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Published byGinger Cross Modified over 9 years ago
Effective human relations and communication: * builds lasting client relationships * Accelerates professional growth * prevents misunderstandings
Why Study… Communicating effectively-basis for all long- lasting relationships Build strong relationships based on trust, clarity, and loyalty Verbalize your thoughts and ideas Close-knit salon environment-needs effective ways to communicate Ensures that clients will enjoy their experience with you Effectively express ideas in a professional manner
Human Relations Understanding people is key to operating effectively in many professions: * customer service * interactions with a wide range of people * understand the motives and needs of others to do your job professionally
By treating others with respect, you create an environment in which clients and staff develop confidence in you Mutual respect-follows naturally We feel pride when we use our abilities to help others Fundamental factor: human relations involves a persons sense of security -happy, calm, and confident or Insecure-worried, anxious, and overwhelmed
Will encounter people and situations that are difficult to handle Some people create conflict -they are feeling insecure or they would not be acting that way Learn to make the best of any situation…
Respond instead of reacting Add: take deep breaths and do not take it personally Believe in yourself ~ trust your judgment ~ uphold your values ~ stick to what you believe is right ~ strong sense of self-worth
Talk less, listen more ~ we were given two ears and one mouth for a reason Be attentive ~ each client is different ~ to calm down a difficult client, agree with them, then ask what you can do to make the service more satisfactory
Take your own temperature If you are tired or upset, your clients may be affected
* Human relations can be rewarding or demoralizing * Depends on your willingness to give
The Golden Rules of Human Relations Communicate from your heart; problem solve from your head A smile is worth a million It’s easy to make an enemy; it is harder to keep a friend Ask for help instead of reacting
Show people you care by listening Compliment people Do something for yourself Laugh often
Show patience with other people’s flaws Build shared goals; be a team player and a partner to your clients Listening is the best relationship builder
Communication Basics Add: (write very small) Communication is the act or instance of transmitting information in the form of symbols, gestures, or behaviors, in order to express an idea or concept so it is understood
Add: * Communication is a two-way street * Organize your own thoughts, so you can help others organize theirs * Articulate means to express clearly
Meeting and Greeting New Clients *Be polite *Be friendly *Be inviting Remember clients are coming to you for services and paying with hard earned money
Approach client with a smile Introduce yourself (shake hands) Take on tour of salon Introduce client to other service providers Be yourself!!! Just be who you are
Intake Form *Client questionnaire *Consultation card *Every new client Review Intake form on page 50-51
Add: Release Statement: Salons-will not hold up in PA Court of Law Schools- will hold up in PA Court of Law
How to Use * Ask client to arrive 15 minutes prior to appointment (fill out card) * Allow 5-15 minutes to perform consultation
Client Consultation/Needs Assessment * Verbal communication determines the clients needs * Most important part of any service *As part of every service and salon visit Add: client’s lifestyle=commitment to certain styles and grooming needs
21 Focus on… Understanding the Total Look Concept Remember that nails, skin, and hair are reflective of an entire lifestyle
Classic style: Simple and sophisticated clothing Monochromatic colors No bright patterns Wants a simple, elegant, and sophisticated look for nails, makeup, and hair Alba/1776 /
Dramatic look: Will choose nail designs, hairstyles, clothing, and accessories that demand greater attention Willing to try a variety of new products and additional services Hathaway-Makeup-3127670
Preparing for the Client Consultation/Needs Assessment Be prepared * styling books * hair color swatches * portfolio-keep camera at station for before and after photos * photos of work you performed on others content/themes/starkers/scripts/timthumb.php%253Fsrc%253D 2010.jpg%2526w%253D200%2526h%253D288%2526zc%253D1&w=200&h=288&ei=B52tTtr5GqfX0QGiyqm1Dw&zoom=1&iact=hc&dur=38&sig=115570578519706265263&page=5&tbnh=126&tbnw=88&start=71&ndsp=19&ved=1t:429,r:1,s:71&tx=90&ty=178&vp x=237&vpy=250&hovh=230&hovw=160
