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1 the dti Medium-Term Strategic Plan 2011-2014 Presentation to the Portfolio Committee on Trade and Industry Date : 18 March 2011.

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Presentation on theme: "1 the dti Medium-Term Strategic Plan 2011-2014 Presentation to the Portfolio Committee on Trade and Industry Date : 18 March 2011."— Presentation transcript:

1 1 the dti Medium-Term Strategic Plan 2011-2014 Presentation to the Portfolio Committee on Trade and Industry Date : 18 March 2011

2 2 Contents Strategic Overview:  the dti’s Vision;  Mission;  Strategic Objectives; and  Clusters Summary of Key achievements for the 2010/11 Financial Year Key Interventions for 2011/12 -2013/14 Legislative Programme Allocated Budget Risks and challenges

3 3 Strategic Overview

4 4 the dti’s VISION “A dynamic industrial, globally competitive South African economy, characterised by inclusive growth and development, decent employment and equity, built on the full potential of all citizens”.MISSION the dti’s Mission is to: Promote structural transformation, towards a dynamic industrial and globally competitive economy; Provide a predictable, competitive, equitable and socially responsible environment, conducive to investment, trade and enterprise development; Broaden participation in the economy to strengthen economic development; and Continually improve the skills and capabilities of the dti to effectively deliver on its mandate and respond to the needs of South Africa’s economic citizens.

5 5 Strategic Objectives Facilitate transformation of the economy to promote industrial development, investment, competitiveness and employment creation Build mutually beneficial regional and global relations to advance South Africa’s trade, industrial policy and economic development objectives Facilitate broad-based economic participation through targeted interventions to achieve more inclusive growth Create a fair regulatory environment that enables investment, trade and enterprise development in an equitable and socially responsible manner Promote a professional, ethical, dynamic, competitive and customer- focused working environment that ensures effective and efficient service delivery

6 6 the dti Clusters The work of the dti is organised in terms of the following clusters:- Industrial Development – development of policies & strategies that promote sector competitiveness, growth, job creation & efficient administration of support measures Trade, Investment and Exports - strengthening trade & investment links with key economies; & fostering African development, including through regional and continental integration & development co-operation in line with the New Partnership for African’s Development (NEPAD) Broadening Participation - developing interventions & strategies that promote enterprise growth, empowerment & equity Regulation - development & implementation of coherent, predictable & transparent regulatory solutions that facilitate easy access to redress and efficient regulatory services for economic citizens. Administration and Co-ordination - effective co-ordination of departmental programmes and provision of necessary support for efficient implementation.

7 7 Summary of Key achievements for the 2010/11 Financial Year

8 8 Key Achievements for 2010/11 FY Industrial Development Procurement Agreement by National Treasury, Economic Development Department and the dti to process amendments to PPPFA regulations to designate sectors for local production and alignment with B-BBEE codes. Amendments await promulgation by National Treasury the dti has developed a sector designation methodology and is compiling necessary research to designate a range of sectors Trade Early warning system developed by South African Bureau of Standards (SABS) identifying technical barriers to trade for exporters launched and distributed to exporters on a monthly basis Africa Regional Development Developed concept note on areas of cooperation towards a SACU regional industrial policy. This was warmly received by SACU member states. Engagements are currently underway to finalise joint projects

9 9 Key Achievements for 2010/11 FY Industrial Development: Sectors Green Industries SABS finalised enabling standards for: solar water heaters; wind energy turbines; energy efficient lighting, appliances and products; electric batteries and alternative fuel vehicles; co-generation of electricity and bio-fuels Intra-departmental South African Renewables Initiative (SARI) to leverage international climate finance to supplement domestic funding sources for renewable energy production linked to domestic manufacturing Draft Customised Sector Programme for the Green Industries has been completed and action plans for Solar, Wind, Biomass, Water Efficiency and Recycling will be completed by end of May 2011 Advanced Manufacturing The first prototype of new composite material has been developed at CSIR, submitted to Airbus and met specifications to facilitate possible production into Airbus supply chain

