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SUSFOOD (01 Dec ‘11 – 30 Nov ’14) Dr. ir. Hendrik De Ruyck Dr. Katrien Broekaert.

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Presentation on theme: "SUSFOOD (01 Dec ‘11 – 30 Nov ’14) Dr. ir. Hendrik De Ruyck Dr. Katrien Broekaert."— Presentation transcript:

1 SUSFOOD (01 Dec ‘11 – 30 Nov ’14) Dr. ir. Hendrik De Ruyck Dr. Katrien Broekaert

2 SUSFOOD: Acronym for SUStainable FOOD production and consumption Food sustainability: healthier for the earth and everybody on it


4 SUSFOOD SCOPE Domain 1. Valorisation of food and food products 1.1. Valorisation of food sources 1.2. Valorisation of food influencing consumer health and welfare Domain 2. Engineering of the food production chain/system 2.1. Resource efficiency 2.2. Improved quality 2.3. Sustainable technologies 2.4. Decreasing environmental emissions and impacts Domain 3. Consumer preferences and behaviour 3.1. Consumer communication and decision support 3.2. Consumer attitudes and behaviour 3.3. Food by branding Domain 4. Holistic view – Link dimensions

5 WORK PACKAGES  WP1: Mapping and Analysis of Existing Research and Future Needs Leader: EV-ILVO (BE)  WP2: Developing a Strategic Transnational Research Agenda and Programme Leader: LMC (DK)  WP3:Developing instruments & procedures for implementing transnational funding activities Leader: BLE (DE)  WP4:Dissemination Leader: ACTIA (FR)  WP5: Coordination and management Leader: INRA (FR)

6 An electronic tool to realise mapping: Meta Knowledge Base (MKB) @ accessible from Sept ‘12

7 META KNOWLEDGE BASE  A common open web based archive  To have a systematic collection of information  on research programmes at national, regional and interregional level  for the R&D actors  On various points :  list of national/regional research programmes  programme implementation, structure, practices, needs and priorities  mechanisms for defining national research needs

8  To describe key priorities for Europe concerning sustainable food production and consumption  To deepen the cooperation between national research programmes  To build a long-term transnational collaboration following the ERA-Net PURPOSE OF THE MKB

9  Posting research projects gives access to participation in the calls  Posting research projects enables directing future research  The MKB forms a platform for researchers to exchange information and to expand networks OPPORTUNITIES OF THE MKB FOR RESEARCHERS

10  The first call will be launched on February 2013  The second one is expected on January 2014  Each country funds its own national teams JOINT CALLS FOR PROPOSALS

11 IMPACTS EXPECTED  Improvement of the partnerships among the participating countries  Identification of research priorities, gaps and opportunities  Increase of the synergy between research activities and industries in the participating countries  Support of the European research area leadership in sustainable food production, supply and consumption

12 National contacts: ILVO-T&V, Brusselsesteenweg 370, Melle Dr. Katrien Broekaert – 09 272 30 89 Dr. ir. Hendrik De Ruyck – 09 272 30 31 Dr. Lieve Herman – 09 272 30 10/27 63

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