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A proposal for creating informational multimedia Knols in local languages for counseling in Rajasthan, India.

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Presentation on theme: "A proposal for creating informational multimedia Knols in local languages for counseling in Rajasthan, India."— Presentation transcript:

1 A proposal for creating informational multimedia Knols in local languages for counseling in Rajasthan, India.

2 Raksha is a India based not-for-profit “Registered society for knowledge and health activities”. Chief Mentor- Dr.Neelesh Bhandari Initiate innovative technology enabled solutions for knowledge in Health. Background

3 Rajasthan State Aids Control Society. RSACS Conducts all AIDS related activities in Rajasthan state 72 Integrated Counseling and Testing Centers ( 51 District Hospitals, 2 sub district hosp,6 CHCs and 13 at medical college level). 84 more ICTCs to be added shortly.

4 PROPOSAL- To produce low cost, high quality, educational multimedia content for purposes of counseling and training.

5 Specific Objective- Use newer multimedia technologies to assist in counseling of clients at any ICTC / related center. Use of video/flash animations/graphics/ PowerPoint to create locally / nationally relevant intellectual property. 20 FAQs regarding HIV answered in 20 knols of 10-12mins each in local languages.

6 -Technology to assist ICTC staff in counseling

7 Proposed Interface for counseling video modules -Powerpoint - Speaker video -Animations -Graphics -Clinical video, etc (Adopted from SmarTeach LMS by MEdRC)

8 Digital content Intellectual property thus created can be used for TV / Computer based counseling. Can be used number of times at national- international locations/ forums. All content created using original / creative commons / permitted multimedia. All copyright regulations will be followed diligently.

9 - How do you measure the impact of the intervention?

10 A worrisome trend. 22% dropouts after stage 1 14% dropouts after stage 2 Posttest counseling 68% clients complete process 78% of clients get tested Pretest counseling Floating zone

11 All clients who visit the ICTC to get technology enabled pretest counseling and proceed to get tested. Drop out rates in the past and after use of e-counseling to be measured. Any statistically significant change in dropout rates to be taken as proof. Aim

12 Advantages of the project- IEC media development Demand generation Lower drop out rates

13 Training/ elearning Creation of local language modules for training of counselors and lab technicians touching all aspects of health and pathology in HIV/AIDS. All lectures enhanced by appropriate graphics/animation/videos. Lectures to be accompanied by MCQ tests to gauge learner comprehension. Future plans-

14 Screenshot of e-learning interface used for counselor trainings. -

15 Bottomline The proposal envisages an international funding agency / RSACS to provide for / arrange for funding for this project, to be carried out by RAKSHA. Estimated time for completion of project - 3 months Estimated time for results to appear - 3 months after deployment of content.

16 For detailed project report mail OR

17 RAKSHA MEdRC educational technologies

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