10 10 Key Achievements for 2010/11 FY Industrial Development: Industrial financing Launched the 12i Tax allowance for investment in new manufacturing assets and Training of staff - 2 applications received Automotive Investment Scheme (AIS) launched and finalised leading to investment commitments of R13bn from assemblers and component suppliers, supporting 24,000 jobs in the sector. Large increases in levels of volumes and localisation Rollout of the Clothing Textile Competitive Programme (CTCP) and Production Incentive (PI) with 106 and 94 companies benefiting under the CTCP and PI respectively R40 million investments made and 950 jobs created. R42 million new investment commitments approved linked to 806 jobs. 3,400 are currently being trained under the Monyetla II Programme – 70% guaranteed employment by BPO consortium Improved the performance of incentive programmes by submitting amended guidelines for BPS & EIP

11 11 Key Achievements for 2010/11 FY Industrial Development: Industrial Development Zones OR Tambo International Airport IDZ operator permit awarded Coega and ELIDZ attracted 9 investors with an estimated value of R620m Coega attracted 4 (2 in the IDZ and 2 in Nelson Mandela Bay Logistics Park ) The combined investments will support an estimated 4551 construction jobs and 1400 direct jobs combined The Critical Infrastructure Programme (CIP), which aims to leverage investments to the SA economy has supported 12 investment projects: These projects were in the following sectors Mining, Chemical, Manufacturing, Steel and Energy Geographic spread: 3 projects in Gauteng, 2 in Limpopo, 2 in Mpumalanga, 2 in North West, 1 in Kwazulu Natal, 1 in Northern Cape and 1 in Eastern Cape Province Estimated investment value of R34.6bn and; Estimated direct jobs 9271 and 11 796 construction jobs

12 12 Key Achievements for 2010/11 FY Trade, Investment and exports Africa SACU - SA facilitated consensus to focus work on regional industrialization; infrastructure development; trade facilitation; revenue sharing; unified engagement in trade negotiations. These five priorities were approved by the SACU Council. Continued to engage in the SACU-EU EPA negotiations with a view of minimizing the damage to SACU and laying basis for a common trade in goods arrangement between SACU and the EU. Africa Strategy presented to and approved by African Renaissance Committee of ICTS cluster. SADC Ministerial Task Force approved an action plan with 9 priority focus areas to consolidate the SADC FTA. SA position defined with regard to trilateral FTA between SADC, EAC and COMESA SA-Zimbabwe Bilateral Investment Treaty ratified by both Parliaments.

13 13 Key Achievements for 2010/11 FY Trade, Investment and exports South-South relations SA and China signed the Comprehensive Strategic Partnership Agreement Non tariff barriers in Brazil and India identified and taken up in a series of bilateral engagements Progress made on text and approach to the exchange of tariff concessions in the SACU-India PTA negotiations SACU-MERCUSOR PTA ratified Relations with the North SA-EU cheese agreement finalised and forwarded for ratification Advanced position in AGOA Forum on extending programme, broadening product coverage, extending single stage transformation to SA, and treating SACU as a customs union

14 14 Key Achievements for 2010/11 FY Trade, Investment and exports Multilateral Continued to engage in the WTO Doha Round to secure developmental outcome BIT framework approved by Cabinet Trade related inputs provided on climate change negotiations Trade Policy and Strategy Framework approved by Cabinet Securing markets access and investments for SA products and services 16 National pavillions and 1 local pavillion 5 International Trade and Investment Initiatives facilitated to Zimbabwe, Brazil, Russia, DRC and India 20 Group trade missions Facilitated business delegations for 12 Presidential visits

15 15 Key Achievements for 2010/11 FY Trade, Investment and exports Securing markets access and investments for SA products and services Facilitated expansion programmes for auto assemblers, resulting in investments of R 4, 25 billion and the creation of approximately 3000 jobs Other foreign investments worth R10 billion also facilitated FDI for the year to date - R28, 92 billion in investment and 13000 jobs SA hosted the Global Forum which attracted 450 high profile Fortune 500 participants during the FIFA Soccer World Cup in 2010

