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Mountains and Plains Child Welfare Implementation Center Maria Scannapieco, Ph.D. Professor & Director Center for Child Welfare UTA SSW Steven Preister,

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Presentation on theme: "Mountains and Plains Child Welfare Implementation Center Maria Scannapieco, Ph.D. Professor & Director Center for Child Welfare UTA SSW Steven Preister,"— Presentation transcript:

1 Mountains and Plains Child Welfare Implementation Center Maria Scannapieco, Ph.D. Professor & Director Center for Child Welfare UTA SSW Steven Preister, M.S.W, Ph.D. Associate Director National Child Welfare Resource Center for Organizational Improvement Muskie School of Public Service, University of Southern Maine A service of the Children's Bureau, U.S.D.H.H.S.

2 Approach to Practice Framework Approach to practice supported by the Children’s Bureau, which includes: Child focused Family-centered Individualized to meet specific needs of the children and families Enhanced to strengthen parental capacity Community-based Culturally responsive Outcome oriented Collaborative (National Child Welfare Resource Center for Organization Improvement, 2008)

3 Approach to Practice A conceptual map and organizational ideology that promotes safety, permanency, and well-being of children, youth and families Explains how an agency will work internally and with partners, family members, and others in the child welfare system Clear, written explanation of how an agency successfully functions

4 Approach to Practice Makes clear the link connecting the agency’s policy, practice, training, supervision, and quality assurance with its mission. Guide to daily interactions among workers, children, families, stakeholders, and community partners working together to achieve defined outcomes

5 Approach to Practice Elements Agency mission, vision, and values Practice principles Standards of professional practice Strategies, methods, and tools to integrate all the above elements

6 Approach to Practice Examples Utah Child and Family Services: Approach to Practice (

7 Mission & Vision Quality outcomes are most often realized when children and families are engaged with a service organization offering an array of services by qualified and committed staff. It is the aim of our approach to practice to create such an environment - staffed by the best child welfare professionals in the nation

8 Approach to Practice Principles The Approach to Practice Development Team worked hard to incorporate the suggestions that came from our staff and our community partners into the following set of principles. Principle One - Protection. Children's safety is paramount; children and adults have a right to live free from abuse.

9 Approach to Practice Principles Principle Two - Development. Children and families need consistent nurturing in a healthy environment to achieve their developmental potential. Principle Three - Permanency. All children need and are entitled to enduring relationships that provide a family, stability, belonging, and a sense of self that connects children to their past, present, and future.

10 Approach to Practice Principles Principle Four - Cultural Responsiveness. Children and families are to be understood within the context of their own family rules, traditions, history, and culture. Principle Five - Partnership. The entire community shares the responsibility to create an environment that helps families raise children to their fullest potential.

11 Approach to Practice Principles Principle Six - Organizational Competence. Committed, qualified, trained, and skilled staff, supported by an effectively structured organization, helps ensure positive outcomes for children and families. Principle Seven - Professional Competence. Children and families need a relationship with an accepting, concerned, empathetic worker who can confront difficult issues and effectively assist them in their process toward positive change.

12 Approach to Practice Skills Development A set of key practice skills has been formulated from the Approach to Practice Principles to "Put Our Values Into Action." The training on the approach to practice will provide for the development of these practice skills. These basic skills are:

13 Skills Development Engaging. The skill of effectively establishing a relationship with children, parents, and essential individuals for the purpose of sustaining the work that is to be accomplished together. Teaming. The skill of assembling a group to work with children and families, becoming a member of an established group, or leading a group may all be necessary for success in bringing needed resources to the critical issues of children and families. Child welfare is a community effort and requires a team.

14 Skills Development Assessing. The skill of obtaining information about the salient events that brought the children and families into our services and the underlying causes bringing about their situations. This discovery process looks for the issues to be addressed and the strengths within the children and families to address these issues. Determining the capability, willingness, and availability of resources for achieving safety, permanence, and well-being for children, youth and families.

15 Skills Development Planning. The skill necessary to tailor the planning process uniquely to each child and family is crucial. Assessment will overlap into this area. This includes the design of incremental steps that move children and families from where they are to a better level of functioning.

16 Skills Development Intervening. The skill to intercede with actions that will decrease risk, provide for safety, promote permanence, and establish well-being. These skills continue to be gathered throughout the life of the professional child welfare worker and may range from finding housing to changing a parent's pattern of thinking about their child.

17 Mountain and Plains Approach to Practice Self-Assessment What is your Agency’s “mission statement”? How do you ensure that all levels of staff in the organization know the Agency’s mission statement? What is your Agency’s vision? How do you ensure that all levels of staff in the organization know the Agency’s vision? Please refer to your tool kit for the entire assessment

18 National Child Welfare Resource Center for Organizational Improvement Public and Tribal Child Welfare Agency Approach to Practice Development Readiness Basic Articulation Preliminary Implementation Plan Sequencing and Implementing the Other Stages and Tracks Ensuring Effectiveness through Structure Feedback

19 Questions ? Suggestions?

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