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 Dan Gutchewsky - Principal  Bob Bone – Athletic Director  Lee Laskowski – Asst. Athletic Director  Debbie Dornfeld– Administrative Asst.  Ashley.

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2  Dan Gutchewsky - Principal  Bob Bone – Athletic Director  Lee Laskowski – Asst. Athletic Director  Debbie Dornfeld– Administrative Asst.  Ashley Johnson – Trainer  (314) 660-1749

3  Our purpose is to help our students and parents understand what high school athletics has to offer.  We hope to get everyone on the same page to help improve the overall experience of our student athletes and parents.  When students/parents get involved there are less conflicts and the positive level of the educational experience is increased.

4  Education is our #1 priority.  The philosophy of athletics here at CHS is one of opportunity and participation.  Athletics are a privilege not a right! CLASS ATTENDANCE, ACADEMICS, PROPER CONDUCT AND CITIZENSHIP, ETC. Are required to participate.  We do NOT cut at the lower levels.  However, we do NOT guarantee playing time. That is earned in practice.  We do try and win at the Varsity level.

5 FallWinterSpring Football Boys Basketball Baseball Boys Soccer Girls Basketball Boys Golf Boys Swim/Diving Pom’s/Dance Boys Tennis Boys/Girls CC Cheerleading Boys Track Softball Girls Swim/Diving Girls Track Girls Tennis Wrestling Girls Soccer Girls Volleyball Girls Lax Field Hockey Water polo Cheerleading Girls Golf

6 Watch the link below for an in depth view of the state rules that ensure eligibility. les/TrainingVideos/RulesMeeting63416876802 6742042/player.html

7  Current Documents on File Needed for an eligibility card:  MSHSAA Physical (dated past Feb.1 st of previous school year)  MSHSAA Consent Form  Emergency Contact  TOAD  ImPact Concussion  Must be in good standing – NO FINES  14 Days of Practice before 1 st competition

8  You have passed 3.0 units of credit the previous semester and are enrolled in and regularly attending courses that offer a minimum of 3.0 units of credit in the current semester.  DO NOT EVEN THINK ABOUT DROPPING A CLASS WITHOUT telling your advisor that you are an athlete… and then immediately come to the athletic office to seek advice and obtain our approval before dropping a class.  2.0 Minimum GPA – PILOT 2014-15

9  If a student is absent from school they can NOT participate in a game or practice unless the absence is excused. There are only 7 excusable absences.  1) Illness  2) Family Illness  3) Death  4) Medical or Dental  5) Religious Observance  6) Prior approval from principal (i.e. college visit)  7) Afternoon AP Exam

10  All students here are CHS are subject to district policies in the student handbook but this ATHLETIC CODE is an added layer of responsibility.  Basically what our code of conduct gets down to is that students have to decide if they want to be athletes, because that decision comes with a lot of responsibility.  A student athlete’s responsibility to athletics doesn’t stop when they leave the field of play it is continuous 24 hour 365 day policy.  An example of a violation is a MIP, DUI, being charged with possession of a controlled substance or a parent calling in because they know that their child was at a party where alcohol was involved.

11  To be eligible student athletes must be creditable citizens. Creditable citizens are those students whose conduct – both in and out of school – will NOT reflect discredit upon themselves or their school.  NOTE: Conduct involving law enforcement should be reported to the principal or athletic director immediately as your conduct may affect eligibility or contest outcomes.

12  Transportation to all away events will be provided by CHS. If a situation arises where a parent needs to transport their child after the event, the parent is REQUIRED to sign their child out with the coach.  Parents can only sign out their child, NO EXCEPTIONS.  Please communicate any transportation issues with the coach prior to the game.

13  The Clayton High School website contains an athletic tab. There you will find pertinent information regarding athletics: Overview, Schedules, Forms, College Recruitment, Maps and Team Websites.  Click the link to gain access to all athletic events.  Please sign up to get alerts for changes/updates in your child's athletic schedule.

14  Both our students and parents represent Clayton High School and our community when at athletic events.  We ask that everyone in attendance lead by example and pride themselves in sportsmanship to help continue in our tradition. Fans need to refrain from the use of noise makers, negative cheers, chants or behavior.  Focus on supporting our kids and not criticizing the officials. Officials have asked schools to enforce more strict policies and we need your help!

15  Clayton High School maintains secondary coverage on all of our student athletes. What this means is if your child is to get injured during an athletic event or practice our insurance will pick up the remaining balance of what your insurance did not cover.  In situations like this you need to contact the athletic office and we will send you the paperwork. You have 1 year from the date of the accident to submit the paperwork. Itemized bills from ER/Doctor and EOB will need to be provided.

16  The First Step in resolving a conflict is to have your child talk to the coach. Most issues can be resolved quickly with a little communication.  The Second Step is for the Parent and Student to talk with the coach. If the situation still needs clarity we move up the chain.  The Third Step is to have the Parent/Student meet with the Athletic Director.  The Final Step is for the Parent/Student, Athletic Director and Principal to meet and resolve the situation.

17  Computer based and provides a baseline for physicians if your child is diagnosed or recovering from a concussion.  Impact testing is a FREE and encouraged but NOT mandatory.  Impact testing/release form is required to be on file prior to giving out an athletic eligibility card.

18  Composed of identified leaders in the school, not just athletics (STUGO, band, drama, speech and debate)  Meet at least once a month before school  The purpose is to discuss the direction, health and any issues that pertain to the success of CHS.  Student Driven - they decide the direction and goals, we only set the framework and help facilitate.  Events started by Captains Council:  Faculty Appreciation  Coaches vs. Caner

19  Athletic Department/Coaches/Parents  The purpose/goal(s) of the committee is to provide:  Communication  Feedback  Policy/Resource Recommendations  Athletic Program Perspective

20  The Clayton BluePrint  Going into our 3 rd year  Seasonal Recap of the sports season  (Fall, Winter, Spring)  Enhance communication and showcase achievements made by our athletic programs  Student Editor – Peter Baugh  Helps bring student perspective and depth to coverage of events

21  Seasonal Survey to Students and Parents at the end of the season.  Emails are collect at the beginning of the season so make sure information is accurate.  Look for surveys about a month after the season.  Feedback is important!

22  3rd Annual CHS Golf Tournament  October 11 th 2014 8am at Gateway National golf course  Breakfast, Golf and Lunch will be included  All money raised will go to benefit the participating sports teams at Clayton High School and scholarships for students/athletes.  Last year we raised $30,000 for our teams and we hope to build on that success again this year.  Please call the athletic department for more information about sponsorship and participation.

23  The Athletic Office is located down the commons link towards Stuber Gym. There you can find Bob Bone the AD, Asst AD Lee Laskowski and Debbie Dornfeld to assist you in any matter that needs attention.

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