16 16 Key Achievements for 2010/11 FY Broadening Participation: Enterprise finance and Technology Support THRIP in collaboration with Industry, provisionally supported 274 projects (chemical, ICT, metals and minerals, agriculture and agro- processing, biotechnology and energy sectors) including 2119 students and 221 SMMEs participated The Support Programme for Industrial Innovation (SPII) supported 6 innovation projects. Last year 84% of the participating companies had total assets of less than R10m Launch of the revised BBSDP Gazetting of FSC, Property and Chartered Accountant charters Alignment of Film incentives to BBBEE codes approved

17 17 Key Achievements for 2010/11 FY Broadening Participation: Cooperatives The Co-operative Development Amendment Bill and Strategy was presented to Cabinet and approval for further consultation and publication in the Government Gazette for public comment. A total of 100 new small scale co-operatives (creating a minimum of 500 new direct job opportunities) were established 89 co-operatives were trained on the co-operative concept and the management to ensure end promote the viability and effectiveness of small scale co-operatives thereof Assisted 113 Cooperatives to enhance market access opportunities As at the end of Q3 of 2010/11, 62,772 (against the annual target of 60 000) people accessed the Seda branch network. This subsequently resulted in 24,372 (against the annual target of 20 000) clients being registered and 16,291(against the annual target of 12 000) working with.

18 18 Key Achievements for 2010/11 FY Broadening Participation: Enterprise development 50 companies trained by CBI and 250 attended the UNDP training under the National Exporter Development programme 774 new jobs were created through the incubator programme, supporting an estimated 1328 SMME’s of which 288 are new SMME’s. 35% of the businesses supported were women-owned and 96% black-owned. The SMME 30 payment hotline has to date facilitated payment to SMMEs to the tune of R220 million Approval of aligned PPPFA Regulations to BBBEE The training of 39 LED Cadets in economic development and governance. The 39 learners have been employed by the municipalities and LED agencies across the country

19 19 Key Achievements for 2010/11 FY Broadening Participation: Regional Economic Development The Vutha’milo fund of R23 million contributed to:  Projects approved are in forestry, agro processing, tourism, energy, infrastructure and logistics, business support, capacity building and across the provinces  50 women SMMEs in the textiles and clothing sector have been trained in Thabo Mofutsanyane in the Free State in business, development of marketing plans and cooperatives skills. They were registered as a cooperative. Their qualifications are recognized as NQF level 3

20 20 Key Achievements for 2010/11 FY Regulation: Law Reform The Companies Amendment Bill was tabled and adopted by the PC on Trade and Industry, Select Committee on Trade and International Relations as well as the National Assembly Public hearings have been completed and Parliament expected to finalise on the Intellectual Property Laws Amendment Bill for the Protection of Indigenous Knowledge to bring about commercialisation and protection of indigenous knowledge Regulations and Minister’s Directive for Distribution of Funds issued in terms of the Lotteries Act to improve accessibility of funds to needy communities Final report on findings and recommendations by the Gambling Review Commission on interactive gambling presented to National Gambling Council

21 21 Key Achievements for 2010/11 FY Regulation Anti Piracy campaign launched to formalise the creative industry and a Commission set-up to look at collection and distribution of royalties and will make recommendations that will address these concerns Research report produced on the findings of the regulatory impact assessment on the Cost Benefit Analysis on the National Credit Amendment Bill and Policy review Regulations Regulations on Consumer Protection Act published for comments and public consultations held and this will be implemented effective from 1 April 2011 Regulations on the Companies Act were published for the second round following extensive consultation with stakeholders, and will be implemented effective from 1 April 2011

22 22 Key Achievements for 2010/11 FY Administration and Coordination Human Resources issues Retention Policy, Retention Plans and Coaching and Mentoring Framework have developed 43 interns have been appointed since 1 April 2010 in various divisions, 9 of them have been permanently appointed. Communications and Marketing of the dti products and services Produced and distributed promotional material outlining the services and products rendered by the dti Effectively interacted with stakeholders at various levels

23 23 Key Achievements for 2010/11 FY Administration and Coordination Agency Management and Oversight Fast tracked the filling of vacancies in various boards, tribunals, commissions and committees Ensured that public entities’ Strategic and Business Plans are aligned to the priorities of the Department prior to the transfer of budget Ensured that entities complied with legislative requirements through the continuous monitoring of their performance against set targets on a quarterly and annual basis Provided strategic leadership and guidance to the entities to ensure that the mandates of the Department are achieved through continuous engagements at technical level and also at COTII Forums

