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Susan Michie Professor of Health Psychology

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1 The Behaviour Change Wheel: a systematic method for designing behaviour change interventions
Susan Michie Professor of Health Psychology Director of Centre for Behaviour Change University College London @SusanMichie Innovation in Health Promotion, Budapest, Hungary September 2015

2 This talk The Behaviour Change Wheel A health promotion example
Make a behavioural diagnosis using COM-B Link this diagnosis to intervention functions and policies Link intervention functions to specific behaviour change techniques A health promotion example Improving hospital staff hand hygiene

3 Effective interventions
NICE Guidance for Behaviour change at population, community and individual levels (2007) Effective interventions Intervene at many levels simultaneously & consistently Community-level Population-level Individual-level Update for Behaviour change: individual level (2014)

4 Interventions are complex
Several, potentially interacting, techniques Vary in content or elements of the intervention delivery of the intervention the mode of delivery (e.g., face-to-face) the intensity (e.g., contact time) the duration (e.g., number sessions over a given period) characteristics of those delivering the intervention characteristics of the recipients, characteristics of the setting (e.g., worksite) adherence to delivery protocols Davidson et al, Annals of Beh Med, 2003

5 How to design an intervention that is likely to be effective?

6 Traditional approaches to intervention design
‘It Seemed Like A Good Idea At The Time’ ISLAGIATT principle Martin Eccles, implementation researcher, UK

7 A systematic method … Understand the behaviour you are trying to change Use a framework that points to the types of intervention that are likely to be effective Consider the full range of options open to you Use a systematic method for selecting behaviour change techniques


9 Key steps in intervention design…
Identify your target behaviour precisely Who need to do what, when, where, how Recognise that behaviours are part of a system of other behaviours within and between people Make a “behavioural diagnosis” A good behavioural diagnosis is more likely to lead to effective interventions The most effective interventions target many levels simultaneously The Behaviour Change Wheel is a comprehensive framework for designing interventions

10 Example …. hand hygiene in hospital staff
Nurses and doctors Cleaning hands in identified situations Infection control nurses Conducting audits and feeding back results Staff responsible for distributing alcohol handrub Ensuring that dispensers contain alcohol handrub For each of these, who needs to do what, when, where, how?

11 1. Which behaviour to start with?
Questions to ask yourself If I change this, what is the likely impact? How easy is it to bring about change? Preference, acceptability, cost? Spillover/generalisability to other behaviours and people?

12 2. Understand the behaviour in context
Why are behaviours as they are? What needs to change for the desired behaviour/s to occur? Answering this is helped by a model of behaviour COM-B Behaviour is part of a system and itself is a system

13 A thought experiment For behaviour to change, what three conditions need to exist?

14 The COM-B system: Behaviour occurs as an interaction between three necessary conditions
Psychological or physical ability to enact the behaviour Reflective and automatic mechanisms that activate or inhibit behaviour Physical and social environment that enables the behaviour Michie et al (2011) Implementation Science

15 3. Make the “behavioural diagnosis” the example of hand hygiene in hospital staff

16 2004-2011 in the UK Opportunity Motivation Capability
Alcohol hand rub beside every bed Motivation Persuasive posters Encouraging patients to ask Capability No intervention

17 Capability Nurses have the capability to clean their hands
But not to pay attention to this behaviour over other competing behaviours develop routines for noticing when the behaviour does not occur, and plans for acting in future Train staff to set goals, observe their behaviour, develop action plans on the basis of feedback Developed at UCL, based on behavioural theory


19 4. Intervening: Consider all the options
Frameworks make life easier good frameworks make you more effective Need a framework that is Comprehensive So you don’t miss options that might be effective Coherent So you can have a systematic method for intervention design Linked to a model of behaviour So that you can draw on behavioural science Useable by, and useful to, policy makers, service planners and intervention designers

