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Vocabulary Review Chapter 1. The science of life Biology.

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Presentation on theme: "Vocabulary Review Chapter 1. The science of life Biology."— Presentation transcript:

1 Vocabulary Review Chapter 1

2 The science of life Biology

3 The production of offspring that does not involve the union of gametes Asexual reproduction

4 An organism that uses energy to synthesize organic molecules from inorganic substances Autotroph

5 Tiny structures that carry out functions necessary for the cell to stay alive Organelles

6 Major subdivisions of all organisms Domains

7 High degree of order within an organism’s internal and external parts and its interactions with the living world Organization

8 Made up of one cell Unicellular

9 Made up of more than one cell Multicellular

10 Structures that carry out specialized jobs within an organ system Organs

11 Smallest unit that can perform all life’s processes Cell

12 Segment of DNA that contains coding for a polypeptide or protein; a unit of hereditary information Gene

13 An organism that obtains organic food molecules by eating other organisms or their by-products Heterotroph

14 The stable internal conditions of a living thing Homeostasis

15 A double-helix- shaped nucleic acid DNA

16 The sum of all chemical processes in living things Metabolism

17 Groups of cells that have similar abilities and that allow the organ to function Tissue

18 The production of new offspring Reproduction

19 Chemical compounds that provide physical structure and that bring about movement, energy use, and other cellular functions Biological Molecules

20 Formation of two new cells from an existing cell Cell division

21 Process by which an organism becomes a mature adult Development

22 Another system of grouping organisms into six major categories Kingdom

23 Brand of biology that studies organisms interacting with each other and with the environment Ecology

24 Communities of living species and their physical environments Ecosystem

25 Process in which the inherited characteristics within populations change over generations Evolution

26 Organisms that have certain favorable traits are better able to survive and reproduce successfully than organisms that lack these traits Natural Selection

27 Traits that improve an individual’s ability to survive and reproduce Adaptations

28 The act of perceiving a natural occurrence that causes someone to pose a question Observation

29 Proposed explanation for the way a particular aspect of the natural world functions Hypothesis

30 Organized approach to learn how the natural world works Scientific Method

31 Statement that forecasts what would happen in a test situation if the hypothesis were true Prediction

32 Used to test a hypothesis and its prediction Experiment

33 Provides a normal standard against which the biologist can compare results of the experimental group Control Group

34 Identical to the control group except for one factor Experimental Group

35 “responding variable”; affected by the independent variable Dependent Variable

36 “manipulated variable”; experimenter changes this variable Independent variable

37 Scientists who are experts in the field anonymously read and critique the research Peer review

38 A highly tested, generally accepted principle that explains a vast number of observations and experimental data Theory

39 Definition TERM

40 Definition TERM

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59 Definition TERM


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