24 24 Key Interventions for For 2011/12 MTEF Period

25 25 Key Interventions – Industrial Development Strategic Objective 1: Facilitate transformation of the economy, to promote industrial development, investment, competitiveness and employment creation Industrial Competitiveness Upscale industrial policy by tabling the annual rolling Industrial Policy Action Plan to Cabinet. Key focus areas for the IPAP 2 2011-12:  Skills  Innovation & technology  Procurement  Industrial financing – expanding concessional financing to manufacturing sector  Developmental trade policies – locking out unsafe imports and creating market access for SA’s exports Sectors designation templates completed and submitted to the National Treasury for local procurement.  Six (6) sectors/sub-sectors

26 26 Key Interventions – Industrial Development Strategic Objective 1: Facilitate transformation of the economy, to promote industrial development, investment, competitiveness and employment creation National Industrial Participation Programme (NIPP) Guidelines reviewed and implemented  Table in Cabinet on the review of NIPP guidelines Technical skills to support industrial development facilitated through Tooling and Foundry Initiative  Training 420 Level 1 apprenticeship students and;  Training 150 workers on the Industrial Skills Upgrading Programme

27 27 Key Interventions – Industrial Development Industrial financing Launch the Green Enterprise Competitiveness Programme (GEMP) Critical Infrastructure Programme (CIP) – support eight (8) enterprises worth R4bn Revise Guidelines on Capital Project Feasibility Programme ( CFPP), Automotive Investment Scheme (AIS), and Cooperative Incentive Scheme (CIS) Support 10 projects through the Business Process Services (BPS) Support 60 Films productions under the Film and TV Productions Develop Industrial Development Zones (IDZ) Policy, Action plan and Funding Model Name of incentive scheme Value of investmentProjected no. of jobs supported BPSR350 m5000* FilmR1,5 bn TSPR 4 bn5 600* AISR 5,1bn2 500 12iR 8bn2 000 MIPR 6bn8400

28 28 Key Interventions – Industrial Development Industrial financing Incentive schemeNo of enterprises supported EMIA435 Sector Specific Assistance Scheme Project Funding (SSAS PF) 8 Sector Specific Assistance Scheme Emerging Exporters (SSAS EE) 350 Capital Project Feasibility Programme (CPFP)8 Industrial Competitiveness and Upgrading Programme (ICUP) 220 EIP: Tourism Support Programme260

29 29 Key Interventions – Trade, Investment & Exports Strategic Objective 2: Build mutually beneficial regional and global relations, to advance South Africa’s trade, industrial policy and economic development objectives Regional integration Consolidate South African Development Community (SADC) Free Trade Agreement ( FTA)  Achieve 90% target of tariffs at 0%  Monitor implementation of the 85% tariffs at 0%.  40% of Non tariff barrier (NTB) addressed Implement Southern African Customs Union (SACU) 5 point plan  Report on agreed work plan for regional industrial intervention Concluded Trilateral SADC-East African Community (EAC) - Common Market for Eastern and Southern Africa (COMESA) FTA  Reports on SA and SACU positions

30 30 Key Interventions – Trade, Investment & Exports Strategic Objective 2: Build mutually beneficial regional and global relations, to advance South Africa’s trade, industrial policy and economic development objectives Regional integration Strengthen national contribution to New Partnership for Africa’s Development (NEPAD )  Produce a report on analysis of the implementation of the previous (Programme of Action (PoA) Trade policy SA position on the trade aspects of climate change negotiations  Final position paper on the trade aspects of climate change for COP 17 Conclude SACU-India Preferential Trade Agreement  Report on the 6th round of SACU-India Preferential Trade Agreement negotiations

31 31 Key Interventions – Trade, Investment & Exports Strategic Objective 2: Build mutually beneficial regional and global relations, to advance South Africa’s trade, industrial policy and economic development objectives Trade policy Approved SA SACU position paper on the IBSA Trilateral Trade Agreement  Parameters for negotiations proposed SA positions on Technical Barriers to Trade (TBTs), SPS and Customs developed  Develop SACU positions on TBT & Customs Cooperation Extend and deepen Africa Growth and Opportunity Act (AGOA)  Lobby for expansion of product coverage. Single stage transformation for SA. Engagement to extend AGOA