20 Do we have such a framework?
Systematic literature review identified 19 frameworks of behaviour change interventions related to health, environment, culture change, social marketing etc. E.g Mindspace, Intervention Mapping None met all these three criteria So …. Developed a synthesis of the 19 frameworks Michie et al (2011) The Behaviour Change Wheel: a new method for characterising and designing behaviour change interventions, Implementation Science

21 Behaviour at the hub …. COM-B

22 Interventions Interventions: activities designed to change behaviours

23 From diagnosis to intervention
Make a ‘diagnosis’ of the problem i.e. the behaviour to be changed Profile of what needs to change using COM-B Identify intervention functions using matrix of COM-B x 9 intervention functions Identify policy categories using matrix of intervention functions x policy categories Select specify behaviour change techniques

24 Hand Hygiene example: Capability
Nurses have the capability to clean their hands But not to pay attention to this behaviour over other competing behaviours develop routines for noticing when the behaviour does not occur, and plans for acting in future

25 Selecting relevant intervention functions
Education Persuasion Incentivisation Coercion Training Restriction Environmental restructuring Modelling Enablement Physical capability Psychological capability Physical opportunity Social opportunity Automatic motivation Reflective motivation

26 Intervention to increase: Capability
Train staff to set goals and make action plans Enable: observe their behaviour and give feedback support development of action plans Based on behavioural theory (Control Theory)

27 MONTHLY FEEDBACK INTERVENTION Co-ordinated by infection control team
= individual level component Observe two staff member’s behaviour for 20 minutes Give immediate verbal feedback < full compliance = immediate goal-setting and action planning regarding observed non-compliance & repeat observation next month Full compliance = certificate for use at staff appraisal OR Feedback displayed, and given at ward meeting < full compliance = ward level goal-setting and action planning regarding observed non-compliance/s Observe one group of staff members for 20 minutes Praise for compliance OR = group level component 27

28 MONTHLY FEEDBACK INTERVENTION Co-ordinated by infection control team
= individual level component = group level component Observe two staff member’s behaviour for 20 minutes Give immediate verbal feedback < full compliance = immediate goal-setting and action planning regarding observed non-compliance & repeat observation next month Full compliance = certificate for use at staff appraisal OR Feedback displayed, and given at ward meeting < full compliance = ward level goal-setting and action planning regarding observed non-compliance/s Observe one group of staff members for 20 minutes Praise for compliance OR 28

29 Findings: 60 wards in 16 hospitals in England
Use of soap and alcohol hand rub tripled from 21.8 to 59.8 ml per patient bed day Rates of MRSA bacteraemia and C difficile infection decreased Stone, Fuller, Savage, Cookson et al, BMJ, 2012 Giving 1-1 feedback led to staff being % more likely to clean their hands Fuller, Michie, Savage, McAteer et al, PLoS One, 2012

30 Add policies to maintain change long-term

31 Intervention functions
Policies Intervention functions Policies: decisions made by authorities concerning interventions Michie et al (2011) The Behaviour Change Wheel: a new method for characterising and designing behaviour change interventions Implementation Science

32 Local context: The APEASE criteria
Affordability Practicability Effectiveness/cost-effectiveness Acceptability public professional political Side-effects/safety Equality

33 Use the Behaviour Change Wheel to …
Design interventions and policies COM-B links to intervention functions link to behaviour change techniques “Retrofit” – identify what is in current interventions and policies Provide a framework for evaluation How are interventions working? Structure systematic reviews

34 Some applications of Behaviour Change Wheel
India Smartphone app to reduce cardiovascular disease risk UK Smartphone app for parents of overweight children Kenya Promote recycling behaviours in university staff and students Improve paediatric health care Reduce cardiovascular disease risk in people with severe mental illness Netherlands An organisational intervention tool Improve management of postnatal depression Thailand Preventing melioidosis Smartphone app to promote attentive eating Internet intervention to promote condom use USA Improving colorectal cancer screening Providing long-acting reversible contraception to adolescents International Red Cross Train volunteers Improve parenting practices for children with challenging behaviour


