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CALIMERA: Co-ordination Action Cultural Applications: Local Institutions Mediating Electronic Resource Access.

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Presentation on theme: "CALIMERA: Co-ordination Action Cultural Applications: Local Institutions Mediating Electronic Resource Access."— Presentation transcript:

1 CALIMERA: Co-ordination Action Cultural Applications: Local Institutions Mediating Electronic Resource Access

2 Strategic objective Ensure that local cultural institutions right across Europe are well-placed to benefit from and contribute to the goals of the new RTD framework programme 2002-2006 (FP 6); ie enabling ‘ anywhere, anytime, natural access to IST services for all’ …. advanced and intelligent systems which improve access to Europe‘s knowledge and educational resources and generate new forms of cultural and learning experience; help establish a stable pan-European infrastructure for distributed repositories of digital content and community memory within 5 to 10 years.

3 Central goals Turn IST research outcomes into helpful services for ordinary people Focus on the needs of the end user Sensitise decision-makers, professional and stakeholders national, regional and local levels –implement and deliver digitally-based services locally which support their own policy agendas e-government, social inclusion, e-learning, skills for employment, regional and local economic development etc. Alert business and tourism interests and hardware manufacturers, software suppliers to the economic potential of the 'local to global approach'

4 Where are we going? Some intended benefits for the end user Local identity in Europe + increased exploration of remote resources Promotion of social and cultural inclusion e.g. through access to local, ethnic and linguistic cultural heritage and family history Comprehensive living archive of local activities, occupations, interests and cultural attractions Enhanced ability to link up present needs and interests with an awareness of their historical context

5 Where are we going? Some intended benefits for the end user Concentrating on the contributions of ordinary people to development of the Information Society Addressing the digital divide by improving the delivery of services Tackling educational disadvantage and helping deal with demographic changes Ultimately, access from any home and any vehicle in Europe to local cultural content

6 The argument for CALIMERA Assess potential of emerging IST research as widely transferable technologies for use by local institutions Mobilise public libraries, local museums and archives to make best use of existing technologies Stimulate the creation, use and delivery of local cultural content to meet specific local information and learning needs: –elicit and preserve oral testimonies, memorabilia and cultural objects in the care of individuals and communities –representations conceptual maps etc. of cultural identities –typologies of cultural assets relevant at the community memory level

7 A CALIMERA ethos? Interactivity - information in both directions Motivation - fun for the user Creativity - the user can contribute in the form of stories, pictures - photos or art work, music or voice, or full moving video

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