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Building Your Personal Brand Philip Goodwin, OSU Career Services Associate Director.

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Presentation on theme: "Building Your Personal Brand Philip Goodwin, OSU Career Services Associate Director."— Presentation transcript:

1 Building Your Personal Brand Philip Goodwin, OSU Career Services Associate Director









10 Building Your Personal Brand Philip Goodwin, OSU Career Services Associate Director

11 What is Personal Brand? The practice of people marketing themselves and their careers as brands The ongoing process of establishing a prescribed image or impression in the mind of others about an individual, group, or organization The process by which individuals differentiate themselves from others

12 Online Reputation Management 1.Discover It 2.Clean It 3.Build It 4.Manage It

13 Discover It



16 Discover It – The Reality Famous namesakes taking up all of front page Google search (deceased people, artists, actors, singers, church, bodybuilder) Alcohol/partying Pic of nose picking Profanity and ethnic slurs Inappropriate photos – Scantily clad (bedroom shot, bikinis) – Comments on photos – Selfies, selfies, selfies (and selfies in the car) Radical views/political references Food, food, food Complaints (restaurant, current job, etc.) Not enough privacy settings – I could see timeline, photos, etc.

17 Clean It What employers DON’T want to see – Partying (excessive or pattern of them) – Swearing and derogatory comments – Consistent negativity – Complaints about current/past employers – Inconsistencies with what has been communicated in resume or interview – Inappropriate handles/emails (@hotmama, idaman@yahoo, etc.) – Distasteful pics (bikinis, loads of selfies, etc.) – Extreme views on current events or politics – Spelling/grammar errors – Illegal or offensive material – Criticism of others

18 Clean It Delete or remove undesirables where possible Remove tags Request others to do the same Restrict through privacy settings

19 Clean It Online Reputation Management Services Gadook Webimax Socially Clean

20 Build It What employers want to see – Updated information – Relevant connections – Business-style, professional LinkedIn with a quality, professional photo – Information backing up resume and interview – Image the company would be proud of – Positive, effective communication – Hobbies, interests, values that line up with the person you say you are – Maturity/professional image – Honesty/truthfulness was a common theme

21 What do you want your magazine cover to look like?

22 Manage It Continuously monitor privacy settings Block/unfollow connections with undesirables Easiest strategy is if you have any questions about a post, blog, or pic – don’t do it Keep all sites updated Periodically perform research It doesn’t end once you have the job! Be careful – always think about online safety

23 “Can I just send you a text?” OMG I your company. Can I have a job? My name is not Omg. Who is this?

24 Purposeful Be Available Follow through Get Involved Lead Help Others Show Up Be You Reveal Self Build Trust and Relationships


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