Photos- allows you to explain why or why not a look can be achieved Hair color swatches- can be held to client’s face or integrated into their hair md=imvns&tbm=isch&tbo=u&source=univ&sa=X&ei=y3- tTuXSHIX30gHhu7mJDw&sqi=2&ved=0CFMQsAQ
Know that not every technique or color will work for everyone Explain why-color, skin type, desired maintenance, budget, or lifestyle factors Discuss: salon pricing …”starts at”
Consultation Area * Presentation counts for a lot * Make sure client is comfortable * Conversation to her needs and preferences * Work area-freshly cleaned and uncluttered content/uploads/2011/07/PlatinumSalon_iPadConsultationSM- 150x150.jpg&w=150&h=150&ei=AIStTv_UNYnq0gGCtpmrDw&zoom=1&iact=hc&vpx=114&vpy=254&dur=37&hovh=120&hovw=120&tx=103&ty=90&sig=11 5570578519706265263&page=6&tbnh=107&tbnw=112&start=87&ndsp=16&ved=1t:429,r:5,s:87
* Read intake form carefully * Make notes Record any formulas, product suggestions, special techniques Goals you are working toward
29 nt%20Consultation.html
10-Step Consultation Method 1.Review intake form 2.Assess client’s current style 3.Preferences-likes most and least about her current style 4.Analyze-thickness, texture, manageability, condition, growth patterns, unruly cowlicks, at-home products used. Make notes 5.Lifestyle Read bullets
6. Show and tell Add: Listen to what the client says and how he/she says it. * Use layman’s terms Note: Watch what the clients hands are doing
Make sure you understand what the client is saying, repeat what he/she says using specific terms: *chin-length *resting on shoulders, etc. Point to where the hair will fall FYI: when a client says to take off one-inch of hair, (or any specific amount), show them how much one inch is using the styling comb.
* Listening and then repeating in your own words is known as Reflective Listening *ask for confirmation to make certain you understand what the client wants or needs
7. Suggest options-ask if you may make some recommendations * lifestyle needs for time and ability, business and casual looks * hair type * face shape Tactfully discuss any unreasonable expectations client has Never hesitate to suggest additional services
8. Colorunless client says no * make color recommendations glossing, color enrichment, highlights, lowlights * ask if colored hair in past *colors hair at home? *any color challenges *subtle or dramatic change
Be aware, stylists use technical terms… multidimensional highlighting, no- ammonia, semi-permanent tint, etc. Confusing or misleading to clients Use pictures/photos for clarity caution: taking clients literally Blonde to a stylist could mean platinum Blonde to client could mean a few fine streaks of medium blonde around the face Add: Use layman’s terms
9. Discuss upkeep and maintenance * explain salon maintenance * lifestyle limitations (blonde hair and chlorine) * home maintenance Add: ***cost of services
10. Review the consultation * take your time and be thorough *get client’s confirmation (consent) Add: * do not get to technical in your explanations *ask if she is ready to start the service
Concluding the Service *if client is satisfied - make notes on card (do again and do not repeats -final results - retail products - date the notes - file
Do: Activity page 55 Focus on page 56 Did you know? page 57
Special Issues in Communicating * Your reactions to situations, and your ability to communicate in the face of problems, are critical to being successful
Handling Tardy Clients * Tardy clients are a fact of life Overly late or habitually late clients cause problems Sets back your appointment calendar Makes you late for every other service
Guidelines: * Know and abide by the salon’s tardy or late policy -15 minutes late/reschedule * Take client if it will not jeopardize other appointments - let your client know why you are taking her even though she was late
* Habitually late-schedule 30 minutes later than you tell them…2:00 client-2:30 in schedule * If you are running late - call clients - offer different time - offer to reschedule /!via/oucontent/course/129/comms.jpg&w=359&h=209&ei=EpqtToPFG6rc0QGXoJyUDw&zoom=1&iact=rc&dur=386&sig=115 570578519706265263&page=1&tbnh=106&tbnw=182&start=0&ndsp=15&ved=1t:429,r:13,s:0&tx=88&ty=69
FYI-do not write down/not in book If client comes in - approach client immediately - tell them how long the wait will be - APOLOGIZE - give extra attention