32 32 Key Interventions – Trade, Investment & Exports: Trade Policy Strategic Objective 2: Build mutually beneficial regional and global relations, to advance South Africa’s trade, industrial policy and economic development objectives Trade Component of (Brazil, India, China and South Africa (BRICS )  Initiate research on South African position on trade aspects of BRICS  Develop progress report on identified NTBs addressed with Brazil Intra-IBSA trade  Increase in value by US$ 17 billion  40% Republic of South Africa (RSA) contribution Implement Cabinet decision on Investment Treaty Policy  Written proposal to re-negotiate or terminate existing (bilateral Investment Treaty (BITs)

33 33 Key Interventions – Trade, Investment & Exports: Trade policy Strategic Objective 2: Build mutually beneficial regional and global relations, to advance South Africa’s trade, industrial policy and economic development objectives Trade policy Implement trade aspects of Comprehensive Strategic Partnership Agreement (CSPA) with China  Obtain Written response from China on South Africa’s product request list Concluded Economic Partnership Agreement (EPA) acceptable to RSA  Progress report produced Signed EPA (Conclude tariff negotiations with European Union (EU) )  Report on agreed work plan for regional industrial intervention Develop 4 infrastructure projects through spatial development initiatives (SDIs) 3-5 functioning SDIs  Report on four (4) SDI projects prepared to the value of R2 to R4 billion and implement 1 R1bn SDI project

34 34 Key Interventions – Trade, Investment & Exports: Investment & Exports Strategic Objective 2: Build mutually beneficial regional and global relations, to advance South Africa’s trade, industrial policy and economic development objectives Implement National exporter development programme  Train 500 new companies Project Investment Emerging Market and Investment Assistance (EMIA)  Export to the value of R800 Promote RSA products in targeted high-growth markets  Through 18 national pavilions  Assisting 310 companies financially  Undertake 40 trade missions

35 35 Key Interventions – Trade, Investment & Exports: Investment & Exports Strategic Objective 2: Build mutually beneficial regional and global relations, to advance South Africa’s trade, industrial policy and economic development objectives Develop regional export promotion strategies and action plans for high growth markets based on market intelligence  6 International Trade Initiatives Investment in targeted sectors  Increased to R40bn Recommendations on work permits viz. capital waivers Corporate permits Inter- company transfers Visa facilitations  230 recommendations to facilitate investor entry into South Africa

36 36 Key Interventions – Broadening Participation Strategic Objective 3: Facilitate broad-based economic participation through targeted interventions to achieve more inclusive growth Implement recommendations of the SMMEs initiatives review report Implement CIS and BBSDP  CIS: support 130 enterprises  BBSDP: support 1455 enterprises Projected Jobs to be supported under CIS & BBSDP  CIS: 650 and BBSDP: 1 700 Identify and approve spatial development project One (1) project

37 37 Key Interventions – Broadening Participation Strategic Objective 3: Facilitate broad-based economic participation through targeted interventions to achieve more inclusive growth Programme focused publications 8 programme Targeted integrated multimedia awareness campaigns –Conduct 6 campaigns User-friendly and effective access points for the dti clients and Stakeholders by providing – 100% operational and up to date website

38 38 Key Interventions – Broadening Participation Strategic Objective 3: Facilitate broad-based economic participation through targeted interventions to achieve more inclusive growth Enterprise development & financing Implement Support Programme for Industrial Innovation (SPII)  Total value of R40m (SPII contribution R20m and industry contribution R20m  Support 20 new projects Support technological competencies via the Technology and Human Resources for Industry (THRIP)  Support 2 100 students and 700 researchers in chemical, ICT, Metal and minerals, Agriculture and Biotech and energy

