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Twenty Questions Subject: Middle Ages Vocabulary.

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2 Twenty Questions Subject: Middle Ages Vocabulary

3 Twenty Questions 12345 678910 1112131415 1617181920

4 1. A grant of land given for military service. A Fief.

5 2. An attempt to use religion and logic to explain the world. Scholasticism.

6 3. The language of the everyday people. Vernacular.

7 4. Wars fought between Christians and Muslims for control of the Holy Land. The Crusades.

8 5. To deny sacraments to an entire kingdom. Interdict.

9 6. A person who receives land in exchange for service. Vassal.

10 7. A large agricultural estate. A manor.

11 8.Place where monks live. A monastery.

12 9. Belief in something opposed to the Churches beliefs. Heresy.

13 10. The social classes of France. (There were three) Estates.

14 11. During the Late Middle Ages, the term for the French Middle Class. (Professionals and Artisans) Bourgeoisie.

15 12. A religious journey. Pilgrimage.

16 13. To official kick out of the Church. Excommunicate.

17 14. Document that English nobles forced King John to sign. Magna Carta.

18 15. A Medieval peasant bound to the land. A serf.

19 16. The head of the Eastern Orthodox Church. The patriarch.

20 17. When a non-church official appoints a member of the clergy. Lay investiture.

21 18. A means of determining innocence or guilt using a physical task and divine intervention. An ordeal.

22 19. The most powerful King of the Franks (known to be “Great”). Charlemagne.

23 20. The Church’s hunt for heretics. The Inquisition.

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