Handling Scheduling Mix-ups We are all human, and we all make mistakes #1 Remember to be polite/never argue about who is correct *** If handled poorly/client may never come back bnid=tOArCdWILLdn1M:&imgrefurl= 3D%252Fmod%252Foucontent%252Fview.php%253Fid%253D425810%2526amp%253Bprintable%25 3D1&docid=HqRt_bDmSNKKbM&imgurl=!via/oucontent/cours e/90/contract.jpg&w=359&h=209&ei=EpqtToPFG6rc0QGXoJyUDw&zoom=1&iact=rc&dur=259&sig=11 5570578519706265263&page=1&tbnh=91&tbnw=157&start=0&ndsp=15&ved=1t:429,r:5,s:0&tx=102&t y=35 S6&aql=1&gs_sm=e&gs_upl=4640l10725l0l11150l24l23l4l5l8l0l246l2220l3.7.4l14l0#hl=en&gbv=2&tbm=isch&sa=1&q=unhappy+customer&oq=unhappy+&aq=4&aqi=g10&a ql=1&gs_sm=c&gs_upl=28134l32424l0l38049l25l14l0l1l1l4l241l1532l5.6.1l13l0&fp=1&biw=1024&bih=596&bav=on.2,or.r_gc.r_pw.,cf.osb&cad=b
Read next paragraph Add: your job is to handle your client relationships tactfully and sensitively
* Even if client is fuming - stay disengaged - move conversation away from who is at fault and squarely in the direction of resolving the confusion - make another appointment
Handling Unhappy Clients *** The way you and the salon handle this difficult situation will have lasting effects on you, the client, and the salon * Ultimate goal: make client happy enough to pay for services and return (requesting you),r:5,s:0&tx=52&ty= 53
Guidelines: list 3 on the test * Find out why the client is unhappy * If possible, change what she dislikes- immediately *If not possible see how soon you can fit her in to make the adjustment
* If you cannot change it - honestly and tactfully explain why - offer any options * Never argue or force your opinion * Ask for help from a more experienced stylist or manager
* If unable to satisfy, ask manager ‘s advice on how to proceed * Confer with manager after
Handling Differences Working with different generations-basic rules of professionalism should guide you Older clients-do not like: *gum-chewing *slang (yeah instead of yes) Like to hear: please and thank you *topics of conversation professional *addressed by Mr. or Mrs. Ask their preference
Younger clients: *may not use proper etiquette *will keep up with latest celebrity styles *you should do the same Always maintain a professional demeanor
Getting Too Personal * Handle client relationships tactfully and sensitively, with professionalism and respect *Do not fill the role of: CounselorCareer guide Parental sounding board Motivational coach
Too far off topic-----use neutral subjects Gossiping-----change the subject Avoid discussing-----religion and politics Always move conversation back to beauty Read Focus on:
In-Salon Communication Behaving in a professional manner is first step It’s important to maintain boundaries * The salon is your place of business * Must be treated respectfully and carefully
Communicating with Co-workers Treat everyone with respect -whether you like them or not Remain objective -resist being pulled into spats and cliques
Be honest and be sensitive -using unkind words is never a good idea Remain neutral -avoid getting drawn into conflicts Seek help from someone you respect -manager or more experienced practitioner
Do not take things personally -it does not always man their behavior involves you Keep your private life private -never discuss personal life or relationships
Communicating With Managers * Has a vested interest in your success * The best thing-understand the decisions and rules whether you like them or not
List 3 on test: Be a problem solver -possible solutions -working in salon’s best interest Get your facts straight Be open and honest
Do not gossip or complain about colleagues (portrays troublemaker) -if you have tried everything, then go to manager Check your attitude -salon can be fun and friendly -can be stressful
Be open to constructive criticism - manager’s job is to help you achieve your professional goals - they evaluate your skills and offer suggestions - keep open mind/no personally
Communicating During An Employee Evaluation Well run salons conduct frequent and thorough employee evaluations Ask about it/request copy of form *rate yourself *assess your progress and performance help you become a better stylist Approach evaluation positively
* Before meeting - write down thoughts or questions - do not be shy - ask when you can take on more services - pay increase/promotion * Show your self-evaluation - tell her you are serious about your improvement and growth
At end of meeting, thank your manager for the feedback and guidance
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