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Presentation on theme: " Contingency Planning Methodology Alice Fay Save the Children; Sarah Karmin UNICEF, Gary Jones UNAIDS Scientific Development Workshop 23."— Presentation transcript:

1 Contingency Planning Methodology Alice Fay Save the Children; Sarah Karmin UNICEF, Gary Jones UNAIDS Scientific Development Workshop 23 rd July 2014

2 Background Addressing HIV is often a gap in humanitarian response HIV is present in most emergency contexts Treatment disruption, increased vulnerabilities Contingency planning is key © UNICEF/NYHQ2012-0359/Asselin

3 Mozambique 2013 HIV prevalence 11.1% nationally; 25% in Gaza and 12.6% in Zambezia Flooding January 2013 378,487 people affected in Gaza alone 150,000 people in Gaza at risk of treatment disruption

4 Mozambique Experience 2 day workshop, based on IASC guidelines 1. Identification of vulnerabilities – context specific 2. Prioritising sectors and actions 3. Developing the plan 4. Taking it forward

5 1. Identification of Vulnerabilities Photo credit: UNICEF

6 Provide ART to those previously on treatment -------------------------------------------------------------- Provide condoms, PEP kits and access to other services Provide ART to those previously on treatment -------------------------------------------------------------- Provide condoms, PEP kits and access to other services 2.Prioritising Actions

7 Action Preparedness Activities related to the action Lead agency / sector Partners / stake- holders SMART indicator including timeline and means of verification Resources needed Provide ART to those previously on treatment

8 Action Preparedness Activities related to the action Lead agency / sector Partners / stake- holders SMART indicator including timeline and means of verification Resources needed Ensure continued access to ARVs for people living with HIV who are on treatment including pregnant women  Maintain functioning of electronic database  Preposition buffer stock of ARV in strategic and safe locations  Build the capacity of medical officers/physical assistants to prescribe and monitor ART services, including PMTCT MoHNGO X Donor Y  Database functional and online by end of March 2014  2 months worth of prepositioned ARVs available in agreed location each region by September  80% of medical officers/physical assistants trained. Means of verification:  Reports produced from the electronic database  Receipt of ARVs/delivery report from each site  Training report and list of participants. Human resources and supplies

9 4. Taking it Forward Concrete next steps – who, when, timeline Activities are part of regular programming; not just in times of emergency Adapting and replicating in other countries; methodology on flash drives

10 Thank you Thank you

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