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RHIC pp 500 GeV development M. Bai C-A Department.

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Presentation on theme: "RHIC pp 500 GeV development M. Bai C-A Department."— Presentation transcript:

1 RHIC pp 500 GeV development M. Bai C-A Department

2 ps work Weather related down time Quench recovery Blooster problem Blooster problem, ps problem ps problem, access control problem Ps problem, access control problem Fix the rf ring to ring synchro Yellow ps lead flow problem Blooster problem

3 What did we achieve Successfully accelerated both beams up to 250 GeV Significant polarization was measured at 250 GeV in Blue ring Studied the polarization as a function of beam tunes at 250 GeV Measured polarization as a function of energy during the last two ramps.



6 Resonance at Ggamma=138

7 What did we miss Systematic study of polarization along the energy ramp as function of orbit distortion and beam tunes at depolarization resonances beyond 100 GeV Establish collisions to study the luminosity aspects at 250 GeV Study the polarization lifetime as a function of beam tunes at 250 Gev

8 What prevented up from fullfiling the goal of 250 GeV developement An unexpected strong coupling between 200 GeV and 250 GeV Downtime due to system failures Lost a total of 36 hours due to bad weather. Lost another 4 hours due to system failures during the 12 hour extension A combination of yellow ps problem and rf loop problem, both were weather related, also prevented any polarization development in the Yellow ring

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