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Incorporating a Regional Architecture in the Planning Process: Central Ohio Example ITS America May 2, 2005 Phoenix, AZ.

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1 Incorporating a Regional Architecture in the Planning Process: Central Ohio Example ITS America May 2, 2005 Phoenix, AZ

2 MORPC Transportation Planning Area Population: 1.24 Million 41 Member Agencies Major Interstate Routes: I-71, I-70, I-270, I-670 Ohio’s Capital Home to The Ohio State University

3 Architecture History 1999 - MORPC created the “ITS Integration Strategy for Central Ohio” – A good start, but lacking critical components recognized by FHWA 2004 - MORPC adopted the “Central Ohio Regional ITS Architecture” – TurboArchitecture 2.0 – Incorporated FHWA recommendations from Integration Strategy – Updated triennially in conjunction with T-Plan

4 Prepared by: The Mid-Ohio Regional Planning Commission 285 East Main Street Columbus, OH 43215 Central Ohio Regional ITS Architecture “ITS components that operate together and as part of a system will enhance safety and mobility and reduce the possibility of costly incompatible systems in the future.” April 2004

5 ITS in Central Ohio ODOT’s Columbus Freeway Management System Freeway Incident Response Service Team (FIRST) AVL and APC systems for COTA Columbus Signal System Upgrades

6 ITS in the Planning Process CM/AQ – Applications accepted on a 2 year cycle TIP – 4 year schedule of transportation improvements updated every 2 years T-Plan – 20 year horizon updated every 3 years

7 Transportation Improvement Program MORPC staff selected ITS projects from the draft TIP list and verified conformance of each project to the Regional Architecture 11 projects in the 06-09 ITS Project Listing, including: – Central Ohio Transit Authority (COTA) ITS – Columbus Signal System upgrades – Franklin County signal timing studies – Paving the Way (Traveler Information)

8 Columbus Signal System Example MORPC has $14.9 M programmed for improvements to the system over the next 6 years System currently does not conform to the Regional Architecture Consultant hired to perform a technical and operational assessment of the system and develop a strategic plan that will bring the system into conformance with the architecture

9 Columbus Signal System Cont’d Final report will include a section on architecture conformity, which will be used in final design of the new system Functional Flow Diagrams outline how the signal system should integrate with other agencies in the region “Because upgrades to the CTSS are fully funded through MORPC, the new system design must conform to the Regional ITS Architecture.”

10 Sample Functional Flow Diagram Network Surveillance (ATMS01)

11 Franklin County Signal Timing Regional project that stemmed from the architecture Study will target cross-jurisdictional corridors $600,000 for 200 intersections Shows that agencies are starting to look at the region as a whole

12 Learning As We Go Better education/outreach to: – our member agencies – other agencies included in the architecture (e.g. Police/Fire, Event Promoters, Media) In the future, project owner will demonstrate compliance rather than MORPC staff The architecture is a dynamic document, always changing

13 Tiffany Tyler, E.I.T. 614.233.4163 Central Ohio Regional ITS Architecture online at: Questions??

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