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MLG 205 September 5. Check Homework Major Due Dates in your planner 3-ring binder, paper, and folders.

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Presentation on theme: "MLG 205 September 5. Check Homework Major Due Dates in your planner 3-ring binder, paper, and folders."— Presentation transcript:

1 MLG 205 September 5

2 Check Homework Major Due Dates in your planner 3-ring binder, paper, and folders

3 My Major Portfolio Project %50 of your grade 3 sections Section 1 due September 26 Section 2 due November 7 Section 3 due December 5

4 Section I Portfolio Section 1: Gather these things to include in your portfolio (Submit to me in your binder) 1. List of classes: A list of all the classes required for your major or graduate program and an estimate of how many semesters you will need to complete them. (you might have to meet with your advisor for this).

5 2. Class Syllabus (2)*: After you know which classes you will be taking, you must choose 1 course that you want to learn about. You might be able to find your syllabus on your major’s department website that you can access through the MC homepage. Ask the professor for a syllabus for his or her course by email if necessary. These should not be “core” classes, but ones that are specific to your major. Section I

6 3.Textbook list: For your major, investigate which textbooks are required for your future classes. Please create your list of 4 textbooks using APA reference style (textbook author, title, publisher, year). Section I

7 Textbook reference list Example Example Book Sample Reference Page 0.pdf Section I

8 How to e-mail a professor: 20Etiquette%20When%20Writing%20to%20a%20Professor.pdf 20Etiquette%20When%20Writing%20to%20a%20Professor.pdf Section I

9 Homework Note-taking Journal due September 10 Lecture Quiz 1 September 12 Portfolio Section 1 due September 26

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