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Siward Zomer, board member. What is a REScoop: REScoop is short for Renewable Energy Sources COOPerative. A REScoop is a group of citizens that cooperate.

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Presentation on theme: "Siward Zomer, board member. What is a REScoop: REScoop is short for Renewable Energy Sources COOPerative. A REScoop is a group of citizens that cooperate."— Presentation transcript:

1 Siward Zomer, board member

2 What is a REScoop: REScoop is short for Renewable Energy Sources COOPerative. A REScoop is a group of citizens that cooperate in the field of renewable energy, developing new production, selling renewable energy or providing services to new initiatives.

3 Contract N°: IEE/11/930/SI2. 616380 Project duration: 31/03/2012 – 30/03/2015 30/04/2012 Foster social acceptance of RES by stakeholder engagement

4 24/06/2014

5 30/04/2012

6 30/04/2012 1.Open, voluntary membership. 2.Democratic governance. 3.Limited return on equity. 4.Surplus belongs to members. 5.Education of members and public in cooperative principles. 6.Cooperation between cooperatives. 7.Concern for community Cooperative principles 1844: Rochdale Pioneers ICA revision 1966

7 30/04/2012 Ecopower and the cooperation with the city of Eeklo

8 30/04/2012 Som Energia: From starting to established co-op in four years

9 30/04/2012 Cooperation between cooperatives Südtiroler Energieverband

10 30/04/2012 Non-technical barriers Bureaucracy and regulations Changing regulations and support systems

11 30/04/2012 Embrace the REScoop Revolution

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