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With the support of the European Commission HPRO Card Health Professional Card Luxemburg April, 2 2009.

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Presentation on theme: "With the support of the European Commission HPRO Card Health Professional Card Luxemburg April, 2 2009."— Presentation transcript:

1 With the support of the European Commission HPRO Card Health Professional Card Luxemburg April, 2 2009

2 With the support of the European Commission Contents 1.Background 2.Towards interoperability of HPC 3.Philosophy of the project 4.Structure 5.Future works

3 With the support of the European Commission 3 Contents 1.Background 2.Towards interoperability of HPC 3.Philosophy of the project 4.Structure 5.Future works

4 With the support of the European Commission 4 Objectives To ensure security of patients all around Europe To facilitate mobility of health professionals in all EU State Members

5 With the support of the European Commission 5 The European Directive on professional qualifications Directive published in the official journal in September 2005  Transposition foreseen for the autumn 2007  Objective : facilitate recognition of professional qualifications  New: Free provision of services. A professional established in a member state is allowed to provide his/her services in an other member state on a temporary and occasional basis more easily

6 With the support of the European Commission 6 Mrs Vergnaud’s report (MEP) : “Impacts and consequences of the exclusion of health services from the Directive on Internal Market Services (May 2007)  Chapter 43 : asks for the creation of a mechanism for data exchanges between competent authorities and a European card The report of Alain Lamassoure (MEP) on "The citizen and the application of Community law » was submitted to the President of the French Republic on June 2008  4.6. “… a private initiative, accompanied by DG Employment, should be highlighted during the period. This is HPRO Card project: European health professionals Cards, …”  Recommendation N°7 : « 7. To Facilitate the European health professional Card, a noteworthy private initiative »

7 With the support of the European Commission 7 Mrs. Cederschiöld’s report (MEP) about health professional cards European Commission’s Green Paper about mobility of health professionals : adopted on December 10, 2008. Proposition of a Directive on patients’ rights recognition

8 With the support of the European Commission 8 Contents 1.Background 2.Towards interoperability of HPC 3.Philosophy of the project 4.Structure 5.Future works

9 With the support of the European Commission 9 Creation of the working group HPRO card  2007 creation of a European working group (doctors, dentists, midwifes, pharmacists, nurses)  Meetings in several European MS  July 2007 presentation to the European Commission (DG Empl)  October 2007 Presentation to the EP and agreemnt on the design of the cars  February 2008 subvention of the EC (interoperability)

10 With the support of the European Commission 10 Phase 1 : The agreement of Brussels

11 With the support of the European Commission 11 Specifications of the card Credit card format 2 sides :  National side (specific to every profession and MS)  European harmonized side

12 With the support of the European Commission 12 Phase 1: The agreement of Brussels – presentation to the EP October 2007 Harmonised presentation Profession Contact details of the competent authority Two languages

13 With the support of the European Commission 13

14 With the support of the European Commission 14 From 2008 onwards the card without chip is beeing used Work on interoperability in order to allow the progressive introduction of chips (2009 – 2010)

15 With the support of the European Commission 15 Phase 2 : Work on interoperability issues PILOTAGE

16 With the support of the European Commission 16 Details of the project NAME: HPRO Card – Health Professional Card START DATE: March 1, 2008 DURATION: 18 months BUDGET : 408,339.70 euros FUNDING: 296,254.70 euros Number of partners in the Consortium : 7

17 With the support of the European Commission 17 Work packages list WP1 : Identification of the competent authorities and the authorized organisations in charge of validating continuing education and training for health professionals in the European Union Member States WP2 : Knowledge of the progress of Health Professionals Cards in Europe WP3 : Conditions for the implementation of strong authentication of health professionals WP4 : Interoperability of different health professionals authentication systems WP5 : Project management WP6 : Dissemination

18 With the support of the European Commission 18 Contents 1.Background 2.Towards interoperability of HPC 3.Philosophy of the project 4.Structure 5.Future works

19 With the support of the European Commission 19 Who will use the card ? Every health professional covered by the directive 2005/36/EC and which benefit from automatic recognition of their diploma : doctors, dentists, midwifes, nurses and pharmacists.