39 39 Key Interventions – Broadening Participation Strategic Objective 3: Facilitate broad-based economic participation through targeted interventions to achieve more inclusive growth Co-operatives Co-operative Development Agency or equivalent established  Finalise business case for the development of Co-operative Development Agency Support the establishment of small scale cooperatives in IPAP priority sectors  120 small scale cooperatives Gender and Women’s Economic Empowerment Approve of the National Strategic Framework on Gender and Women Empowerment Finance through (IWF) Isivande Women’s Fund (IWF)  Support 50 new women projects

40 40 Key Interventions – Broadening Participation Strategic Objective 3: Facilitate broad-based economic participation through targeted interventions to achieve more inclusive growth Enterprise Finance and Technology Support Support the Seda Technology Programme (stp)  Establish 244 new SMMEs and create 1155 jobs Expanded Centre for Entrepreneurship  Roll-out of one (1) centre Financial support for the Foundation of African Business and Consumer Services (FABCOS) Academy  Train and mentor 960 enterprises

41 41 Key Interventions – Broadening Participation Strategic Objective 3: Facilitate broad-based economic participation through targeted interventions to achieve more inclusive growth Enterprise Finance and Technology Support Revised Workplace challenge Programme  300 companies participating  assess feasibility of 3 new industrial clusters,  100 unemployed graduates placed Broad Based Black Economic Empowerment Develop Draft amendment BBBEE Bill and implementation of the reviewed Codes of Good Practice for BBBEE Implementation of the reviewed Codes of Good Practice for BBBEE

42 42 Key Interventions – Regulation: Law reform Strategic Objective 4: Create a fair regulatory environment that enables investment, trade and enterprise development in an equitable and socially responsible manner Impact of regulation on business and economic citizens assessed  Produce three (3) reports for regulatory Impact Assessment (RIA) for National Credit Act, Liquor Act and Companies Act Regulations Conducted legislative audit to harmonise and align legislation  Co-ordinate legislation audit for assessment, and review for alignment and produce a report Policy & legislation developed and reviewed  1 policy developed and submitted to cabinet (IP)  Develop and publish 4 regulations (Gambling, National Credit Act, Estate Agency and National Lotteries)  Develop 2 bills for Estate Agency & National Lottery

43 43 Key Interventions – Regulation Strategic Objective 4: Create a fair regulatory environment that enables investment, trade and enterprise development in an equitable and socially responsible manner Policy and legislative developed and reviewed  Develop 2 bills for Estate Agency & National Lottery -Created a more efficient registration system  Develop the automated liquor registration system - Enhanced stakeholder interaction  Develop Stakeholder management strategy. Produce policy positions and treaties for publication  4 policy positions

44 44 Key Interventions – Administration & Coordination Strategic Objective 5: To create a professional, competitive and customer-focussed working environment that ensures effective and efficient service delivery Annual HR Plan  Full implementation of the Annual HR related Plans (100%)  Reduction of the vacancy rate  Reduction of the staff turnover to 9%  Employment of People With Disability increased to 2.3%  Employment of Women employed in senior management positions increased to 42%

45 45 Key Interventions – Administration & Coordination Strategic Objective 5: To create a professional, competitive and customer-focussed working environment that ensures effective and efficient service delivery Upgraded ICT infrastructure implemented  Full implementation of Phase 2 of ICT Infrastructure Plan 100%  80% Implementation of ICT Security Plan Financial management 92% of payments to suppliers made within 21 days

46 46 Key Interventions – Administration & Coordination Strategic Objective 5: To create a professional, competitive and customer-focussed working environment that ensures effective and efficient service delivery Service delivery Improvement Implement and review Service Delivery Improvement Plan (SDIP) Risk management and Fraud prevention Full implementation of Annual Fraud Prevention Plan (100%) Full implementation of Ethics Management Plan (100%) Agency Management Effective oversight of public entities  Approval and implementation of the Governance Framework

47 47 Key Interventions – Administration & Coordination Strategic Objective 5: To create a professional, competitive and customer-focussed working environment that ensures effective and efficient service delivery The dti entities are clustered into the following areas: Technology, innovation and standards  South African Bureau of Standards (SABS)  South African Accreditation System (SANAS)  National Metrology Institute of South Africa (NMISA)  National Regulator for Compulsory Specifications (NRCS)

