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Grace Bediako Ghana Statistical Service Innovative Funding Tools: Statistics for Results Facility (SRF) Fifth Meeting of the Forum on African Statistical.

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Presentation on theme: "Grace Bediako Ghana Statistical Service Innovative Funding Tools: Statistics for Results Facility (SRF) Fifth Meeting of the Forum on African Statistical."— Presentation transcript:

1 Grace Bediako Ghana Statistical Service Innovative Funding Tools: Statistics for Results Facility (SRF) Fifth Meeting of the Forum on African Statistical Development (FASDev V) 17 January 2012, Cape Town, South Africa

2 About the Fund With multi-donor support Managed by the World Bank Started in 2009 With five pilot countries Afghanistan Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC) Ghana Nigeria Rwanda

3 Aims and Objectives of the SRF Aims Increase the level of investment in statistical systems in developing countries Serve as a catalyst to increase the amount of technical and financial support to the implementation of the national statistical strategies Improve the effectiveness of support from donors. Objectives Promotes capacity building Sustain improvement in the production, availability and use of official statistics. Support better policy formulation and decision making

4 Funding for Ghana’s NSDS Ghana Statistics Development Plan (GSDP) for 2009-2013 Major funding DfID and EU Funding directed to institutional reform Population and Housing Census Other sources of funding UNFPA (Census) UNDP (Institutional building, Economic Statistics) UNICEF (MICS, GhanaInfo) Danida (Census dissemination) CIDA (Census District Reports and Dissemination) African Development Bank (ICP, other fields of statistics)

5 Funding experience Few Development Partners involved in joint funding (outside of the Multi-donor Budget Support (MDBS) arrangements with government) Multi-donor Trust Fund (MDTF) set up by the World Bank but only EU and DfID participating, due to: Timing of commitment Overhead charges Statistical Service needs to deal with different funding institutions

6 Statistics for Results Facility SRF-CF SRF mechanism pools substantial resources for more effective implementation of GSDP Coordinated support More comprehensive targeting and programming of funds Streamlined reporting procedures Regular programme implementation reviews Technical backstopping/support available to manage funds

7 Progress on the SRF-CF in Ghana Currently completing implementation of a Multi-donor Trust Fund (EU and DfID) SRF-IDA (US$40 million approved by the World Bank, now going through the Government approval process, i.e., Cabinet and Parliament) Fund to be in operation by end first quarter Implementation to follow model of Multi-donor Trust Fund

8 Thank you

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