36 Interventions are made up of many behaviour change techniques (BCTs)
= discrete, low-level components of interventions that on their own have potential to change behaviour

37 “Taxonomies” of techniques (BCTs)
Physical activity/healthy eating/mixed : 26 BCTs Abraham & Michie , 2008 Physical activity & healthy eating: 40 BCTs Michie et al, Psychology & Health, 2011 Smoking cessation: 53 BCTs Michie et al, Annals behavioural Medicine, 2010 Reducing excessive alcohol use: 42 BCTs Michie et al, Addiction, 2012 Condom use: 47 BCTs Abraham et al, 2012 General behaviour change: 137 BCTs Michie et al, Applied Psychology: An International Review, 2008 Competence framework: 89 BCTs Dixon & Johnston, 2011 Fragmentation rather than integration

38 93 item BCT Taxonomy v1, Annals of Behavioral Medicine, 2013

39 BCT Taxonomy v1: 93 items in 16 groupings

40 The BCTTv1 smartphone app
Fully searchable version of BCTTv1 Search by BCT label, BCT grouping or alphabetically Increases familiarity with the taxonomy Increases speed and recall of BCT labels and definitions Search for: BCTs* Search for: BCTs** * You’ll need an internet connection to use the app


42 In summary …. To change behaviour ….
Start by understanding the problem Identify the behaviours to change Who, what, where, when Understand the behaviours COM-B Before designing the intervention Consider the full range of effective interventions and supporting policies Select and implement behaviour change techniques

43 And evaluate …… ….. so it is possible to accumulate evidence to inform future interventions Plan evaluation in advance using a theoretical framework to increase understanding of mechanisms of action reasons for variation as well as evidence of effectiveness …

44 Acknowledgements Key collaborators in this work Key funders
Prof Robert West, UCL Prof Marie Johnston, Aberdeen Health Psychology Research Group Key funders

45 For more information Susan Michie Books
Books UCL Centre for Behaviour Change All proceeds from CBC teaching, training, books and products go to further development


47 Using rules to reduce the opportunity to engage in the
behaviour (or to increase behaviour by reducing opportunity to engage in competing behaviours) Increasing knowledge or understanding Using communication to induce positive or negative feelings to stimulate action Changing the physical or social context Creating an expectation of reward Provide an example for people to aspire to or emulate Increasing means or reducing barriers to increase capability (beyond education or training) or opportunity (beyond environmental restructuring) Creating an expectation of punishment or cost Imparting skills

48 Designing and/or controlling the physical or social environment
Creating documents that recommend or mandate practice. This includes all changes to service provision Using the tax system to reduce or increase the financial cost Using print, electronic, telephonic or broadcast media Ask participants to generate examples of policy categories Establishing rules or principles of behaviour or practice Making or changing laws Delivering a service

49 Selecting interventions and policies

50 Which policy categories should be used?
Intervention Functions Educ Persuas Incent Coerc Train Restric Envir Model Enabl Comm Guid Fiscal Regul Legisl Enviro Service

51 1. Effective principles of behaviour change
NICE Guidance for Behaviour Change (2007, 2014) Maximise to regulate own behaviour Develop relevant skills (e.g. goal setting, monitoring, feedback) Develop specific plans to change Increase to engage in the desired behaviour Reward change Develop appropriate beliefs E.g. benefits of changing, others’ approval, personal relevance, confidence to change Develop positive feelings about changing Reduce to continue with the undesired behaviour Maximise to support self-regulation Elicit social support Avoid social and other cues for current behaviour Change routines and environment

52 Maintaining behaviour change
Changing behaviour is hard Maintaining that change is harder Effective strategies Don’t rely on individual choice and decision-making Do rely on the environment and making behaviour automatic environmental support and prompts building routines feedback rewards and incentives

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