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Mrs. Wood’s 6 th Grade Reading/Language Arts Class.

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Presentation on theme: "Mrs. Wood’s 6 th Grade Reading/Language Arts Class."— Presentation transcript:

1 Mrs. Wood’s 6 th Grade Reading/Language Arts Class

2  Check your schedule now.  6 th grade  Reading/LA  Wood, The No room numbers—just names on trailers—WOOD, flag, Welcome mat

3  Every desk has a colored circle with a number.  Look at your name card. It also has a colored circle and a number.  Find the desk that matches it now.

4  Mrs. Wood has been teaching for 13 years.  She loves to read, write, listen to music, play Rock Band, travel, and watch movies.  Her favorite football team is the Baltimore Ravens. She also cheers for the Maryland Terps, especially during basketball season.

5  Growing as a reader and writer and thinker.  Sharing your ideas through writing and speaking.

6  Reading  Writing  Speaking  Listening  Visually Interpreting  Visually Representing

7  Process (30%)  Classwork  Homework  Participation  Admit slips, Exit Slips, Quizzes  Prewriting assignments, first drafts of writing  Product (70%)  Tests  Final drafts of writing  Reading Response Journals  Performance Tasks/Presentations

8 Follow directions the first time they are given. Raise your hand and wait for permission to speak. Stay in your seat or assigned area unless you have permission to do otherwise. Keep hands, feet, and objects to yourself. Be on time to class and prepared to learn.

9  Step 1—Warning  Step 2—Teacher/Student Conference  Step 3—Phone Call Home  Step 4—Parent/Teacher Conference  Step 5—Referral to Counselor/Nurse  Step 6—Administrative Referral  You are expected to follow all school and classroom rules!


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