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Resilience Oral Presentation by Mr. Doron. Introduction Introduce myself (Mr. Doron) Reason why I choose this key-word.

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Presentation on theme: "Resilience Oral Presentation by Mr. Doron. Introduction Introduce myself (Mr. Doron) Reason why I choose this key-word."— Presentation transcript:

1 Resilience Oral Presentation by Mr. Doron

2 Introduction Introduce myself (Mr. Doron) Reason why I choose this key-word

3 Definition Resilience: the ability to recover from (or to resist being affected by) some shock, insult, or disturbance In psychology refers to an ability to cope with adversity Is is the positive capacity of people to cope with stress and catastrophe. It is also used to indicate a characteristic of resistance to future negative events

4 Create / Recreate / Maintain Good attitude – believe in yourself Be absorbed in what you do Understand that you control what happens to you Be optimistic (bad things happen a short period of time, is not all your fault and is limited to thing only) It depends on how you interpret it!

5 Examples Helen Keller (blind and deaf from birth, demonstrated remarkable resilience in learning how to communicate and live with passion)Helen Keller Nelson Mandela (jailed for decades in South Africa during, then later leader of the country)Nelson Mandela Anne Frank (Jewish girl who kept famous diary and notes while hiding from Nazis)Anne Frank

6 Examples Mr. Doron Many rejection letters – click here to see themhere Bad things often end up good with some resilience; click

7 Video 1) Click here – get it?here 2) Click here – If you fall – get right back up!here References: Good article, click herehere Good book, click here (learned optimism)here Thank you

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