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Best Practice / DRIS Task Group meeting in Bonn Sergey Parinov.

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Presentation on theme: "Best Practice / DRIS Task Group meeting in Bonn Sergey Parinov."— Presentation transcript:

1 Best Practice / DRIS Task Group meeting in Bonn Sergey Parinov

2 Best Practice catalogue Best Practice (BP) materials catalogue at euroCRIS web site To have a real progress with the catalogue we need: (1) a repository tool to collect metadata on BP materials (we have an offer from Atira); (2) some software at - to build the catalogue using metadata exported from a repository and - to update the catalogue content regularly; (3) some policy adopted by the Board that motivates TGs to select BP materials within their area of expertise and to deposit the materials at the repository, BP sub-TG can use these materials to produce/update official documents like “Code of Best Practice” and so

3 DRIS data base DRIS data base (1) to have better representation of existed CRIS in DRIS (only 19 records now) we have to: - understand why euroCRIS members do not present their CRIS at DRIS - establish cooperation with national organizations, who can provides CRIS data for DRIS (like DINI in Germane) (2) to develop DRIS architecture and functionality further we need a proper technological platform and a group of developers (maybe as a part of some funded project).

4 A New BP/DRIS TG Leader Suggestions?

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