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Presented by Ryan Green June 25, 2008. 2 Technology in Fundraising Two Primary Purposes Donor Management & Service oReal-time updated information oManage.

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Presentation on theme: "Presented by Ryan Green June 25, 2008. 2 Technology in Fundraising Two Primary Purposes Donor Management & Service oReal-time updated information oManage."— Presentation transcript:

1 Presented by Ryan Green June 25, 2008

2 2 Technology in Fundraising Two Primary Purposes Donor Management & Service oReal-time updated information oManage contact with donors oEnsure donor requests are in line with donor needs Analysis & Reporting oOn-demand reports for decision making oIdentify giving trends oProfile donors oMeasure effectiveness of programs and initiatives oEfficient and effective communication both internally and externally

3 3 Technology in Fundraising Use of Technology by Nonprofits 2008 Survey conducted by Blackbaud of 1,140 nonprofit organizations. 88% use their website to market their organization 50% have data services budgets vs. 31% in 2006 92% believe a unified database if very important 68% use online fundraising tools 48% actively use online fundraising strategies 59% use electronic newsletters 38% plan to implement online surveys or polls

4 4 Technology in Fundraising Best Practices Basic understanding of information technology. Basic understanding of when and how to use information technology. Information technology planning is included in all other plans throughout the organization. An information technology plan is established that outlines what the organization does and how technology supports its functions. Costs and benefits are considered when making information technology decisions. Technology should solve problems and add value.

5 5 Technology in Fundraising Ten Ways Technology Can Help 1.Holistic View of Supporters 2.Relationship Management 3.Analysis Reporting 4.Accountability and Stewardship 5.Online Donor Service 6.Direct Mail 7.Pledge Management 8.Recurring Giving 9.Matching Gifts 10.Save Time

6 6 Technology in Fundraising Data Integrity What Make data integrity your number one information technology priority. Why Avoid embarrassment, waste, frustration, and offending donors. How Analyze the health (or accuracy) of your data. Identify duplicate, deceased, and invalid records. Develop policies and procedures to ensure data integrity. Monitor data entry, conduct ongoing analysis, and maintain your records.

7 7 Technology in Fundraising Online Fundraising When considering online fundraising, remember that traditional fundraising principles apply. oIdentification oQualification oCultivation oSolicitation oStewardship Online fundraising tools oWebsite oWeb 2.0 oE-mail

8 8 Technology in Fundraising Fundraising Website Getting started oConsider donor questions and answer them online Website features oRegistration/member sign-in oOrganizational info (e.g. mission, vision, values) oPrograms and benefits oCommunities oOnline transactions oStewardship oContact page and suggestion box

9 9 Technology in Fundraising E-mail Fundraising

10 10 Technology in Fundraising PeopleSoft Overview Donor Management & Service o Extend contributor relations with self service o Maintain constituent information o Manage prospects o Manage campaigns o Manage volunteers o Manage membership Analysis & Reporting o Enter commitments and analyze giving history o Tracked planned giving o Generate involvement o Plan events

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