48 48 Key Interventions – Administration & Coordination Strategic Objective 5: To create a professional, competitive and customer-focussed working environment that ensures effective and efficient service delivery Development Finance and small enterprise development  Small Enterprise Development Agency (SEDA)  National Empowerment Fund (NEF)  Export Credit Insurance Corporation (ECIC)

49 49 Key Interventions – Administration & Coordination Strategic Objective 5: To create a professional, competitive and customer-focussed working environment that ensures effective and efficient service delivery Regulators  National Consumer Commission (NCC)  National Gambling Board (NGB)  National Lotteries Board (NLB)  National Credit Regulator (NCR)  National Consumer Tribunal (NCT)  Companies & Intellectual Property Commission (CIPC)  Estate Agency Affairs Board (EAAB)

50 50 Allocated Budget

51 51 MTEF Budget 2011/122012/132013/14 R Million Medium-Term Estimates ProgrammesMedium-Term Expenditure Framework (MTEF) Administration 466,270 499,423558,780 International Trade and Economic Development 129,679 132,595 139,934 Empowerment and Development 839,695 863,124 909,349 Industrial Development 1,266,895 1,487,194 1,490,974 Consumer and Corporate Regulation 231,671 242,109 256,712 The Organisation 3,469,114 3,743,267 3,795,792 Trade and Investment 306,131 315,115 332,080 Communication and Marketing 77,441 84,077 88,816 TOTAL FOR PROGRAMMES 6,786,896 7,366,904 7,572,537

52 52 Consolidated 3Year Budget ItemBudget R’000Percentage (%) Compensation of Employees 1,9 Billion8.80 Goods and Services1.8 Billion8.40 Transfer to Agencies3.1 Billion14.50 Incentives4.7 Billion67.30 Other transfers1, 58 Million1.00 Payments37 Million0.20

53 53 Legislative Programme

54 54 Legislative Programme Co-operatives Amendment Bill The Strategy and legislation was gazetted on 21 January 2011 and the dti aims to introduce this Bill in June 2011. Estate Agents Amendment Bill The Policy and Law Review was taken to Cabinet in November 2010. The introduction of this Bill will be determined by the outcome of the consultation between the Ministers of Human Settlements and Trade and Industry. National Credit Amendment Bill The Bill aims to amend certain provisions of the principal Act aligned to policy development - which will enhance the effectiveness of the debt review, debt counseling and restructuring process. The Department aims to introduce this Bill in September 2011.

55 55 Legislative Programme Broad-based Black Economic Empowerment Amendment Bill The legislative work done by the dti was handed over to the Advisory Council for review and discussion. the dti aims to introduce this Bill in September 2011. Lotteries Amendment Bill The aim of the Bill is to streamline the administration of the Lottery in order to ensure efficiency. the dti aims to introduce this Bill in August 2011. Sub-ordinate legislation the dti has gazetted the Companies- and Consumer Regulations for public comment. The final regulations will be tabled in Parliament in April 2011.

56 56 Strategic Risks andChallenges

57 57 Strategic Risks & Challenges Intra-departmental coordination Monitoring & evaluation of programmes Agency management Inconsistent service delivery standards Pace of regulatory reform - Promulgation of PPPFA regulations, Export tax on scrap metals Insufficient human capacity within the dti and in the foreign offices

58 58 Annexure: Abbreviations

59 59 Abbreviations AGOAAfrican Growth and Opportunity Act COMESACommon Market for Eastern and Southern Africa COTIICouncil of Trade and Industry Institutions EACEast African Community EPAEconomic Partnership Agreement FTAFree Trade Agreement GDP Gross Domestic Products HDI’sHistorical Disadvantaged Individuals IDZ Industrial Development Zone LPM Limited Payout Machines NEPAD New Partnership for African Development NIPF National Industrial Policy Framework NLDTFNational Lotteries Distribution Trust Fund SDIsSpatial Development Initiatives SACUSouthern African Customs Union SADCSouthern African Development Community SMMESmall, Medium and Macro Enterprises SPIIsupport programme for industrial innovation TDCATrade, Development and Cooperation Agreement THRIPTechnology and human resources for industry programme

60 60 Thank you Questions ?

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