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South West Regional Social Partnership Forum Andrew Millward Director of Private Offices and Communications 10January 2012.

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Presentation on theme: "South West Regional Social Partnership Forum Andrew Millward Director of Private Offices and Communications 10January 2012."— Presentation transcript:

1 South West Regional Social Partnership Forum Andrew Millward Director of Private Offices and Communications 10January 2012

2 The context - NHS South of England 13.4 million people 110 NHS organisations £21.1bn budget 1,873 GP practices 60 Clinical Commissioning Groups 34 Local Authorities

3 Our priorities: safety, quality, money Improving the quality of care through improved outcomes, patient safety and patient experience Ensuring services are delivered within the resources available so that taxpayer value is delivered Ensuring the reformed NHS is established and its benefits achieved Ensuring strategic issues are addressed in the reformed NHS Managing the human consequences of the reform programme and supporting staff through the transition.

4 The challenge Satisfaction in the NHS remains high, but is dropping (70%) Patients believe the local NHS provides a good service (77%) but fewer of the general public do so With satisfaction dropping, we have a key role to play in maintaining public confidence in the NHS Source Ipsos MORI December 2010

5 The communications and engagement opportunities and challenges Improve media coverage – as this is the area that can have a big impact on public perception Enhance staff communications and engagement Manage change better – engage with those who are key to our success


7 What we will do Meet PCT leads and Trust leads to discuss reputation management Monthly detailed review of media coverage Work much more closely to ensure consistent handling of FOIs etc across four cluster SHAs Detailed look at reconfiguration and service change

8 Staff Engagement Workshops How we can reverse the downward trend of perception of the NHS How we keep up good coverage How we continue to manage even more challenging service changes Implement a single communications and engagement shared service across South of England for the transition period and support development of a nationwide commissioning support service for post April 2013


10 Towards a single communications and engagement service PCT and SHA Clustering Regional shared service April 2012 – April 2013 Nationwide commissioning support service From April 2013

11 The rationale We know what our resources look like We know they are unevenly distributed We could get better value from our existing resources We have an opportunity to do things differently – and better

12 How we would work in a more shared way Local teams continue providing a local service, supported by a regionwide “virtual” network. Minimal movement / change for staff – we only want to restructure once Opportunities to work across different or larger geographic areas Management arrangements to be put in place..

13 Progress made already Programme manager identified Communications and Engagement Programme Board and Steering Group established Communications and Engagement Steering Group established Collaborative working already underway Plans in place to co-develop Memorandum of Understanding over next two months.

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