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Overview of the Cold War. The Cold War “Cold War:” political tension and military rivalry between USA and USSR that stopped short of full-scale direct.

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Presentation on theme: "Overview of the Cold War. The Cold War “Cold War:” political tension and military rivalry between USA and USSR that stopped short of full-scale direct."— Presentation transcript:

1 Overview of the Cold War

2 The Cold War “Cold War:” political tension and military rivalry between USA and USSR that stopped short of full-scale direct conflict 1945-1989 (End of WW2 to fall of Berlin Wall) USA, USSR (and PRC) each controlled “sphere of influence” and tried to expand that sphere With end of colonialism, post-colonial countries became ideological battlefields, and sometimes actual military battlefields Both USSR and USA provided funds, weapons, training, and sometimes troops to post-colonial countries Major Wars: Greece, Turkey, Korea, Vietnam, Ethiopia, Angola, Mozambique, Cambodia, Nicaragua, Cuba. Most other countries felt tension

3 Truman Doctrine First years: Truman vs. Stalin Civil War in Greece immediately after WW2: Communists v. Nationalists Truman: U.S. would give Greek and Turkish nationalists economic and military aid to stop them falling into the Soviet “sphere” “Truman Doctrine:” US would support free peoples resisting attempted subjugation by armed minorities or by outside pressures Nationalists in both Greece and Turkey defeated Communist opposition US focused on “containment” of Soviet and Chinese threat

4 Containment and Aid: Marshall Plan Aid and cooperation: recognized interconnections between modern economies 1947: to rebuild Europe, US’s Marshall Plan gave $13 Billion in aid Offered to USSR and eastern bloc, but refused After plan, all participating economies produced above pre-war levels Cooperation became the basis for European Union, as it erased many tax barriers between countries

5 Containment: Berlin Airlift 1948-49 Berlin Airlift USSR closed ground access to West Berlin US/UK transport planes flew food and supplies June ’48 - May ‘49 US stationed B29 bomber planes UK, suggesting atomic strike USSR relented, opening land access Lesson learned: –USSR would seize opportunities to take land –Berlin would be a symbol of east- west struggle –US would be involved in struggle in Europe (and probably elsewhere) –Age of atomic fears would continue

6 Containment: NATO Western European nations, USA, Canada agree to defensive pact: North Atlantic Treaty Organization 4 April 1949: Brussels headquarters ANZUS linked Australia, NZ to US 1952: Greece, Turkey joined 1954: USSR suggested it should join; rejected 1955: West Germany joined; east responded with formation of Warsaw Pact

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