20 With the support of the European Commission 20 Who will issue the card ?  Competent authorities as defined in the directive 2005/36/EC.  “any authority or body empowered by a Member State specifically to issue or receive training diplomas and other documents or information and to receive the applications, and take the decisions, referred to in this Directive”.

21 With the support of the European Commission 21 How will this work ?  Direct interrogation of the data base of the competent authority thanks to the chip  Permanently up to date  No need to create a new data base at European level

22 With the support of the European Commission 22 Data base of the Country of origin Data base of the host country Health professional H Pro Card Interrogation on the right to practise Competent authority Competent Authority Employer or administration Frontière Border Answer Information 1 Example of architecture Information 2 Country of originHost country

23 With the support of the European Commission 23 Contents 1.Background 2.Towards interoperability of HPC 3.Philosophy of the project 4.Structure 5.Future works

24 With the support of the European Commission 24 WP1 and WP2 Euro tour meetings is organised in order: -To collect information (workflow, questionnaire) -To present the project -To diversify and widen the contacts we have

25 With the support of the European Commission 25 Workflow general model HP* Diploma’s provider Right to practise provider Sanction’s provider Id’s provider HP card’s provider training diploma registration documents right to practice / or not registration documents identifier sanction / no sanction registration documents HP card (Initial procedure or changes in the professional situation) Universities, training organizations… States organizations… Health Insurance organizations… Professional organizations… Other organizations… *HP : health professional

26 With the support of the European Commission 26

27 With the support of the European Commission 27 WP3 and WP4 The interoperability working group will be an important source of information The organisation of their work will depend on the identification of European countries concerned by Smart Cards (WP1 and WP2). For example : Berlin : April 15, 2008  Presentation by the Berliner university of an experimentation for interoperability with smartcards  Using German, Dutch and French cards  A software as been developed which recognized both certificates in cards to secured access Berlin : September 15, 2008  Meeting with the University of Berlin and the company Open Limit about the HPRO Card project Berlin : December 8, 2008  Meeting with the University of Berlin and the Spanish Medical Chamber

28 With the support of the European Commission 28 HPC-Interoperability-Server Health Professional Cards (DE, FR, NL)

29 With the support of the European Commission 29 The use case Upload file Download file Country A Country B Authentication signature

30 With the support of the European Commission 30 WP 6 : Dissemination (1/2) Conference under the French Presidency of the European Union  November 28, 2008  Paris  210 participants, 24 countries With the support of the European Commission Under the auspices of the French Presidency of the Council of the European Union Under the patronage of Mrs. Roselyne Bachelot-Narquin, Minister of Health, Youth, Sports and Associations

31 With the support of the European Commission 31  Two parts  Public part :  Internet to communicate about the project  Private part  For consortium and supportive members  To exchange documents, news, … WP 6 : Dissemination (2/2)

32 With the support of the European Commission 32 Contents 1.Background 2.Towards interoperability of HPC 3.Philosophy of the project 4.Structure 5.Future works

33 With the support of the European Commission 33 Further works To complete research of information for 5 professions  next meetings - Copenhagen, Athens, Sofia To analyse advantages / drawbacks of possible architectures to use strong authentication on European scale  European portal, national portals, competent authorities’ portals To analyse complementary with other European projects  epSOS, Calliope, IMI, STORK, Netc@rds, … To check interoperability conditions of existing cards  Austria, Hungary, Italy, Slovakia, Slovenia, Spain, Sweden,…

34 With the support of the European Commission 34 Conclusion (1) A unique identity card for health professionals Continuing education and training Access to electronic health record Telemedicine Access to scientific data bases Electronic signature…

35 With the support of the European Commission 35 Conclusion (2) Facilitate and promote patient safety and coordination of care Protect patients from the small number of health professionals that are at risk Facilitate and promote free movement of health professionals Better communication between competent authorities

36 With the support of the European Commission 36 Isabelle BARON Tel : 0032/2 734 63 37 Patrick FORTUIT HPRO Card Coordinator Tel : 0033/1 56 21 34 96

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