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Section and Branch Best Practices Webinar October 29, 2014 and October 30, 2014.

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Presentation on theme: "Section and Branch Best Practices Webinar October 29, 2014 and October 30, 2014."— Presentation transcript:

1 Section and Branch Best Practices Webinar October 29, 2014 and October 30, 2014

2 Developing Quality Best Practices Government Relations Public Outreach Student Outreach Communication Continuing Education Section Operations Membership Development Other

3 Developing Quality Best Practices Government Relations Public Outreach Student Outreach Communication Continuing Education Section Operations Membership Development Other Fall Webinar Topics

4 Collecting Worthy Best Practices Section / Branch communication With the Geographic Services Department (GSD) With the Leader Training Committee (LTC) Section / Branch Award Nomination Forms Submission of “Best Practices Information Request Form” to LTC

5 Sharing Best Practices Best Practices Guide for Sections and Branches Resources/Publications-and-Resources/ (under “Best Practices) Semi-annual Section / Branch Best Practices Webinars (today) Best Practice articles Best Practices Breakout Sessions Workshop for Section and Branch Leaders (WSBL) Presidents and Governors Forum (PGF) Annual Conference

6 Best Practice Topic: Legislative Fly-in Bringing the Fly-in Back Home Seattle Section results: Infrastructure Report Card Increased attendance at Fly-in, Legislative Committee events and legislative visits Reach out to the YMF and higher level students Bring home national issues to the local level: Funding Registration (cont. ed., comity) Give achievable takeaways: A range from low- to high-effort Shane Binder, P.E., M.ASCE Seattle Section 425-821-3665

7 Best Practice Topic: Membership Retention & Attracting Members to Meetings Membership Retention Vital for maintaining a healthy Section/Branch! Try to find ways for a variety of members to become involved ASCE FTP Database can provide a LOT of information – get familiar with it Welcome new members, wish members a happy birthday, recognize membership anniversaries and new Engineer Interns & Professional Engineers Encourage new college graduates to upgrade their membership, new PEs to upgrade Send a reminder email to those members who have recently lapsed or who haven’t been current for over a year Ashley T. Smith, P.E., M.ASCE Nashville Branch 615-885-1144

8 Best Practice Topic: Membership Retention & Attracting Members to Meetings Attracting Members to Meetings Start utilizing Constant Contact if you’re not already! You can use it to send emails, newsletters, do event registrations, & conduct polls Offer a discounted rate at meetings for members to encourage them to renew (possibly offer discounts for students & government employees) Have a variety of interesting speakers & topics and offer PDH’s when possible Recognize Life Members, Scholarship recipients, & award winners at meetings Create/maintain good communication Make your members feel welcome and important Ashley T. Smith, P.E., M.ASCE Nashville Branch 615-885-1144

9 Best Practice Topic: Younger Member Group Annual Holiday Social Informal gathering around holidays to facilitate member participation Donations raised for local charities Toys for Tots Family/Children Centers Great focus for Younger Member Group, also including student sections around/after finals week George N. McCain Jr., P.E., M.ASCE Vermont Section 802-244-5093

10 Student Transition Letters Committee on Younger Members template to students Particularly focus on graduating Civil Engineers Groups may use CYM letter or create their own using CYM letter as guidance In addition, letters created for graduate students and younger members to reach out and engage people Focuses on what ASCE provides for them with link to online application Currently in Younger Member eRoom and will be on new and improved ASCE website! K.C. Atkins, P.E., M.ASCE Minnesota Section 651-365-8524 Best Practice Topic: Student Outreach

11 Evolution of New Best Practices Develop and improve an existing Best Practice Think outside the box Branches/Publications-and-Resources/Publications-and- Resources/ Remember to share what you learn! Contact LTC for a submission form or download online

12 Thanks for Participating! Questions? Contact: Nancy Berson @ Doug Knapp @ Lauren Swett @

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