  “living newspapers”, work songs, litigation songs  Learning tools – children’s songs  Little to no separation of “audience” and “performers”  Used for social gatherings (“parties”)

5 Singing  Melody in middle voice  Improvised harmonies -forms triads  Call and Response

6 Barred Instruments  Melody in middle voice  Five to twenty bars  Resonated with wood or gourd (beneath bars) -Sometimes played over a pit.

7 Drumming  Layered  Polyrhythmic  Seemingly complex

8 Dancing  Whole body engaged – high energy  Head motion very dramatic  Frequent jumps/steps  Repetitive Patterns

9 Examples  Mali, Zimbabwe and South Africa (to emphasize variety in cultures)  Make note of everything we’ve discussed as you watch the example movies! h?v=UH6yC7GjqZk&feature= player_popout bboJsFVa58 DJPQ0ilaRU

10 Connect to American History: “Take Time In Life”  From Liberia  Sung in English (Why?)  Liberia was “founded” by the United States in the early 1800s as a home for freed slaves.  Capitol of Liberia is: MONROVIA  5 th U.S. President James Monroe (1817-1825) sent freed slaves there to prevent rebellion in southern states!

11 Notes for reference, NOT learning!

12 Remember, Music is learned by rote!

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