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Measures and Targets For PVCC Strategic Plan 2008-2013 PVCC New Life Sciences Building Fall 2009.

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1 Measures and Targets For PVCC Strategic Plan 2008-2013 PVCC New Life Sciences Building Fall 2009

2 Is PVCC a Quality College? If someone asked you “How well is PVCC performing?” What would you say? What would be the basis of your response?

3 We Need to Know How Well PVCC Is Performing PVCC identified Strategic Focal Points (using the MCCD Strategic Directions as framework) for the 2008-2013 Strategic Plan The Strategic Planning Team brainstormed possible progress measures for these areas The proposed measures need to be reviewed, and targets set for the desired performance levels to achieve

4 But there are 24 strategic focal points in the 6 strategic directions!

5 Measures and Targets can be phased in, starting with the priorities that were set for FY2008-2010 Multiple measures are best Weighs can be used and adjusted to compute performance scores

6 How Will This Work? College Measure  Weighted Measures of Strategic Directions  Weighted Measures of Strategic Focal Points  Weighted Measures of Related Components

7 Priorities for 2008-2010 Maximize student learning, success, retention, and completion Emphasize students entering their first college year Emphasize developmental mathematics Emphasis on evening students Develop our identity as a high quality education post-secondary institution Develop alternate course scheduling and delivery options Promote and expand occupational programs Promote assessment to ensure the efficacy of our programs and services

8 College Performance Measure Represents the Strategic Directions 40%Maximize stakeholder access to the College’s facilities, programs, and services 40%Promote and support expansion of dynamic learning environments and delivery options 0%Enhance collaboration and increase partnerships 0%Identify and pursue new and existing revenue sources while promoting cost effectiveness 0%Recruit, develop, and retain a quality diverse workforce 20%Develop a strong identity that reflects the College’s educational leadership role in the community

9 Strategic Direction Performance Indicators Represent the Strategic Focal Points Maximize stakeholder access to the College’s facilities, programs, and services 50% Maximize student learning success, retention, and completion Emphasize students entering their first college year Emphasize evening students 50% Support under-prepared student initiatives Emphasize developmental mathematics

10 Strategic Focal Point Performance Measures Use Appropriate Components Maximize student learning, success, retention, and completion Number of students who successfully complete credit courses (include all delivery modes) Number of students who successfully complete developmental mathematics Number of students who commit to a degree or certificate program Number of associates degree completers Number of AGEC completers Number of students completing iStartSmart (i.e., complete orientation AND a college success course) Retention: Fall to spring; Spring to the next fall; Fall to next fall

11 Definitions Indicator: An item to measure to find out how well PVCC is performing Benchmark: An estimate of how PVCC has been performing based on recent past data Target: The level of PVCC’s desired performance

12 For Each Component Need to benchmark PVCC’s current performance Need to set targets for desired performance Need to recommend weight of component within its Strategic Focal Point Performance Measure

13 What Do We Do with the Measure Results? Identify PVCC’s strengths Determine opportunities for improvement Discuss how to improve given limitations

14 Looking at PVCC’s Priorities  How would setting performance targets change the PVCC culture?  Will measures and targets help to courageously move PVCC “from good to great”?

15 Our Challenge Start Where You Are Use What You Have Do What You Can

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