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1 Ease In The Way. 2 Setting the Scene Active Participation Welcome Valuable Contribution 3 ‘L’s : Listen, Learn and Link.

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Presentation on theme: "1 Ease In The Way. 2 Setting the Scene Active Participation Welcome Valuable Contribution 3 ‘L’s : Listen, Learn and Link."— Presentation transcript:

1 1 Ease In The Way

2 2 Setting the Scene Active Participation Welcome Valuable Contribution 3 ‘L’s : Listen, Learn and Link

3 3 I hear and I forget. I see and I remember. I do and I understand….. - Confucius

4 4 Tip Of The Iceberg Ice-Breaker Objectives : 1) Basic Info : Name, Age, School 2) Expectations


6 6 Faci Who? Best thinking PROCESS rather than Destination Link experience to meaningful and long- lasting learning Fundamentally responsible for the QUALITY of each participant’s experience

7 7 Competencies Distinguish Process From Content Manage Relationships & Dynamics Time and Space Management Evoke Participation and Creativity Honour and Affirm Group Maintain Objectivity Maintain Personal Integrity

8 8 Characteristics Enthusiastic, Energetic, Emotive, Expressive Warm personality Authentic Responsible & Accountable Initiative Make them Question (Don’t tell. Don’t offer.) Look at Big Picture, Focus on Small Details

9 9 Qualities and Skills Knowledge of Self - strengths/weaknesses, empathy, charisma Knowledge Base -Group/Interpersonal Dynamics, Learning Styles Facilitation Skills - Listening/Feedback/Questioning/Observation/ Pacing/Presentation/Summarization Technology Skills - Discussion Tools, IT

10 10 Methodology Experiential Education / Experiential Learning “ The mediocre teacher tells. The good teacher explains. The superior teacher demonstrates. The great teacher inspires.” -William A. Ward

11 11 Experiential Education Active Involvement -Value direct experience more highly than abstract knowledge Value the Students’ Experience -‘Educational goals can be effectively met by allowing the nature of learner’s educational experience to influence the educational process.’ Experiential education comes in many shapes and sizes.

12 12 a process through which a learner constructs knowledge An educational strategy that connects classroom theory with practice in the real world The process of actively engaging students in an experience that will have real consequences A holistic approach which incorporates physical activity while also providing social and emotional challenges A process that differs from traditional education by maintaining that knowledge is individually and communally constructed by people

13 13 A term that has come to stand in for outdoorsy programs like Outward Bound Is only for people who are interested in the outdoors and climbing rocks

14 14 Reasons Why Experiential Learning is Effective Develop relationships quickly Decreased Time Cycle Chaos and Crisis in a Safe Environment Kinesthetic Imprint Encourage risk taking Diversity of Strengths FUN!

15 15 Experiential Learning (C. Rogers) Addresses the needs and wants of the learners Personal Involvement Self-Initiated Evaluated by learner Pervasive effects on learner Equivalent to Personal Change and Growth

16 16 Facilitation? What the??! Set a positive climate for learning Clarify the purposes of the learners Organize and make available learning resources Balance intellectual and emotional components of learning Share feelings and thoughts with learners but not dominating

17 17 KPI when learning is facilitated Student participates completely in the learning process and has control over its nature and direction Primarily based upon direct confrontation with practical, social, personal or research problems Self-evaluation is the principal method of assessing progress and success Learning to learn and the openness to change

18 18 Faci’s Immersion Gain respect & avoid perception of having power through authority Develop understanding of participants by being alongside them Focus participants on themselves, not differences between themselves and the facilitator Allow faci to construct experiences subtly and indirectly Readily accessible role-model

19 19 Dos and Don’ts Respond Create tension within participant Make statements to raise questions Provide feedback Model Maintain program React Between participants/instructor Ask questions Give answers or directions Instruct Participant dictate program

20 20 Explain Demonstrate Identify List Derive State Name Interpret Helping Verbs

21 21 Gearing Up! Paraphrasing Mirroring Drawing people out Encouraging Making Space Intentional Silence

22 22 Paraphrasing Use own words to say what speaker said Summary of long statement ‘It sounds like…’ ‘So what you’re saying is…’ ‘If I understand you correctly…’ ‘Did I get it?’ / ‘Am I right?’

23 23 Mirroring Repeat back verbatim Repeat key words or phrases In their case, use their words not your words Words or Tone Be yourself with your gestures and words. Build trust.

24 24 Drawing People Out Used along with Paraphrasing Paraphrase the speaker’s statement Ask open-ended non-directive questions ‘So it sounds like you’re saying…’ ‘Can you give me an example of what you mean?’ ‘Can you say more about that?’ ‘What do you mean?’ ‘How so?’ Use connectors

25 25 Encouraging Art of creating an opening for people to participate without putting anyone in a spot Engage everyone ‘Who else has an idea?’ ‘Can anyone give an example?’ ‘Let’s hear from someone who hasn’t spoken for a while.’

26 26 Making Space Keep an eye on the quiet members. Be on the lookout for body language or facial expressions that may indicate their desire to speak If decline, be gracious and move on. If participation is very uneven, suggest a structured go-around to give each person a chance to speak. ‘Was there a thought you wanted to express?

27 27 Intentional Silence A pause usually lasting no more than a few seconds Allows reflection on what has just been said and speaker to express thoughts in more depth 3-5 seconds With eye contact & body language, stay focused on speaker

28 28 For you… It’s not about you, it’s about THEM Touch and Go Make or Break Honest Smile…Always! =D =D =D

29 29 THANK YOU!

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