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Portfolio of Biomass Projects in the Czech Republic David Viduna BTG Central Europe s.r.o. San Salvador, March 28, 2003.

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1 Portfolio of Biomass Projects in the Czech Republic David Viduna BTG Central Europe s.r.o. San Salvador, March 28, 2003

2 Introduction Kyoto Protocol > Clean Development Mechanism (CDM) Host countries – non-Annex I countries (Latin America, Asia, Africa) Certified Emission Reductions (CERs)

3 Introduction II Kyoto Protocol > Joint Implementation mechanism (JI) Host countries – Annex I countries (Central and Eastern Europe) Emission Reduction Units (ERUs)

4 Background Favorable conditions > 20 municipal biomass projects in the Czech Republic were under development core finance from State Environmental Fund co-finance was needed Czech Republic

5 Favorable conditions BTG’s pilot JI projects (AIJ) in several CEE countries BTG’s municipal biomass pilot JI (AIJ) project in Hostětín, Czech Republic Background II 732 kW biomass boiler in Hostětín

6 12X.... project portfolio individual contracts project development & ER monitoring ERUs delivery funds baseline, proposal & reporting BTG Project developer BioHeat Financing intermediary “Bundling Fund” proposal and transaction approvals Senter Host country govt. bulk contract BTG’s JI bundling approach

7 >20 municipal central heating systems 0.5 to 10 MW Biomass (woodchips/straw) replaces individual or central fossil fuel boilers Project type: fuel switch CO 2 em. reduction + avoided methane from waste wood dumps Emission reduction: up to 240 ktons of CO 2 e. (ERUs) per year. The Czech Portfolio for ERUPT


9 ERU-PT contract: 0.5 million ERUs for EUR 4.7 million JI funds linked to the system of the Czech State Environmental Fund (SEF) SEF support: up to 40% grants and up to 40% zero interest loans JI funds represent 10 to 20% of the total investment The Czech Portfolio for ERUPT

10 contract with the Dutch Ministry of Economic Affairs/SENTER contracts with municipalities approval from the Czech Ministry of Environment Status

11 Homogeneous bundle type size (over a critical value) owner baseline timing Summary

12 Bundle/portfolio of 6-7 biomass projects in CEE New portfolios/bundles Bundle/portfolio of 4 landfill gas projects in CEE


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